Foundation for Building Sustainable Communities (FBSC)
Glenn McKnight
Foundation for Building Sustainable Communities (FBSC) | Oshawa Ontario, Canada
Foundation for Building Sustainable Communities (FBSC) |
Glenn McKnight |
Joan Kerr |
FBSC has three mandates LOCAL FOOD, LOCAL HISTORY and INNOVATION. In our INNOVATION capacity we are active with ICANN and IEEE in a variety of capacities. On a local level we are the organizers of the DURHAM DIY SHOWCASE in partnership with IEEE Canada we provide a free event so children and families can have have hands on experience working on Audrino One and Raspberry Pi demonstration along with the local computer club and Linux group. We also partner with IEEE Humanitarian Technology Challenge with a global student competition for creation for creating technology that benefits humanity.
ICANN activities have included the production of ICANN shorts. Short video clips showcasing various individuals and issues.
In cooperation with ISOC Canada Chapter, Production of the Canada Speakers Series