At-Large London Meeting Reports Workspace

At-Large London Meeting Reports Workspace

SatGlenn McKnightNARALO

ATLAS 2 Meeting

Reporting event

Mentoring 3 new members

Pictures at FLICKR

Full pictures without watermarks


Video of ATLAS 2


SunGlenn McKnightNARALO 

ATLAS 2 Meeting

Reporting event

Mentoring 3 new members

MonGlenn McKnightNARALO

 Atlas 2 Slideshow and report production

NARALO General Assembly


Mentor Meeting

ISOC Delegate meeting

TuesGlenn McKnightNARALO

 Fayre of Opportunities

Creation of Survey of event


WedGlenn McKnightNARALO

 Atlas 2 TS3 report discussion

ATLAS 2 report edits

Creation of SSAC Video clip with Patrik Folstrom



Eduardo Díaz

NARALOGAC Communiqué Overview (10:30-12:00 BST): Interesting exchange on how the GAC works to get consensus on a GAC statement. Check meeting recording here: http://london50.icann.org/en/schedule/wed-gac-communique-overview
ThursGlenn McKnightNARALO

ATLAS 2 Reporting

Update pictures and Videos of today's session

Wrap up meeting

 Narine KhachatryanAPRALO

on June 21, 2014, Saturday

ATLAS II Plenary Session 1

ATALS II Plenary Session 2

Orientation Meeting of ATLAS II At-Large Mentoring program

ATLAS II Thematic Group 3 Session 1

ATLAS II Plenary Session 3

on June 22, 2014, Sunday

Joint ALAC/ccNSO Leadership Working Breakfast

ATLAS II Thematic Group 3 Session 2

ATLAS II Thematic Group 3 Session 3

on June 23, 2014, Monday

DNS Women's Meeting

Welcome Ceremony and President's Opening

ALAC and Regional Leadership Working Session

on June 24, 2014, Tuesday

ATLAS II Discussion with the SO/AC/SG Chairs - Session 1 - London

ALAC Meeting with ICANN Board

EURALO General Assembly


on June 25, 2014, Wednesday

APRALO General Assembly

on June 26, 2014, Thursday

ATLAS II Plenary Session 5

ALAC & Regional Leadership Wrap-Up Meeting

Public Forum

 Maureen Hilyard



Friday 20 June - attended the ISOC Chapter Leaders' Workshop

Saturday 21 June - participated in the ATLASII Plenary Sessions and Thematic Group 3 - Global Internet: The User Perspective

Sunday 22 June - co-led the joint ALAC-ccNSO meeting with Katrina Sataki. Discussion focused on a collaborative project. Action item was for me, Dev and Ron Sherwood to work on developing a list of matches of ALSes and their ccTLDs. The aim will be to enhance knowledge of ALSes about the role of ccTLDS, and to encourage the building of relationships between ALSes and their ccTLDs. Also ALSes may help to get more ccTLDs to join, and benefit from the support of, the ccNSO. The rest of the day was spent on the Thematic Group.

Monday 23 June - Attended the DNS Women's Breakfast before the Welcome Ceremony; followed by a brief attendance at the At Large Policy Roundtable and then the ALAC and Regional Leadership Meeting

Tuesday 24 June - Attended the ATLASII session with SO/AC Chairs, and the ALAC meeting with the ICANN Board. During the ALAC Work meetings I updated on the ALAC metrics procedure which is now being left to the RALOs to notify the Metrics Committee about how they aim to assess the performance of their ALAC members based on the expectations of the ALAC Rules of Procedure.The highlight was the Fayre of Opportunities in which APRALO shone! Great teamwork.

Weds 25 June - Attended the second ATLASII session with AO/AC Chairs and the APRALO General Assembly where I introduced the APRALO Rules Procedure to ALSes highlighting the section on the selection/election of APRALO officers and ALAC members, and the section on Metrics and the performance of ALSes and ALAC members. I also introduced the new ALAC-ccNSO project discussed on Sunday. Unfortunately I was ill in the afternoon so could not attend the afternoon meetings, including the ccNSO Council meeting. However, I was able to spend a short time at the Gala event which was very low key but enjoyable.

 Maureen HilyardAPRALO ALACThurs 26 June - Attended the entertaining wrap up of the ATLASII programme followed by a looong session of the ALAC & Regional Leadership Meeting where we voted on the NETmundial statement from the ALAC, and discussed at some length the ATLASII Declaration.
 Ognian MitevNARALO

Saturday June 21st

9 am - Atlas II Meeting

11.30 am - ATLAS II Plenary - Session 2

3 pm – ATLAS II – Thematic Group 3

6 pm meeting - ATLAS II Plenary Session 3

7 pm meeting - ATLAS II Dinner

Sunday June 22nd

8 am meeting - ATLAS II Thematic Group 3: Global Internet: The User Perspective - Session 2

 11 am meeting - ATLAS II Thematic Group 3: Global Internet: The User Perspective - Session 3

3 pm meeting - ATLAS II Thematic Group 3: Global Internet: The User Perspective - Session 4

6 pm meeting - ATLAS II Plenary Session 4

Monday June 23rd

8.30 am meeting - Welcome Ceremony and President's Opening

12.00 pm meeting - High Level Government Meeting

3.30 pm meeting Tech day

5.00 pm meeting – Name Collision

7 pm meeting - ISOC Members @ ICANN 50

Tuesday June 24th  

7.30 am meeting - ATLAS II Discussion with the SO/AC/SG Chairs - Session 1

8.30 am meeting - ALAC Meeting with the ICANN Board

10.30 am meeting - Expanded Academy Working Group

11.00 am meeting - NARALO General Assembly

2.00 pm meeting - Internet  Service Provider and Connectivity Providers – ISP and Connectivity

7.30 pm meeting -

Wednesday June 25th

8.30 am meeting - DNSSEC Workshop

3.30 pm meeting - ICANN's Security Stability Resiliency Team - Outreach Session

7.30 pm meeting - ICANN 50 Gala

Thursday June 26th

8.00 am meeting - ATLAS II Plenary Session 5

12.00 pm meeting - ALAC & Regional Leadership Wrap-Up Meeting

1.30 pm meeting - Transition of NTIA's Stewardship of the IANA Functions

7 pm meeting - ICANN 50 Wrap-Up Cocktail