EURALO Summary Minutes 21 August 2012
Summary Minutes and Action Items
Tuesday 21 August 2012 at 1800 UTC
Wolf open the call, welcome all participants.
Roll call and apologies
Wolf: Reviewed the action Items from 17th July call
3 AIs:
Post candidates on EURALO list and nominations
2 different issues on-going nominations for ALAC and NomCom
Rudi and Wolf will directly check with member ALSes how we can better involve them in current RALO or ALAC activities – ISOC chapters Rudi, Wolf other members, Oksana Eastern European ALSes (ongoing verification).
3. Briefing on current ALAC Consultations and Initiatives
OCL: We have a number of recently approved statements and we had many statements submitted
Currently 2 statements:
1) SAC054 - This is quite a technical paper, all members of At Large are welcome to comment we only have a couple of days and Julie Hammer will put together. Accepting comments until 31st August. Please send your comments. There is material which explains what it means.
2) ICANN role and remit on.....Security, Stability. Reply closing day is 31st August. ALAC has already submitted a first statement but you can comment on statements on this comments on the ISPs community, text is already there.
3) Current open policy comments
GNSO- We do not need to comment
There are a number of policy comment forum coming up.
The .name registry renewal. Nothing touches on ALAC and internet users
.net, .com
Locking of Domain names subject to UDRP -= No choice as to whether ALAC should draft statement. The reply comment was extended through the 3 Sept and reply until 24th of Sept.
There may be some interest .
Registration abuse- No comments, regarding contract law, etc
DSSA WG Phase 1 report. Several people from At large are working on the WG and I was on the WG. The report itself provides details and whether the success of the New gTLDs is a success or failure. DNS stability, and it looks at the stability domain name system.
Rudi: Would there be a possibility to have a redlined version? For instance the documents in new gTLDs which makes it easier to understand.
Trademark clearing house there were sessions in Brussels and I discovered something and the cost for the use of the trademark clearing house would be 7,000 - 10'000 USD. At the end, it is the end user who will pay for the protection of the trademark. Rudi posted a comment on the ALAC mailing list for all to learn about it.
OCL: Whatever protection, it is never enough for trademark owners, the implementation is made by staff.
Regarding the redlined versions, each WG will then have staff which will collect statements and will make a summary of them so everyone is able to read and the second report is one where table is put together and they are put alongside the text they refer to, this is a working document, perhaps difficult to understand. Each working group works.
4. Recent EURALO Nominations regarding ALAC. Sandra's nomination for a second term was broadly seconded on the list (5 people) besides unanimous support during today's call. As Sandra is the single candidate, we can decide to confirm Sandra to continue her work for the ALAC without further procedures on the list. Wolf's suggestion was approved by all call participants. Wolf congratulated Sandra for her second term.
OCL: Would like to put on the record that there was unanimous support for Sandra.
NomCom: As you can see in the link, there were repeated calls for nominations for the succession of Yrjö on our mailing list and in July the first nominations started. Wolf nominated Veronica Cretu, a former ALAC member, as a EURALO candidate to the NomCom 2013. As there was only one nomination up to the end of the deadline, Wolf forwarded our regional candidate to OCL and the ALAC. And it's finally the ALAC to select the next representatives from the regional nominations.
We can afford to chose the quickest way to approve this tonight.
OCL: The ALAC may have someone else in mind, not a done deal but I thank the region fro the recommendation.
Rudi: Would like to suggest for the future that we select candidates in a more substantial procedure and preferably nominate people active at the regional level.
Wolf: Veronica was the only candidate and based on her performance at ALAC, she can be a remarkable candidate.
Oksana: Supported Veronica 's nomination.
Wolf: This is our regional recommendation.
As you can see by the timetable, the final selections will be taken in the next 2 weeks.
5. Briefing on the EuroSSIG in Meissen / Germany. Wolfgang, OCL, Avri, Sandra and Wolf were present at the event.
It was another very successful event.
Sandra: We had 100 applications from 25 countries and we chose 25 students supported by our fellowship program and we have a report (link posted) recommend all to read the report.
Wolf: Report highlights the achievements and this is a great initiative and implemented now for the seventh time and it is a great capacity building activity.
For Europeans it is more difficult to get sponsorship but there is still opportunity for 2013.
6. Briefing on the ICANN-Studienkreiss meeting, this week, Oslo (3 min. / Sandra)
From August 23 -24 in Oslo is the 12th meeting and we will have two more meetings in Amsterdam (2013) and Leipzig (2014). Everybody interested is invited and we had a very interesting program which reflects the discussion around the new ICANN issues, as new gTLD program, the consequences for applications. We have good participation from ICANN, the VP for Europe. We can discuss the issues under a very relaxed environment (see link to website ) all are invited to look at it.
Wolf: Our related suggestion for the ICANN Fiscal Year 2012-13 was not approved, we suggested sponsoring for 3 - 5 of our members to participate in this important event. ICANN stated in its denial "that this project is not ICANN related" – what Wolf considers "absurd".
7. EURALO planning 2012 -- continued discussion (Wolf and all) (20 min. / Wolf)
Standing Agenda Item where we regularly discuss our Stockholm GA, ALAC Anniversary Event., etc. Most of the regional highlights are over and we must discuss pending issues. The discussion is:
How to deal with non-responsive members. There were suggestions and comments on our mailing list from Rudi, Roberto, Christoph, Wolf, and this is an ongoing discussion at the ALAC level, we have discussed it in the Secretariat's meeting and I circulated a draft proposal how we could deal with this. There was a question on definition and the term of "non-active members"; this term is quite bias. We should continue the discussion on the list for further inputs.
Oksana: Inactive ALS, Ukranian Internet association changed twice its leadership and the new leadership has no information. For example to put on their website some obligations to inform ordinary members. We have no tools to deal with this.
Wolf: i think this is a more general problem and there are particular cases of changes of personnel, and some people may have left the organization and the successors may not know or not care about the issues. We will start now to contact members directly.
Rudi will contact members at the ISOC level (see Action Items)
Wolf: At the non ISOC level. But we need to deal with this in the next couple of weeks. Rudi prepared a document on 2012 participation at our monthly calls and participation at our last GAs.
The last GAs were not supported by ICANN. Having 10 members was reasonable.
Thanked Rudi for the ALS participation report (link).
Rudi: Regarding -participation on WGs it is quite difficult and would like to have more people available for the WG, I am hesitating because I am the only one who work and is active. EURALO should be active and I will consider stepping down from EURALO.
Wolf: This is an important comment and we need to continue discussion the next weeks.
OCL: He whole heartly agree with Rudi and Wolf and yes, ALs need to take part of the WG and at least subscribe and participate via email and then hearing that ICANN takes decision without consulting anyone. This needs to work well if the multi-stake holder model is supposed to work well . We need to work on this model if we are part of it.
Wolf: Having good ideas, good concept is easy but implementation is difficult. Don't forget this RALO-ALS model is 5 years, half the life of the ICANN model. You cannot expect the same level of performance as you would expect from professionals and At-Large relies on volunteers.
We also have the phenomenon of de-motivation and there has been downgrading in the last 2 years.
I still have some hope for next year. In our next GA – supported by ICANN again! – we can address the issue and this is a very sophisticated discussion and we can learn a lot from this.
Wolf: Individual members: No individual members in this call and we need to mobilize them to participate in one of our next calls. The respective work to create an ALS for individual members must be started and done by themselves.