NARALO AC Chat 2013.03.11
NARALO AC Chat 2013.03.11
Nathalie Peregrine:Welcome to the NARALO March monthly call on Monday 11 March 2013 at 1900 UTC.
Julia Charvolen:https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/cA_SBg
Silvia Vivanco:Welcome Garth
Silvia Vivanco:I will move you to host
Eduardo Diaz:¡Hola a todos!
Garth Bruen:Staff, I am trying to capture a crash. This is why I have two logins.
Julia Charvolen:Can we help you?
Garth Bruen:I will discuss this on the call, but mine and others Adobe Connect have been freezing or crashing on these calls. I will capture the data if I can and forward it to Matt.
Murray McKercher:hello from Toronto!
Garth Bruen:Can the person signed in as "guest" introduce his or herself?
guest:Andy Weissberg = guest, sorry
guest:hi garth
guest:hi all
Silvia Vivanco:Hello all
Garth Bruen:Ok
Heidi Ullrich:Staff are ready!
Evan Leibovitch:you missed one. I'm on the call
Julia Charvolen:Sure Evan I will add you right away
Julia Charvolen:thank you for letting me know
Julia Charvolen:Alan Greenberg has joined the call
Alan Greenberg:And left and rejoined
Silvia Vivanco:Staff will note AIs and transcript will be available within 48-72 hrs
Joly MacFie:Heidi, confirming address was 373 Broadway #b17 NYC 10013
Heidi Ullrich:@Joly, correct.
Evan Leibovitch:need to reboot. Will be exiting AC for a few moments but will be re-entering. Still on the Adigo call.
Heidi Ullrich:Give me one moment for my colleague to check the tracking of the shipment
Murray McKercher:I have a visa and have not sent these to Staff...as a non-sponsored NARALO member
Heidi Ullrich:@BEIJING TRAVELLERS: check out US Embassy in Beijing's Air Quality Readings:http://beijing.usembassy-china.org.cn/aqirecent3.html
Alan Greenberg:They don't want last minute emergencies...
Avri Doria:has constituency travel already made flight arangements for you all?
Avri Doria:is there a claim that someone infracted the pliteness rules?
Avri Doria:ah, i missed the personal comments.. better go back and read my archive.
Joly MacFie:me to
Murray McKercher:I agree with Garth's comments...
Alan Greenberg:In addition to the ALAC COde of Conduct, there is an over-riding ICANN standard of behaviour. -http://www.icann.org/en/news/in-focus/accountability/expected-standards
Joly MacFie:On the topic of OT mails. I apologize for my one on phone unlocking - it was an email flub - it was meant to go to discuss@isoc-ny.org - please feel free to delete it from records.
Joly MacFie:As far as some of Glenn's submissions go, I trust that now that ISOC CAnada is up and running, he has a more appropriate venue for some of his wider concerns about connectivity etc.
Heidi Ullrich:@Joly, FedEx confirmed the brochures were delivered on 2/28.
Silvia Vivanco:Please kindly state your name
Silvia Vivanco:before speaking
Joly MacFie:OK, I'l check with the management in my building who take mails packages when I'm out.
Heidi Ullrich:There was some delay due to snow, but delivery was confirmed.
Eduardo Diaz:@Evan: Garth sent a meessage to Dev before the deadline with a vote tally
Evan Leibovitch:There was a vote?
Darlene Thompson:Yes
Heidi Ullrich:ALS Spotlight: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/NARALO/pages/110235303/NARALO+ALSes+Spotlight
Eduardo Diaz:Not a formal vote. I think it was a measured of the people that where in the email exchanges. I think the problem was that there was not a formal vote
Evan Leibovitch:If you mean the 24-hour poll, I' m not sure I would call that a vote. Certainky not one that allows ALS consultation or enables Alan to poll individual members.
Eduardo Diaz:@Evan agreed that there was no formal vote but the point is that Garth did send an email to Dev
Evan Leibovitch:The audio is coming through on AC but not adigo
Eduardo Diaz:Kudos for Darlene!
Heidi Ullrich:+1, Darlene!!!
Darlene Thompson:It keeps stalling on this end. Can other's see and hear it OK?
Heidi Ullrich:Running smooth for me
Garth Bruen:Hey there's Darlene!
Avri Doria:coming through fine for me.
Darlene Thompson:Thanks!
Avri Doria:good story
Carlton Samuels:Congrats Darlene. Working on a project in St. Lucia that has a CAP component.
Carlton Samuels:Maybe I can get you down there kinda sharing experiences
Murray McKercher:nice presentation..worked well for me on AC
Silvia Vivanco:Congratulations Darlene! the video is very interesting and well made!
Silvia Vivanco:Bravo Darlene!
Darlene Thompson:Looking forward to it Carlton!
Thomas Lowenhaupt:Avri, where are those materials that were sent out?
Thomas Lowenhaupt:A link to Avri's voting materials will be appreciated.
Avri Doria:Thomas, I will find it. sec.
Thomas Lowenhaupt:Thanks.
Avri Doria:Garth, I was not objecting some much as fretting based on previous expereinces.
Silvia Vivanco:So in the meantime Garth, staff will not remove any org from the list until he hear from NARALO's Chair
Silvia Vivanco:and we have your specific instructions to delete them
Garth Bruen:Ok Avri, start putting your views on the list, I will promote the discussion
Darlene Thompson:The rules for de-accreditation are quoted in the agenda and it is very clear.
Julia Charvolen:Olivier Crepin Leblond joind the call
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:apologies for the late arrival
Avri Doria:i switched from firefox to safari and it is MUCH better
Avri Doria:and i too found android impossible for adobe connect
Avri Doria:Darlene, on the rules, i assumed there were rules, but I would also encourage a due dillegnece check list that meets, and even goes beyond the rules.
Avri Doria:13th is submission deadline for the objection.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:+1 to everything Evan has said.
Darlene Thompson:Thanks all
Joly MacFie:bye
Thomas Lowenhaupt:bye
Carlton Samuels:See y'all
Evan Leibovitch:bye!