Chat 13 August 2012
Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome to the NARALO Monthly call on Monday 13 August 2012 at 1900 UTC
Gisella Gruber-White:Draft agenda:
Matt Ashtiani:hello and welcome, everyone!
Heidi Ullrich:Hi All! Welcome
Heidi Ullrich:Two months and one day until Toronto!
Darlene Thompson:May I presume upon staff to take notes for the Summary Minutes? I can't possibly chair and take notes at the same time (nor walk and chew bubble gum simultaneously).
Glenn McKnight:Hi all
Eduardo Diaz:Hola a todos
Heidi Ullrich:Sure, Darlene
Silvia Vivanco:Hi Darlene
Silvia Vivanco:Staff will be glad to take the minutes
Glenn McKnight:Toronto organizing committee always wants new members...
Nathalie Peregrine:Annalisa is not connected on the audio bridge
Nathalie Peregrine:only the AC room
Annalisa:i am muted
Annalisa:I can hear
Heidi Ullrich: - Annalisa's blog
Garth Bruen:Thansk for the linl
Evan Leibovitch:argh.
Evan Leibovitch:on my way in
Joly MacFie:Personally, I couldn't get AC to work with my mic I had to skype into the phone bridge )
Nathalie Peregrine:Annalisa, I'm chatting to you on private chat, alternatively, if you give me a contact phone number I'll get an operator to dial out to you
Heidi Ullrich:Glenn's Doodle to sign up for the Outreach activities in Toronto: Here is the link to the draft DOODLE site for the signup sheet
Annalisa:Hi Nathalie, 415 925 1012
Nathalie Peregrine:cheers!
Annalisa:I will be there
Garth Bruen:Is the survey open to any Internet user, or just NARALO members?
Heidi Ullrich:Survey was open to anyone - but is closed on 31 July
Joly MacFie:Avri will represent ISOC-NY
Glenn McKnight:The survey analysis is underway and I have a slideshow based upon the results available for the WIKI and presentation in Toronto
Annalisa:thank you
Nathalie Peregrine:Annalisa has joined the audio bridge
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Nathalie!
Glenn McKnight:Dropped off for a meeting
Heidi Ullrich:Will you return, Glenn?
Glenn McKnight:Sorry any news of the banner
Glenn McKnight:I am back I had to take another call
Heidi Ullrich:I will have an update on tomorrow's Organizing call
Heidi Ullrich:Staff are looking into various vendors for price/quality comparisons
Eduardo Diaz:@Heidi: Is the call tomorrow or wedneday?
Heidi Ullrich:yes
Heidi Ullrich:sorry
Heidi Ullrich:Wed
Eduardo Diaz:Thks
Heidi Ullrich:Evan, is it Patagoinia or Catalonia? I believe the former.
Evan Leibovitch:sorry. Catalonia is already delegated (.cat)
Evan Leibovitch:it's .patagonia
Heidi Ullrich:thanks
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Patagonia indeed
Glenn McKnight:It confused me too
Eduardo Diaz:Beautiful place!
Heidi Ullrich:Eric Brunner-Williams has sent his apolgies for this call.
allan skuce:I have to go ...lawyers.
Joly MacFie:I am yet to see .music concerns reach the general public - there could be a SOPA style backlash over industry control
Joly MacFie:speak up glenn
Glenn McKnight:Sorry I wasn`t aware my voice was low
Evan Leibovitch:Olivier is speaking about the topic I was going to raise.
Evan Leibovitch:
Eduardo Diaz:@Olivier: That is why I asked abourt "restrictions"
Eduardo Diaz:Whic is not the case with dot green as Annalisa explained.
Joly MacFie:InternetNZ is also an ISOC Chapter
Joly MacFie:If someone's surname is Green, would they be able to register a .green domain?
Eduardo Diaz:@Evan: Just like a ccTLD
Annalisa:DotGreen has designed the .green TLD as an open and inclusinve TLD for all who use the
Eduardo Diaz:I believe .edu is just somewhat like that.
Annalisa:with the understanding of what GREEN and .green means
Annalisa:acknowledged by the registrant
Eduardo Diaz:@Annalisa: So the answer to Joly's question is - Yes?
Annalisa:@Joly, as long as they agree with the stated meaning of GREEN and .green and will not purposely go against that and not creating harm
Joly MacFie:For instance a polluter called Green
Evan Leibovitch:Is the Green committment voluntarily stated, or will it be verified and enforced?
Evan Leibovitch:I can see a domain such as "" being very controbersial
Joly MacFie:For .nyc there will be weekly reviews to check nexus and domains will be withdrawn
Joly MacFie:or so they say
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@joly: wow I hope they have good lawyers
Glenn McKnight:Thanks Annalisa
Glenn McKnight:We are fast
Annalisa:Thank you all for your interest
Eduardo Diaz:@Silvia: Wed is the 15
Garth Bruen:Congrats Darleen
Heidi Ullrich:Congratulations, Darlene!
Eduardo Diaz:+1
Evan Leibovitch:Congrats to Darlene and Glenn.
Glenn McKnight:Thanks all for the vote of confidence
Evan Leibovitch:three of the four candidates are here... we could have an opportunity for Q&A here
Glenn McKnight:only 12 minutes left in the call....
Eduardo Diaz:MAybe durin the GA?
Joly MacFie:you could make a video glenn :)
Heidi Ullrich:The Secreatariat meeitng would have a broader audience than the NARALO GA
Glenn McKnight:15 minutes
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Secretariats & Regional Leads would be better than the GA because more RALOs will attend
Eduardo Diaz:@Heidi: You are correct.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:and the results are likely to be really interesting to them too!
Eduardo Diaz:@Olivier: Agrree
Darlene Thompson:Not enough time, Evan
Evan Leibovitch:ok
Glenn McKnight:I will supply a slideshow in advance but not a video( contrary to Joly`s suggestion)
Garth Bruen:
Glenn McKnight:Interesting stuff
Garth Bruen:old
Glenn McKnight:No more
Eduardo Diaz:Motion to close
Seth Reiss:Darlene, thanks for chairing the meeting so well --
Glenn McKnight:See you on Wednesday
Heidi Ullrich:Good call!
Annalisa:Darlene , excellent chairing
Evan Leibovitch:Congrats Chair Darlene!
Annalisa:thank you
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you all