Adobe Chat 11 August 2014
Terri Agnew:Welcome to the NARALO Monthly Teleconference on Monday 11 August 2014 at 1900 UTC
Terri Agnew:meeting page:
Glenn McKnight:hi
Glenn McKnight:adobe is muted i will call in all
Allan Skuce:Greetings.
Sarah:Greetings as well.
Garth Bruen:Hello all
Louis Houle:Hello everyone
guest (Jim Ausman - SF Bay ISOC):hi agenda (TO BE UPDATED) and call details can be found at: Connect: ID 1638 is the OUTREACH call
John Laprise:It'll be a long afternoon of conferening...
John Laprise:lol
Konstantin Kalaitzidis (SFBayISOC)::-)
judith Hellerstein:hi all
Joly MacFie:got to drop and come back to ficx audio
judith Hellerstein:ok see you late
Terri Agnew 2:Welcome Kerry Brown
Terri Agnew 2: Welcome Tom Lowenhaupt
Glenn McKnight:Silvia your voice is breaking up a bit
Terri Agnew 2:Welcome Evan Leibovitch
Glenn McKnight:Ken is a involved in the disabled community
Glenn McKnight:thanks
judith Hellerstein:@glenn sent you a pvt message ELECTIONS WIKI above Congratulations to Glenn
judith Hellerstein:@Glenn you are a bit muffled so please step a bit away from the mike
John Laprise:I had previously emailed about training oppportunity. Question was answered. Thank you.
Tom Lowenhaupt:Glenn - a little loud. Please move a bit away from the mic. the wiki page created above
Heidi Ullrich:Wednesday will be a busy day in LA:
Evan Leibovitch:There will be no North American ICANN meeting in 2015, the next one after LA is scheduled for late spring 2016
Heidi Ullrich:CROPP RT - Please note that all members re-confirmed their membership: FY 15 wiki page above Glenn 8 WEEKS lead time is required CROPP
judith Hellerstein:I think I might have put these up a few months ago
Evan Leibovitch:Can I not photocopy previous requests for CROPP @ CES? ;-) Orientation and tutorials
Alan Greenberg:Dropped, dIaling back
Glenn McKnight:I think the cropp app is different,
Glenn McKnight:Judith is referring to fY 15
Glenn McKnight:Heidi asked to all on the budget
Terri Agnew 2:Alan is back on audio
Tom Lowenhaupt:On cropp - can one have abudget for rentang a table / booth?
Glenn McKnight:Thanks for the update on the budget
Evan Leibovitch:Silvia, wherfe are the CROPP forms? I went to the link above and don't see the forms.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:you ALAC Finance & Budget Sub-Committee members should have forwarded to you the budget updates
Glenn McKnight:No trade show budget
Tom Lowenhaupt:Just travel and per diem?
judith Hellerstein:we never got notified of it
Glenn McKnight:No update from our Finance committee
Glenn McKnight:members Evan: FORMS on NARALO is blank
Glenn McKnight:We have had little reporting from this committee
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:The response is from the FBSC
judith Hellerstein:@silvia there is no form on that site to click on
judith Hellerstein:is there a form to use?
Evan Leibovitch:I'm on that page. I see nothing to click that says FORMS.
Glenn McKnight:I think we need the FINANCE Committee members should be prompted for monthly reports.
Glenn McKnight:@ evan I don;t see the form either
judith Hellerstein:I see that page but there is no form and when i click on proposal there is nothing there
Glenn McKnight:We did the link
Glenn McKnight:Please note we have 5 cropp sponsored trips. Last year we used only 4 . The ietf in Toronto was covered by Evan, Glenn and Murray
Glenn McKnight:no need for Cropp funding for the IETF
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:
judith Hellerstein:but there is no form to fill out
Ogi Mitev:thank you
Kerry Brown:Aplogies. I have to leave the meeting.
Terri Agnew 2:Thank you Kerry
judith Hellerstein:There is no form to fill out? Is their a format for the proposal
Glenn McKnight:@Oliver i clicked the Budget but I don't see the rejection of the three NARALO submissions
judith Hellerstein:i am also interested
Tom Lowenhaupt:My cropp question was about the nature of what qualifies - travel - space rental...???
judith Hellerstein:@staff. I would also like the CROPP form Evan and Judith I will send you the forms
Evan Leibovitch:OK.
Tom Lowenhaupt:booth
Glenn McKnight:Per diem is also covered
judith Hellerstein:here is some issues on criteria
Tom Lowenhaupt:ok. thanks.
Heidi Ullrich:You can request a booth and registration funds Evan and Judith forms here :
Evan Leibovitch:I will researchj what is available.
Evan Leibovitch:4 x 4 works if itś metres
Louis Houle:No
Glenn McKnight:Still need link for everyone for the CROPP applicaiton Please compelte an application and send it in. Must have 8 weeks notice
Evan Leibovitch: is free of charge
judith Hellerstein:i agree and also mentioned this on the tech task force that vibug also be part of testing conference t
Glenn McKnight:We need a simple one page interest page
Glenn McKnight:for ALS
Ogi Mitev:thank you
judith Hellerstein:tools to make sure they are accessible
Glenn McKnight:Garth we have Konstanin in the wings ready for his SPOTLIGHT today
Glenn McKnight:BETTER
Allan Skuce:hear you ok here.
judith Hellerstein:now can not hear at all
Sarah:I can't hear him either :(
Terri Agnew 2:@Konstantin, I have sent you a private chat
guest (Jim Ausman - SF Bay ISOC):yes i can hear you Konstantin, Terri can post it you send us the document to Terri
Glenn McKnight:September ISOC SF Bay- KonstantinOctober CLUE- EvanNovember ISOC CanadaDecember Telecommunities Canada
Glenn McKnight:September willl be Sarah
Glenn McKnight:Evan and CLUE witll be November
Glenn McKnight:Garth Garham will be December you can
Tom Lowenhaupt:Sorry. Having audio problems. I'll give a report on Municipal TLDs next month.
