NARALO Monthly reports 2010
NARALO Monthly Report - Dec. 6, 2010
1. Possible ways to move the idea of a Consumers Constituency forward were discussed. There is also a petition for a Not-for-Profit Constituency.
2. The NARALO showcase was discussed. A working group needs to be put together for this as well as finding a key-note speaker and generally organizing the logistics.
3. It was noted that this was Evan's last meeting as Chair before he moves on to ALAC. Beau is our new Chair.
NARALO Cartagena Summary - December 2010
Things NARALO has accomplished since Brussels:
1. NARALO has members on each of the four work teams for At-Large improvements and work is progressing. Each work team was able to meet in Cartagena and to present to the group.
2. We formalized the NARALO founding principle of empowering individuals who are unaffiliated with ALSs. We made the necessary changes to create a formal voice and for these unaffiliated members, and are proud to announce Eric Brunner-Williams (who is in attendance at this meeting) as the first person elected to this role.
3. NARALO members play key roles throughout the At-Large policy development processes, helping to drive issues such as registrants’ rights, bringing good sense to the new gTLD process, and holding ICANN accountable for its enforcement activities.
4. We are planning a NARALO showcase for the San Francisco meeting. Together with local ALSs we are hoping to be a great host to the ICANN community.
NARALO Monthly Report - Nov. 8, 2010
1. Eric Brunner Williams was acclaimed as the unaffiliated user rep for North America.
2. Reports were given from each of the four At-Large Improvements working teams as to their progress.
3. Evan is on the JAS working group and reports the good progress is being made.
4. Updates have been made to the Confluence WIKI so that all ALSs can go in and make changes to this and create/edit pages within the NARALO work space.
NARALO Monthly Report - Oct. 18, 2010
1. Although the ROP amendment went through, some inconsistancies got past us. They need to be further modified. Alan, Darlene and Beau will work on this.
2. ALAC has endorsed the working group report on Morality and Public Order (now called Recommendation 6) and encouraged the RALOs to submit regional statements on the document.
3. Discussions ensued as to whether the votes of the NARALO representatives in the At-Large Board Director election should be "guided" and also how the region can and should reach consensus for its regional vote.
4. Discussions on the NARALO showcase in San Francisco were on-going.
NARALO Monthly Report - Aug. 9, 2010
1. There was a call for regional members of the ALAC/At-Large Improvements work teams. Four work teams were created and regional involvement is needed on each one. New volunteers were especially encouraged.
2. An update was given on the upcoming leadership elections in NARALO. The discussion of getting SOIs from unaffiliated members was still on-going as a more formal approach needs to be taken from time-to-time when voting. Changes need to be made to the ROP.
3. Much discussion took place on the Vertical Integration issue. There were widely divergent views among the group and no consensus was reached.
NARALO Monthly Report - July 12, 2010
1. It was noted that although it is good that ALAC is getting one Board member, we are losing our liaison position. Said Board member must represent ICANN and the Board whereas the liaison represented ALAC. More work must be done on this.
2. The GAC seems to be in agreement with the ALAC that the Morality and Public Order clause in the new gTLD creation process needs to be revised.
3. As election time is again approaching, discussions ensued on whether we need to get SOIs from our unaffiliated reps and also the weighting of their votes. Evan, Darlene and Matthias will work further on this.
4. The topic of Inreach to existing non-active ALSs was discussed as well as follow-up activities resulting from the ALS survey.
5. Garth Bruen was endorsed to represent usto the WHOIS and A&T Working Group.
NARALO Monthly Report - June 14, 2010
1. The ALAC will be working on a draft statement on the RAA Subsection in Brussels. Beau will be taking the lead in this for our region.
2. Registrar compliance and the apparent lack of movement on this from ICANN Compliance was discussed. Beau volunteered to take the lead on drafting a statement on this.
3. The ALS survey was completed and now the Secretariats group is working on analysis.
4. The process for the At-Large Board Selection was presented to the group and discussed.
5. It was noted that ICANN's policy for budget submissions from the RALOs is improving in that now we have somewhat of a say over what we can plan for.
NARALO Monthly Report - May 10, 2010
1. Open public consultations were discussed. A discussion was also held as to whether NARALO wanted to put forward its own statement on .xxx or just go with the ALAC statement. It was decided to just stay with the ALAC statement.
2. The NARALO election process was discussed and it was agreed that Evan, Darlene and staff will work on time lines.
3. Gareth, Alan and Beau are working on the issues surrounding the public morality clause as it relates to new gTLDs. There is also discussion around whether there should be a reduction in cost or cast subsidies for certain gTLD applicants.
4. Seth Greene walked us through the thirteen recommendation that need improvement in the At Large Improvements Plan and outlined how we can provide feedbackinto this process.
5. The At-Large Webinar upcoming on June 9 or 10 was discussed and specific questions were decided upon that NARALO wished to raise there.
6. It was announced that the global ALS Survey was launched on May 7 and would run to May 17. All were encouraged to participate. Darlene volunteered to be the regional coordinator for this effort.
NARALO Report Nairobi - March 2010
The NARALO monthly meeting went very well. We found out that Rod Beckstrom joined ISOC San Francisco and so is now part of at large! This can be nothing but good. |
The NARALO is still working on their At-Large Brochure. The English version will be ready in 4-6 weeks with Spanish and French ready by Brussels.
Possible meeting locations for the next ICANN meeting in North America were discussed. Since it is scheduled for March, only warm locations would be appropriate so Honolulu was recommended and Seth Reiss will contact the Hawaiian tourist bureau again in this regard.
NARALO Monthly Report - Mar. 8, 2010
1. An update was given on the Nairobi meeting. The need to do in-reach to retain and engage existing ALSs was discussed. It was noted that we now have a new Project Manager at ICANN by the name of Seth Greene and also that Rod Beckstrom is a member fo the SF ISOC chapter (part of At-Large!). Analisa Roger and Miles Braithwait have put their names forward to be on the Board Selection Team.
2. The need to do an NARALO brochure was discussed. It was decided to look at the work already done by LACRALO, AFRALO and EURALO in order to decide on the layout of ours. A time-frame of 4-6 weeks was given and Scott Pinzon offered to help.
3. A regional assembly for San Francisco was discussed. Also, another Summit for a couple of years in the future was discussed.
4. Alan's term is up for the NomCom position for NA so the Nominating Committee will be looking for someone to replace him (among other positions).
NARALO Monthly Report - Feb. 8, 2010
1. A call was made to encourage people from NARALO to joint the Accountability and Transparency Review Team.
2. A call was made for people from NARALO to join the At-Large Board Member Selection Committee. We already have two people (Evan Leibovitch and Alan Greenburg) on the At-Large Board Member Selection design team (ABSdt) but still need people for the ABSC.
3. The gTLD working group recently started work on the Draft ALAC Statement on the DAG3.
4. Joly and Myles have been working to put together the NARALO Brochure but needs more input from the group. Eduardo would also like to see this brochure produced, not only in English, but also in Spanish and French.
5. Alan reported that there is still work on-going on the RAA in order to put together a list of what a registrant's rights actually are. He encourages more people to become involved.