Zoom Chat: 2021-05-19 At-Large Leadership Team (ALT-PLUS) Monthly Call

Zoom Chat: 2021-05-19 At-Large Leadership Team (ALT-PLUS) Monthly Call

09:19:36 From Claudia Ruiz to Everyone:
Welcome to the At-Large Leadership Team (ALT-Plus) Monthly Call
09:25:49 From Natalia Filina to Everyone:
Hello everyone!!!!
09:26:08 From DANIEL K. NANGHAKA to Everyone:
09:27:27 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone:
Is it one of those “sun lights” that’s supposed to improve the moods of people from Seattle and Iceland?
09:28:11 From Seun Ojedeji to Everyone:
can you hear me?
09:28:14 From Seun Ojedeji to Everyone:
can't hear you
09:28:18 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone:
09:28:18 From Claudia Ruiz to Everyone:
Yes, we can hear you
09:28:29 From Matthias Hudobnik to Everyone:
Hello all
09:29:15 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone:
09:30:11 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
Welcome, All.
09:30:30 From Ali AlMeshal to Everyone:
hello all
09:31:38 From Lianna Galstyan to Everyone:
Hi everyone
09:34:40 From Claudia Ruiz to Everyone:
09:39:51 From Alfredo Calderon to Everyone:
At-Large Policy Advice course and Welcome to At-Large: Our World have been added as required courses for Fellows (Alumni and Newcomers).
09:42:15 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
The APRALO Mentoring Program has launched.
09:42:33 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
Registration for Mentees in APRALO now open.
09:42:44 From Maureen Hilyard to Everyone:
Congratulations APRALO
09:43:51 From Ali AlMeshal to Everyone:
Thanks Heidi , yes and it is open for registration until end of May.
09:47:17 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
The APRALO Mentoring Program = https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/APRALO/pages/115209241/APRALO+Mentoring+Program
09:48:27 From Lianna Galstyan to Everyone:
Thanks for the update, Ali
09:49:52 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
Re the experts survey, we are still working through GDPR requirements. Will hopefully launch soon.
09:50:24 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
FY22 ABR Implementation: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99664093/At-Large+FY22+Additional+Budget+Request+Implementation+Workspace
09:52:09 From Marita Moll to Everyone:
I hope everybody notice Paul McGrady's recent article in CircleID -- with a shout out to At Large and Justine specifically. The hard work that is being done here is clearly being noticed.
09:54:30 From Maureen Hilyard to Everyone:
Kudos to Justine.. and also to all the hard workers in our At-Large working groups. The ALT+ meetings will underline all that is happening in At-Large an we can celebrate a growing list of completed actions during the year.
09:55:51 From Natalia Filina to Everyone:
We noticed @Marita. I was surprised by this "travelers ' club". It is good that there is a refutation and recognition of the merits of Justine and all of you!
09:55:57 From Judith Hellerstein to Everyone:
Let me know if anyone wants to work with me to help select the sessions to be included in this pilot
09:59:53 From Judith Hellerstein to Everyone:
My hand is up
10:00:39 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
@Judith, perhaps you can work with the regional leadership in AFRALO/LACRALO.
10:00:47 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
And staff as well.
10:00:58 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
They are aware of where the need is re RTT.
10:02:40 From Judith Hellerstein to Everyone:
@heidi yes i plan but also want to reach out to others who are not on the regional leadership to get engaged and also possibly grow the leadership
10:02:44 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
FY22 will be very busy for At-Large, especially the RALOs - three General Assemblies and 6 ABRs to implement.
10:03:56 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
@Alan, we have noted your raised hand.
10:04:10 From Sébastien Bachollet to Everyone:
Yes Heidi and crazy ideas like Fast Pitch Tour on ICANN and At-Large (by EURALO) on the 8th of June (yes FY21)
10:06:13 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
Yes, steady and strategic implementation is key.
10:06:29 From Natalia Filina to Everyone:
@Joanna @Hadia If we have an area of information about CB webinars, can we also pay attention to or gather links and information about webinars that are held by RALOs? We may create a great useful library
10:07:03 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
Alan, we were planning to start post 71
10:07:51 From hadia Elminiawi to Everyone:
@Natalia we have the wiki page https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99681435/At-Large+Capacity+Building+Working+Group
10:08:43 From hadia Elminiawi to Everyone:
if you scroll till the end you will find the webinars, I think including the RALOs webinars is a good idea.