Tom Lowenhaupt:If that's ok with the agends. while I get it, you may want to start if you wish
Glenn McKnight:@Seth your spotlight will be in 2015
Glenn McKnight:Sept Sara, Oct Evan , Nov Kerry and Garth G for December
Glenn McKnight:@Evan your spotlight will be the ICANN meeting in LA which will be the Wednesday
Terri Agnew 2:Welcome Matthew Rantanen
MAtthew Rantanen:Thanks, sorry, running from meeting to meeting today.
Joly MacFie:Did Anna Lisa's tld application go through?
Joly, right?
Garth Bruen:No, it was a very unfortunate situation
Terri Agnew 2:Welcome Robert Castonguay
Robert castonguay:Hi everyone
Louis Houle:Salut Robert
Robert castonguay:Salut Louis, il va falloir se parler ce soir
Louis Houle:OK
Glenn McKnight:Hi Robert any update on your travel payments?
Glenn McKnight:I think the slides are coming?
judith Hellerstein:ISOC DC is not an ALS
Glenn McKnight:correct is uploading them atm
Robert castonguay:No news at this time, Glenn
Glenn McKnight:IEEE is the largest engineering society in the world
Glenn McKnight:Interested in connectivity issues
Glenn McKnight:@robert did you get any emails from Heidi or Joseph and we will post the presentation on the wiki page
Glenn McKnight:A video is produced on his Digital Divide project if he wants to share it
Glenn McKnight:Hey Louis
judith Hellerstein:Did we discuss item
Robert castonguay:No new email, Glenn from either of them
Garth Bruen:One moment Evan
Evan Leibovitch:no prob. olivier is addressing what I was going to say. I can add commentary but Olivier is doing fine regarding the facts on what is happening.
Evan Leibovitch:I'm happy to add my take if you want
Glenn McKnight:@ evan why is your typing in RED?
Evan Leibovitch:because when I think about ICANN & accountability I see red
judith Hellerstein::-)
Glenn McKnight:@john laprise I sent you contact information about Sam Lanfranco
John Laprise:Hi Olivier: the lack of transparency and accountability on transparency and accountability is unacceptable.
Garth Bruen:Judith next
Glenn McKnight:Most accountabilty evaluators are outsideers
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@John: it is pretty murky at the moment and my take is that it is accidental rather than by design.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Evan: it s the accountability of ICANN as a whole, Staff, Board, COmmunity
Konstantin Kalaitzidis (SFBayISOC):I see Glenn's comment regarding the video we did while in London on the Digital Divide. Will review once again and place the link on our Digital Divide Technology Solutions website once we do a bit more editing.
Konstantin Kalaitzidis (SFBayISOC):Will try to finish before the ICANN-51 meeting in LA
Glenn McKnight:Thanks KK
Konstantin Kalaitzidis (SFBayISOC):THANK YOU :-)
Glenn McKnight:We can update the video too.
Konstantin Kalaitzidis (SFBayISOC):yes -- that woould be great!
John Laprise:failure for accountability is simply kicking the can down the road. In the meantime, there is an absense of accountability and transparency.
Glenn McKnight:It;s now 4 06 pm
Glenn McKnight:@john did you meet Stephanie Perrin?
Glenn McKnight:She was a penholder at Net Mundail
Glenn McKnight:Note Alan has his hand up.
John Laprise:Yes I have. We were both at EuroSSIG
John Laprise:and at ICANN50
Terri Agnew 2:We will post slides (7MB) here after call
Evan Leibovitch:Big problem with accessibility is that AC is Java dependent rather than being just HTML
Louis Houle:I lost connection for a minute or two! Sorry
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Judith: who was the person you spoke to?
Evan Leibovitch:@Alan: I gace up some time ago whether ICANN failures were due to malice or incompence. No longer matters/
Tom Lowenhaupt:Must depart. Thanks everyone.
Louis Houle:Thanks Tom
Loris Taylor:Sorry for joining late. due to major thunder storms in the area, our Internet has been down.
judith Hellerstein:Andrea Saks
judith Hellerstein:International Telecommunications Specialist for the DeafChairman ITU JCA-AHF (Joint Coordinating Activity on Accessibility and Human Factors)Coordinator IGF DCAD (Dynamic Coalition on Accessibility and Disability)
judith Hellerstein:@olivier I posted the name on the chat and her title
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Thanks!
Terri Agnew 2:Welcome Loris Taylor and hope has calmed down with the storm
Loris Taylor:Still stormy out but a lot calmer than earlier
judith Hellerstein:@olivier she is based in London
John Laprise:ICANN management simply doesn't grok multistakeholderism. (?)
Garth Bruen:grok or grep?
Evan Leibovitch:Both
Joly MacFie:Sorry I have to go.
Terri Agnew 2:Thank you Joly
Evan Leibovitch:I was very satisfied with the current draft of the statement which Dev had done.
Louis Houle:Thanks Joly
Glenn McKnight:@terry the link to the monthly spotllights are here
Evan Leibovitch:Silence on the statement is OK too
Glenn McKnight: Please add to the minutes
Glenn McKnight:thanks everyone
Robert castonguay:Thanks everyone