Action Items: 2016-12-20 EURALO Monthly Teleconference

Action Items: 2016-12-20 EURALO Monthly Teleconference

  • 1. Jordi Iparraguirre informed all that he cannot longer serve in the EURALO Board due to professional engagement. Silvia Vivanco in coordination with Olivier and Wolf to launch the election to fill the Board’s vacancy.
  • 2.  EURALO by-Laws: Sandra Hoferichter offered EuroDIG team assistance. Olivier Crépin-Leblond to follow up with Sandra and coordinate the reactivation of the WG.
  • 3.  Silvia Vivanco to open a wiki page EURALO Activities in ICANN 58 Copenhagen Denmark.

Ideas for Copenhagen activities:

- Outreach - ICANN information booth, opportunity to reach out to Nordic countries. Consultation with Outreach and Engagement WG

- JJ Sahel and GSE activities, Showcase, etc

-  Promotional Items : brochures, etc

-  Capacity building (tbd) in consultation with capacity building WG.

-  Discussion of pending issues: By - Laws , Task Force on Engagement.

-  Aim: Signature of MOU with RIPE

Task Force Members: Olivier, Wolf, Yrjo, Erich Schweighofer, Lutz Donnerhacke

  • Olivier Crépin-Leblond  to get in touch with Adam Peake to discuss possible civil society activities in collaboration
  • wolf.ludwig to get in touch with Wolfgang Kleinwachter