10:08:44 From Natalia Filina to Everyone:
Yes, @Hadia and I suggest to put the information about RALO`s efforts and webinars there, not just CBWG webinars
10:09:02 From Natalia Filina to Everyone:
Thank you @Hadia!
10:09:09 From hadia Elminiawi to Everyone:
Thank you
10:12:15 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
@Eduardo, we should have an update shortly.
10:12:31 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
Thank you your patience.
10:13:34 From alangreenberg to Everyone:
I need t ostep away for a few minutes
10:13:45 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
ICANN71 Workspace: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99651172/ICANN71+-+June+2021+Virtual+Policy+Forum
10:17:15 From Sébastien Bachollet to Everyone:
Change Name : 15:00-17:00 UTC - EURALO Global Town Hall to « Flash Pitch Tour of ICANN and At Large (by EURALO) »
10:17:35 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
Noted, Seb.
10:18:00 From Gisella Gruber to Everyone:
Schedule to be posted 17 May: https://71.schedule.icann.org/prep-week
10:24:36 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
At-Large selections, appointments, and elections workspace: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99660028/2021+ALAC+and+RALO+Elections+Selections+and+Appointments
10:25:20 From Eduardo Díaz - NARALO to Everyone:
With the social media strategy that we have devise in NARALO people do not have to register to the ICANN meeting to watch the important meetings that we would like people to attend, especially our ALS, Individual members and outreached individuals as well. These can be pushed to all to see LIVE which requires only a click to watch. No additional apps to download. No registrations. This can be expanded to all RALOs with ease and zero cost.
10:26:09 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
we used to rotate for that reason
10:26:32 From Natalia Filina to Everyone:
Agree @Eduardo. Simple way to join. And same time we may gather metrics
10:29:20 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Have you seen the turn up for 1300 from APAC
10:29:24 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
10:29:46 From hadia Elminiawi to Everyone:
Makes sense
10:32:13 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Yes we have gone through that SO many times before for SO many meeting schedules
10:32:59 From Sébastien Bachollet to Everyone:
Yes Europe is the mess
10:33:18 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
At least woith rotations it is a shared matter
10:33:55 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
At-Large calls, such as the ALAC and CPWG already rotate.
10:34:26 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
APAC is a huge spread of time
10:34:49 From Natalia Filina to Everyone:
f2f meetings don`t allows us to feel this mess of time zones. Just don`t sleep in our "nights hours". But online when working week is being.. Hard-)
10:34:59 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
4 hrs on a different DAY from SYD
10:35:10 From Lianna Galstyan to Everyone:
10:35:12 From Marita Moll to Everyone:
Let's just all move to the Cook Islands -- warm, south pacific, palm trees -- and solve that problem
10:35:26 From Sébastien Bachollet to Everyone:
Yes Marita
10:35:37 From Greg Shatan (Nick 2010, Max 2018) to Everyone:
Western Asia does create a "problem" because it is closer in time to Eastern/Central Europe than to Japan/AU/NZ....
10:36:07 From Greg Shatan (Nick 2010, Max 2018) to Everyone:
I like Marita's idea. Also suggest each of us have our own rooster.
10:36:34 From Maureen Hilyard to Everyone:
10:36:50 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
My hens are quiueter
10:37:06 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Bye for now then
10:37:08 From Natalia Filina to Everyone:
lol-) Fred-)
10:37:20 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
Thank you, all.
10:37:21 From hadia Elminiawi to Everyone:
Thank you all bye for now
10:37:21 From Natalia Filina to Everyone:
thank you a lot Maureen and all!
10:37:23 From Sarah Kiden to Everyone:
Thank you and bye for now
10:37:23 From Evin Erdogdu to Everyone:
Thank you all
10:37:30 From Alfredo Calderon to Everyone:
Stay well and safe!
10:37:33 From Lianna Galstyan to Everyone:
Thanks much, everyone.