Zoom Chat: 2020-10-01 GAC & ALAC Leadership Team Call

Zoom Chat: 2020-10-01 GAC & ALAC Leadership Team Call

09:59:22 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Hi Manal .. we meet again !
09:59:38 From Gulten Tepe : Thank you Michelle
09:59:42 From Gulten Tepe : Hello everyone
10:00:19 From Maureen Hilyard : Hi everyone
10:01:48 From Heidi Ullrich : Welcome, All
10:02:00 From Manal Ismail : Yes Cheryl .. My pleasure :) !!
10:02:10 From Manal Ismail : Hello everyone ..
10:02:34 From Jorge : hello everyone!
10:03:44 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Heroic efforts for complex tasks! agreed @Maureen
10:06:45 From Marita Moll : Yes, we can't overemphasize our gratitude for the uncountable hours spent on these projects
10:14:04 From Alan Greenberg : I would suggest that the GAC and ALAC leads on the EPDP meet privately to discuss.
10:22:21 From Evin Erdogdu : Both are linked to agenda
10:22:46 From Evin Erdogdu : SubPro - ALAC statement: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/alacpolicydev/pages/102664653/At-Large+Workspace+GNSO+New+gTLD+Subsequent+Procedures+Draft+Final+Report
10:22:57 From Evin Erdogdu : SubPro - GAC statement: https://gac.icann.org/file-asset/GAC%20Subpro%20Final%20Report%20Collective%20Comment%20-%20FINAL.pdf
10:25:37 From Jonathan Zuck : It DID work for a second
10:28:21 From Jonathan Zuck : The board comments are a little disturbing with regards to PICs
10:29:45 From Jorge : absolutely- I think there was a grandfathering clause for PICs... but how far they cover new PICs is sth to be discussed
10:30:49 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : The Board now runs on the new Bylaws and they are quite clear about what they will NOT be able to do
10:31:27 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Indeed OCL
10:34:26 From Jorge : good point Alan... it’s also a resource question...
10:38:46 From Alan Greenberg : The concept that we sign contracts but are not in a position to actually enforce them is rather paradoxical.
10:38:53 From Jorge : agree with Justine
10:39:03 From Jorge : old
10:39:14 From Luisa Paez : Really good points Alan and Justine, for us to take into account as well.
10:39:16 From Jorge : sorry
10:40:06 From Jorge : the Bylaw change on PICs was hotly debated and the final text a compromise... so we need to study it in detail
10:41:37 From Justine Chew : We need to do the comparative analysis first.
10:42:09 From Jorge : would be great if you share that analysis with us ☺️
10:42:59 From Justine Chew : When is the GAC-ALAC meeting in ICANN69 scheduled for again?
10:43:26 From Julia Charvolen : https://69.schedule.icann.org/meetings/kzdDYRAKdvtknah8L#/?limit=10&sortByFields[0]=isPinned&sortByFields[1]=lastActivityAt&sortByOrders[0]=-1&sortByOrders[1]=-1
10:43:28 From Jonathan Zuck : Well, the next step will be a public comment, run by the board, after subproc finalizes and submits so it seems like we have quite a bit of time.
10:44:22 From Justine Chew : Okay, 21 Oct, noted with thanks @Yrjo.
10:44:29 From Jonathan Zuck : Just a note, we will not have interpretation for the CPWG meetings until after ICANN 69
10:45:24 From Jonathan Zuck : those are grandfathered in but we still have an enforcement problem, I think.
10:47:25 From Michelle DeSmyter : Yes, Wednesday, 07 October 13:00 UTC without interpretation
10:48:20 From Justine Chew : Perhaps when we firm up thing on our side, we can reach out to GAC?
10:49:33 From Jorge : agree with Manal
10:49:41 From Luisa Paez : That works, Justine and Jonathan! Yes, agree with you Manal that topic leads in addition to other interested GAC members depending on the topic discuss could participate.
10:49:43 From Jorge : heavy agendas this month
10:50:41 From Manal Ismail : Many thanks Justine, Olivier & Jonathan
10:51:53 From Jonathan Zuck : We can discuss PICs with the board, in any case, for sure
10:54:25 From Marita Moll : Thank you -- bye
10:54:28 From Jorge : thanks very much, bye!
10:54:29 From Evin Erdogdu : Thank you all
10:54:30 From Luisa Paez : Great discussion and impressive work from ALAC colleagues!!
10:54:33 From Luisa Paez : Thank you
10:54:40 From Joanna Kulesza : Thanks all!
10:54:43 From Justine Chew : Thank you.
10:54:49 From Sergio Salinas Porto LACRALO : bye