Action Items: 2016.11.22 EURALO Teleconference
Action Items: 2016.11.22 EURALO Teleconference
- EURALO By Laws: Heidi Ullrich and Silvia Vivanco to work with Michael Yakushev to update on legal support requested for the drafting of EURALO's By Laws.
- wolf.ludwig to send to members of Public Interest WG an email suggesting topics and calendar between now and the meeting in Copenhagen.
- Silvia Vivanco to get the tool developed by Dev Anand for engagement of Alses and post the tool on the ALSes engagement WG page.
- yrjo.lansipuro to lead the EURALO ALS engagement task force work on analysis & data processing from all of the responses provided by EURALO ALSes
- Silvia Vivanco to inlcude in the next EURALO monthly call, an item on the EURALO Individuals Association and activities to be undertaken in 2017
- Silvia Vivanco to organize the next EURALO Board call before the end of the year
- Olivier Crépin-Leblond and EURALO members to open a discussion on IoT (Internet of Things)