Zoom Chat: 2021-01-20 ALAC & GAC Joint Call: "SubPro"
08:45:07 From Claudia Ruiz to Everyone : Welcome to the ALAC & GAC Joint Call: SubPro
08:57:31 From Luisa Paez to Everyone : Hello, please excuse while I setup my other devices
08:57:49 From Manal Ismail to Everyone : no worries Luisa ..
08:57:54 From Yrjo Lansipuro to Everyone : Hello, welcome!
08:58:06 From Manal Ismail to Everyone : Hello everyone :) !!
08:58:10 From Joanna Kulesza to Everyone : Hi everyone! Looking forward to the meeting.
08:58:15 From Maureen Hilyard to Everyone : Hi everyone
09:01:59 From Jorge to Everyone : hello everyone! and happy 2021!
09:02:32 From Manal Ismail to Everyone : Happy New Year everyone :) !!
09:03:12 From Luisa Paez to Everyone : Hello from Canada! Happy New Year to everyone :)
09:03:31 From Joanna Kulesza to Everyone : Thank you Yrjö, really excited to be following in your footsteps.
09:03:42 From SHI YOUNG CHANG to Everyone : Thank you, It’s great to see you all!!^^
09:05:08 From Jorge to Everyone : thanks very much for the brief!
09:05:38 From Luisa Paez to Everyone : Very useful brief, thank you
09:13:18 From Luisa Paez to Everyone : Yes, it is important to clarify that there are GAC leadership initial views/thinking, we still have to update the whole GAC and discuss.
09:16:19 From Alan Greenberg to Everyone : Sorry, I had to leave for a bit. If you were calling on my I am back now.
09:21:46 From Justine Chew to Everyone : The Final Report is on the agenda of the GNSO Council meeting tomorrow (22 Jan) but Council isn't expected to vote on it until its February meeting. The ALAC isn't rushing to transmit advice to the Board but is looking to time transmission accordingly.
09:23:32 From Alan Greenberg to Everyone : Advice to Board should probably come when the Board puts the report out for public comment.
01:08:54 Justine Chew: @Jorge, me too.
01:20:03 christopher wilkinson: ALAC and GAC are NOT ‘minorities’.
01:20:23 Luisa Paez: Thank you for this call and continued collaboration
01:21:25 Luisa Paez: We are reviewing closely the ALAC minority statement
01:21:59 Jorge: thanks for the good conversation
01:23:09 Manal Ismail: GAC is drafting comments on ODP for submission ..
01:23:13 Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: thanks everyone. Very interesting call.
01:23:14 Maureen Hilyard: Yes.. thank you for the interesting contributions that have been raised during this meeting. Looking forward to the ALAC-GAC interaction at ICANN70. Yrjo can work with GAC partners on the content for this session
01:23:18 Manal Ismail: Thanks very much everyone !!
01:23:20 SHI YOUNG CHANG: Thank you for the call and look forward to further collaboration.