Action Items: EURALO calls
Action Items: EURALO calls
Board Meetings
30 March
- ICANN71: Suggestion from yrjo.lansipuro to have a session on ALSes/Independents
- Round Tables: sebastien.bachollet and Gisella Gruber to set up list of monthly RT suggested topics and organise a survey to class list of possible topics - IN PROGRESS
- GA: Promotional Materials: Gisella Gruber Heidi Ullrich Claudia Ruiz sebastien.bacholletto hold a short call on promotional materials
26 January
- Gisella Gruberto send the Dec 2020 EURALO GA participation response to EURALO Leadership as starting point on 2021 Membership follow up - IN PROGRESS
- @Staff - from Yrjö: Expertise table to be accessible through log in as not able to make public due to GDPR
- Gisella Gruberto change membership list that Lutz is co-chairin and name to be moved to top of list. Sébastien will co-chair.
- Silvia Vivancoto implement the same procedure as UIM WP on wiki i.e open issues with comments table.
- Silvia Vivancoto add By-Laws link to this page