NARALO Action Items 2013.03.11

NARALO Action Items 2013.03.11

Agenda - NARALO Monthly call
11 February 2013


Garth and Darlene to develop a formal request to the Fellowship Program to include indiginous populations from NARALO in the groups eligible for the Fellowship Program. This request is to include information and data on the reasons these groups should be considered.

12. Action Items

12.1 Per previous vote these calls ALWAYS occur at 3PM EST REGARDLESS of Daylight Savings Time until otherwise noted. Explanation: Daylight Savings Time (DST) is a program which moves the official hour ahead by one during the summer to preserve more daylight in the evening. DST is not universally or equally observed. DST changes have occasionally cause confusion for call NARALO times. For us this means specifically, we will be observing DST. The time of our call will remain 3:00PM EST and 12:00PM PST, but the UTC time of the call will change from 2000hrs to 1900hrs as of March until the end of DST.

12. 2. Going forward, let's list previous action items and not have a separate page - Staff: please list ALL additional action items from THIS call bellow this entry. And then list the same action items at the top of the NEXT meeting agenda.



Monday 11 March 2013

1. Please review the ALAC Code of conduct

5.2. 7th of April there will be a discusssion on vote for Board seat 15th.

5.3.1. University Community Partnership for Social Action Research Under Further Due Diligence (2 Minutes). Due to the issue,we can try to contact the applicant. Heidi to forward the legal response to Garth. Garth mentioned that NARALO has its procedures for de-accreditng the ALS.
AI: To discuss the issue and then to determine de-accreditation.
Avri: There should be a check list or due process.
Alan: There are formal rules.

Participation in WG watch

Cross RALO relations

Secretariat's meeting has been added to the Agenda.


June 2014. Request: This has not be fully approved, it will be an exceptional request.

Dot Health

AI: Move all Toronto pages
2 top level directories "Toronto 2012" and "Archived NARLO Calls"