EURALO 2013-01-22 Action Items

EURALO 2013-01-22 Action Items

AI 1: All call participants and "Focal points" (confirmed at our December call) are invited to contact and push those member ALSes who have not registered yet (ISOC chapters, German ALSes etc.). Wolf will send a 2nd - and last - reminder to the list end of January.

AI 2: For org. reasons we need an early deadline for Lisbon GA registrations. As suggested by Wolf, it was decided to fix this deadline for the beginning of February or - where needed - middle of February latest.

AI 3: Individual members are invited to get their "home" ALS started until spring for ALAC certification.

AI 4: The status (number) of ALS registrations for Lisbon will be reviewed again at our February call. Members who have not responded at all (on repeated list and direct approaches) until this date (19 February) will be contacted and asked about their future EURALO involvement (worst case: decertification scenario).

AI 5: After the official registration for the EURALO GA is completed (to be followed up by At-Large Staff and CT), discussion and planning will begin for the GA agenda in an open and consultative process. Members will be invited to suggest agenda proposals (until middle of April) for a draft of the Lisbon Agenda. Suggestions for keynote speakers (preferably close to ICANN and European) are welcome. During the GA programming we need to decide about a (post GA and pre EuroDIG) Outreach party the very evening – in line with our budget limits.