AC Chat: 2019-05-13 NARALO Teleconference
11:46:36 From Claudia Ruiz : Welcome to the NARALO Monthly Teleconference
11:56:06 From Adrian Schmidt : Hello good afternoon from Lacombe! finally we have some temperature... like 20 celcius
11:56:32 From Adrian Schmidt : black screen with a weird white line like 2/5 of the screen vertical
12:00:15 From AlanGreenberg : Note that the public At-Large calendar still lists this meeting as using Adobe.
12:01:50 From AlanGreenberg : SOunds like he has connected multiple times
12:02:23 From Adrian Schmidt : Hei Eduardo! Yup all good
12:02:34 From Heidi Ullrich : Welcome, All!
12:04:38 From silvia.vivanco : Hello all welcome
12:04:49 From Greg Shatan : I will have to drop off at the top of the next hour.
12:06:47 From Yubelkys Montalvo : hello to everyone
12:07:07 From John Laprise (ALAC/NARALO) : Hi all
12:08:34 From Heidi Ullrich : FY20 SO/AC Additional Budget Requests:
12:10:52 From Marita Moll : Zoom question -- is there anywhere where we can see whose hand is raised?
12:11:19 From Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC) : click on participants and you should see a list on the right hand side
12:11:32 From Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC) : (participant list)
12:11:46 From Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC) : which shows whose hand is raised
12:12:06 From Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC) : and whose mic /cam is on/off
12:12:46 From silvia.vivanco : yes
12:12:49 From silvia.vivanco : noted
12:13:24 From Claudia Ruiz : @Marita, you should be able to see it in the participant chat, those who raise their hands move to the top
12:13:42 From Judith Hellerstein : Yes please make sure that this is an Action Item
12:13:54 From Marita Moll : Thanks, I see it now. Didn't realize they move to the top
12:15:11 From Heidi Ullrich : ATLAS III workspace:
12:15:23 From Judith Hellerstein : Yes tuesday at 2100 or 1200 on wednesday
12:15:34 From Heidi Ullrich : All online courses (webinars and ICANN Learn) are at:
12:17:03 From Judith Hellerstein : John laprise has his hand up
12:19:32 From Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC) : All, there are also reports from the CROP Trip recipients in the NARALO newsleter
12:19:38 From Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC) : *newsletter
12:21:16 From Glenn : Hi folks
12:21:33 From Glenn : Just did a large SSIG Group pic here in Mexico
12:21:58 From Glenn : I got a root canal this morning in Mexico.
12:22:15 From Glenn : We are on lunch now at the event
12:22:57 From silvia.vivanco : Hello Glenn, take care
12:23:05 From silvia.vivanco : Thank you for joining
12:23:06 From Glenn : Judith speaking about NTC 19?
12:23:17 From Glenn : I spoke twice at the event
12:23:33 From Glenn : It's the leading non profit conference for Non profit technologists
12:23:46 From Glenn : PIR was a Platinum Sponsor in the past
12:25:24 From silvia.vivanco : ai: NARALO leaders to talk to GSE on the NTC events (to be included in the NARALO Strategic plan)
12:27:10 From Judith Hellerstein : My report was in Susanna’s newsletter and also on the At Large Blog
12:27:41 From Glenn : Did the candidates speak already
12:27:41 From Judith Hellerstein : @glenn if you want to talk about NASIG that would be great as we passed over it
12:28:08 From Claudia Ruiz : @Glenn- No the candidates have not spoken
12:28:20 From Glenn : Thanks Judith. I really can't speak due to the root canal
12:29:04 From Claudia Ruiz : @Glenn- Hope you feel better
12:29:17 From Judith Hellerstein : Marita has her hand up
12:29:47 From Claudia Ruiz : @Judith - thank you. I will let Eduardo know when Alfredo is done speaking
12:31:29 From Judith Hellerstein : I am also an affiliate of the organization
12:31:39 From Judith Hellerstein : Digital Equity Act
12:31:56 From Judith Hellerstein : They just passed the Digital Equity Act
12:32:54 From silvia.vivanco : This event could also be included in the NARALO Outreach Strategy
12:33:55 From Judith Hellerstein : Small organization called National Digital Inclusion Alliance
12:34:05 From Judith Hellerstein : Very small staff
12:34:59 From Judith Hellerstein : The National Digital Inclusion Alliance—
12:35:30 From Judith Hellerstein : The National Digital Inclusion Alliance is a unified voice for home broadband access, public broadband access, personal devices and local technology training and support programs.
We work collaboratively to craft, identify and disseminate financial and operational resources for digital inclusion programs while serving as a bridge to policymakers and the general public.
12:35:54 From silvia.vivanco :
12:36:07 From silvia.vivanco : NARALO newsletter includes the CROP reports
12:36:19 From Judith Hellerstein : NDIA Affiliates total 353 in 44 states District of Columbia and the US Virgin Island. NDIA Affiliates are local public and nonprofit organizations including municipal government bodies, local public libraries and regional library councils, college/university programs, state government agencies, local school districts, housing authorities. Private U.S. businesses and international organizations are not included in the Affiliate list or count but are members of the NDIA community.
