Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial E-mail (CAUCE North America)

Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial E-mail (CAUCE North America)

Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial E-mail (CAUCE North America)

Joh Levine


CAUCE North America, Inc.
Post Office Box 727
Trumansburg NY 14886 USA

Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial E-mail (CAUCE North America)

CAUCE NA, as an all-volunteer consumer advocacy organization, has moved beyond its original mission of encouraging the creation and adoption of anti-spam laws to a broader stance of defending the interests of the average Internet user.

  1. Canadian Parliament Enacts Anti-Spam Law (Part 2) | Deeth Williams Wall DW2 http://t.co/oopCEkV #CASL #C-28 about 7 hours ago via web
  2. Canadian Parliament Enacts Anti-Spam Law (Part I) | Deeth Williams Wall DW2 http://t.co/Z9Cb91C #CASL #C-28 about 8 hours ago via web
  3. A figleaf of permission doesn't cover the naughty bits very well | Word To The Wise http://t.co/MPYWisn about 15 hours ago via Twitter for Mac
  4. New Canadian Anti-Spam Law Arriving September 2011 – Are You Prepared? | Sweeney Williams at Quarry http://t.co/z9f0Pri #CASL #C-28 about 22 hours ago via Twitter for Mac
  5. Canadian Anti-Spam Act 2011 – Spam Can Cost You Millions of Dollars http://t.co/rDVliOv #CASL #C-28 about 22 hours ago via Twitter for Mac