EURALO Summary Minutes 19 June 2012
Summary Minutes
Tuesday 19 June 2012
Review of AI: Staff completed both AI.
The timing of the monthly call will stay as always.
3. Briefing on current ALAC consultations and initiatives / Materials for public comments (OCL 10 min.) (to be updated by Staff)
OCL provided an overview on the current consultations and issues.
He also explained the PC periods open and closed.
An additional comment the discussion on the RAA 3[...] which deals with non-compliance part of Registrar Accreditation.
The RRR is preparing a statement and will be discussed on Sunday when compliance meets.
Wolf is following up exchanges on the mailing list but does not have a definitive point of view in this. He hopes to have a more definitive idea on Sunday.
There was a consultation on translation issues which was now submitted for ALAC community response and in less informal way so far, we may post a short comment on this.
We appreciate that a lot of documents need to be translated into other languages and we think that more languages spoken in Europe must be added. As far as simultaneous translations for meetings, calls or transcripts we are hesitant because this cannot be a one-way road, nothing is done from the recipients. We did not draft a statement but we left our comments in the respective WIKI.
SH: Concern that simultaneous interpretation services is a tool for being inclusive. He recognizes that in some instances where there is a meeting with 20 people simultaneous interpretation may not be needed.
Some of the budget for simultaneous interpretation could be used for transcripts of documents, which is more valuable because I can use it for outreach in my community. People are not use to reading technical documents in other languages.
Translation is a means to an end, but translation as such cannot be a goal and cannot be a never-ending story. Since several years there is a concern for translation and no much more, we have to look at a more diverse composition and not make fuss at our regional handicap, which put us at the center of the debate.
4. Briefing on EURALO GA 13 June in Stockholm
Wolf: About a week ago we had our third online meeting in the eve of EURODIG. It had surprisingly good attendance. It was a good debate; from my point of view it does not make sense to make a summary.
Is anybody would like to step in and tell us about his/her impressions?
I may be bias in my conclusion.
Wolf: We had to start under not the most favorable conditions, Gisella stepped in to provide remote transmission, besides the technical handicaps we had a good meeting and we did not waste too much time in formalities but we dedicated quite some time to discuss outreach/inreach. There was good feedback from community members.
RV: Even at the GA if were less in number, we had more than 32 ALS.
Many of organizations that are stepping in are inspired in the first month and then goes down in participating in a while.
It is the moment to start making a small survey among members to understand why they did not participate.
From EURALO, there are 4-5 people who are working in WG. We must take up the talk that we signed up to do in LACRALO.
In the RW of the gTLD for example we have a huge task we have in front of us.
We can keep as AI: To reconsider a SURVEY which is always an effort for staff and it is an effort for our members.
CW: Emphasized with Rudi's frustration.
The past 5 years it is impossible to expect quorate meetings because it’s hard financially but we have to live with that. Yes we have sleeping members. We have to make it quite clear that it is the organization that is a member and not the individual and we have to have a system to replace members as needed.
It would be helpful to mobilize our members when we are doing things., 5 to 10 lines in the mailing list to tell people what is happening.
We need to look at this more thoroughly.
Yrjo: We should not re-run the discussion here, there are ALS not participating because they too many issues for ALS,so the idea is to concentrate on issues and make the ALS aware of them.
Technical arrangements for remote participation are relevant.
Wolf: In the report to the GA I concentrated on existing problems and next year will be the proof. The online participation for many members is not sufficient.
I still have some hope as soon as we can invite our members to our next GA in Lisbon we may have some support for our members and this may turn around. We still have a chance to remobilize.
5. Briefing on recent 5th EuroDIG in Stockholm
Asked the participants to give us a short summary of their impressions:
Yrjo: This was a success, and the official recognition of the host country, means that ERODIG has established itself as the European Internet forum.
CW: Looking for a clearer, prompt statement from EURODIG about the key issues. The neutrality attacked by telecom operators and human rights been bypassed by a number of states in including my own.
Sebastian: Would like to thank Sandra and Wolf for organizing the EURODIG, the content was good, the members were very visible.
I understand the point of view of Christopher.
Wolf: The twitter channel was improved since Belgrade proved to be an extraordinary source of feedback for participants and needs to be strengthened and must be used in other conferences. We, as the global IGF is an Assembly of participants, which can discuss but with no power of decisions, recommendations.
I also shared your feelings Christopher, many people feel frustrated, and the business sector is getting stronger and stronger on this. We discussed intellectual property. These are key issues.
We have to look at the weaknesses of the EURODIG process.
EURODIG must be understood as a process and an interactive process, there is always a lot of room for improvements.
I hope we can use Prague as an opportunity for bilateral discussions.
CW: There is a disagreement, EURODIG thinks it is making recommendations to the IGF, I disagree it should be making recommendations to the EU.
Wolf: Next Monday is the perfect opportunity at the At-Large 10 years Anniversary event.
ALAC Anniversary event at the ICANN 44 meeting in June in Prague – final preparations EURALO_Prague44_
AI: Wolf will do a script and will send it to co-moderators; there is no much than can be done from the community side.
The Prague event will be a great opportunity to ask for sponsorship.
Regarding EuroSSIG briefing, July 2012 in Meissen / Germany
ICANN-Studienkreis in August in Oslo / Norway.
Sandra H: Summer school is under constructions; list of participants is growing and please let me know if you are able to participate on your own.
Registration for Oslo is open.
7. AOB: None