NARALO AC Chat 2013.12.09
NARALO AC Chat 2013.12.09
Julia Charvolen:Welcome all to the NARALO monthly call on Monday 09 December at 2000 UTC
Julia Charvolen:Agenda: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/pxGSBg
Glenn McKnight:Hi Julia
Silvia Vivanco:Hello all, welcome
Silvia Vivanco:we are waiting for more people to join the call
Glenn McKnight:Fyi here is an interesting paper on Internet governance
Glenn McKnight:http://samlanfranco.blogspot.ca/
Glenn McKnight:Its by Sam Lanfranco, Professor in Economics at York University
Allan Skuce:Greetings
Glenn McKnight:Hi Allan How was Burning Man?
Glenn McKnight:Waiting for the pics
Silvia Vivanco:Hello Garth welcome
Julia Charvolen:Agenda: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/pxGSBg
Silvia Vivanco:https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/NARALO/pages/110236071/NARALO+2013.12.09+Teleconference
Silvia Vivanco:Agenda just updated by Garth
Garth Bruen:https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/NARALO/pages/110236071/NARALO+2013.12.09+Teleconference
Silvia Vivanco:@ Garth I will note your part of the AI as pending
eduardo diaz:on the chat only. no access to microohone. on the road
Julia Charvolen:Thank you Eduardo
Silvia Vivanco:CROPP
eduardo diaz:i am in thr cropps team
Heidi Ullrich:CROPP Membership page: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99611428/At-Large+Community+Regional+Outreach+Program+Review+Team+CROP+RT
Allan Skuce:I am one on the cropp.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:The persons on the CROPP Review Team : https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/JPPvBQ
Allan Skuce:I am rep from budget & finance.
Glenn McKnight:Evan has a question
Allan Skuce:Darlene is from outreach.
Silvia Vivanco:See ATL Liasion selection:https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99546212/2013+ALAC+Leadership+Team+and+Liaison+Selection+Workspace
Heidi Ullrich:FBSC page: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99687730/ALAC+Subcommittee+on+Finance+and+Budget
Glenn McKnight:Very limited time to get in January since it;'s 6 weeks
eduardo diaz:maybe end of february if it is sent in dec 2013
Glenn McKnight:No its mid January
Glenn McKnight:January 7 to 10
Glenn McKnight:correction 8 to 11
Glenn McKnight:Its similar to CEBIT
Glenn McKnight:Very large show
Glenn McKnight:Largest in North America
Glenn McKnight:Other events NTEN an event outreach to technology and non profits, ARIN events etc
Glenn McKnight:@heidi the secretariats/chairs were not at the Academy training in BA
Glenn McKnight:Perhaps in the future
Silvia Vivanco:Yes ALS list has been provided and yes its not public
Julia Charvolen:Avri Doria joined the Adobe Connect
Glenn McKnight:@Silvia you mentioned that staff met with new an outgoing ALAC officers from AFRALO. Is this correct?
Silvia Vivanco:correct Glenn we had an informal transition meeting
Silvia Vivanco:we can do the same with NARALO
Heidi Ullrich:Welcome, Avri
Glenn McKnight:@ Heidi the point I am making the transition should be codified
Glenn McKnight:I am working on a working document and I will share soon
Heidi Ullrich:Beginner's Guides: http://www.icann.org/en/about/learning/beginners-guides
Heidi Ullrich:@Glenn, good points
Heidi Ullrich:We are happy to schedule a transition call with you. I believe Silvia is working on that
Silvia Vivanco:Yes, Heidi, I have not received a response from Darlene BUT we could hold a call among ourselves
Silvia Vivanco:There are no FORM letters - this is customary
Heidi Ullrich:13th
Heidi Ullrich:13th of January is next NARALO meeting
Glenn McKnight:Hi Julia can you post the graphic of NOMCOM for me
Glenn McKnight:Invite for SOI to be sent
Glenn McKnight:Its now open
Glenn McKnight:@ short item
Julia Charvolen:Tryin to turn the sheet
Glenn McKnight:Just the point that the SOI request is now started in December until April
Glenn McKnight:Many of the SOI's are very late so good to get them in
Alan Greenberg:My other call is over. Is there enough left here to justify my calling back in?
Heidi Ullrich:Wiki page for CWG on IGhttps://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/display/CPMMB/ICANN+Community+Preparation+for+the+Multistakeholder+Meeting+in+Brazil+Home
Glenn McKnight:Please add my comments on NOMCOM in the minutes
Allan Skuce:Thanks. Bye
Silvia Vivanco:@ Glenn and Garth I will send the Action Items to you shortly
Silvia Vivanco:the transcripts and recordings of this call will be posted in the WIKI page in 48-72 hrs
Allan Skuce:Hi Glenn, I'll sent you a link to pics and movie from Black Rock City.