12:36:43 From Glenn : As Marita Moll mentioned Telecommunities Canada and VOLNET providing digital access for many years
12:37:14 From Glenn : Outreach to the Oklahoma Native Libraries
12:37:35 From Glenn : She is involved with SMART CITY NEW ORLEANS
12:37:55 From Bill Thanis - GTALUG : Sorry for dropping off. Internet hiccup.
12:38:05 From Glenn : It's a difficult time to educate the newcomers on ICANN
12:38:37 From Glenn : can't understand
12:38:38 From Marita Moll : Telecommunities Canada still exists but not that active in digital inclusion any more. Not enough cohesion on this topic as a national issue. Tends to be handled regionally.
12:38:41 From Bill Thanis - GTALUG : It was a problem at my end
12:38:45 From Glenn : who is speaking
12:38:55 From Judith Hellerstein : Sanish Gupta is speaking
12:39:12 From Glenn : Reach out to Caitlyn Swartz
12:40:09 From Glenn : Yes one of the sessions was the event focused on People with Special Needs
12:40:16 From Glenn : May 30
12:40:52 From Glenn :
12:41:27 From Glenn : Crop and Discretionary Fund events
12:41:43 From Glenn : Suggested ICANN Seattle event
12:41:53 From Heidi Ullrich : ALL of the events that have been discussed have been supported through either CROP and/or the RALO Disctretionary Funds
12:41:55 From Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR) : Hi Caitlyn!
12:42:16 From Glenn : it will correspond with the Fourth NASIG in Seattle
12:42:19 From silvia.vivanco :
12:42:24 From Glenn : A playlist of the videos are available
12:42:38 From Glenn : Marita Moll with Brian Cute on Multistakeholderism
12:42:52 From Heidi Ullrich : Seattle will be 23-28 October 2021:
12:42:54 From Glenn : Jon Zuck and George Kirikos on the Registry Agreement
12:43:35 From Glenn : Eduardo Diaz and Michael Casadadevall on DNS OVER HTTPS
12:44:19 From Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR) : Visit the Digital Inclusion website for some of the recordings, -
12:44:41 From Heidi Ullrich : GA Schedule:
12:47:14 From Glenn : Eduardo is Greg Shatan doing a video?
12:47:36 From Glenn : I think you have a followup this week on DNS with Dan york
12:48:08 From Greg Shatan : A video?!?!?
12:48:13 From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO : Dan’s interview will be Wednesday afternoon
12:48:35 From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO : @Greg: no, it is with Dan York from ISOC.
12:59:07 From Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC) : Leah is representing the SF Bay Area Chapter at the Silicon Valley AgTech Conference. I hope you can dial her in!
13:00:13 From Judith Hellerstein : Can some one mute. it is very noisy
13:00:34 From Marita Moll : Background noise!!
13:00:49 From Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC) : please mute if you are not talking! Or can staff please mute all
13:00:52 From Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC) : noisy
13:00:57 From AlanGreenberg : A lot of background noise
13:00:59 From Greg Shatan : Unfortunately, I must drop off for another meeting. Bye all!
13:01:06 From Judith Hellerstein : It is Glenn
13:01:26 From Judith Hellerstein : Thanks all for muting
13:03:43 From Glenn : i didn't unmute judith
13:03:53 From Heidi Ullrich : Welcome, Leah.
13:08:10 From Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR) : Vota por Jonathan, PLEASE!
13:09:03 From Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR) : Both are great candidates!
13:09:14 From Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR) : But I nominated Jonathan.
13:09:32 From Glenn : All are excellent candidates
13:10:01 From Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR) : I am Jonathan's Campaign Manager (jeje).
13:10:30 From Glenn : I was very pleased to hand over the job duties to either Judith or Leah, I am convinced they both will do a great job
13:15:40 From Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC) : 2009 I think she meant to say, not 2019!
13:16:12 From Judith Hellerstein : ICANN SOI here-
13:18:23 From Judith Hellerstein : Here is the link to the NARALO Election Page, where the statement of Interests are listed,
13:18:27 From Glenn : As I go to NOMCOM i have been warned by Leah:)
13:18:54 From Judith Hellerstein : you will find all candidates SOI here
13:20:26 From Glenn : Excellent statements by all the candidates
13:20:34 From Glenn : we are blessed
13:21:02 From silvia.vivanco : Thank you to all the candidates for their enthusiasm
13:21:07 From Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR) : Clear statements and great candidates.
13:24:19 From Susannah Gray (SF Bay ISOC) : Ha ha Eduardo.
13:24:21 From Jonathan Zuck : Feel free to reach out to us individually if you think of something else you want to ask!
13:24:39 From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO : PLease mute lines
13:25:24 From silvia.vivanco : Elections will be held from May 23-May 30
13:26:41 From Judith Hellerstein : Feel free to reach out to me individually if you think of something else you want to ask!
13:30:16 From Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR) : Vote for Jonathan, Innovating and Improving NARALO. Looking into the Future!
13:32:04 From Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR) : Bye to all!
13:32:07 From Gordon Chillcott - GTALUG : THanks and bye for now.
13:32:14 From Marita Moll : thanks. bye all
13:32:19 From Yubelkys Montalvo : thanks
13:32:19 From Glenn : thanks bye all
13:32:25 From David Mackey : thanks, bye all
13:32:32 From silvia.vivanco : Bye all
13:32:35 From Heidi Ullrich : Thanks! Great call and candidates!