Eneken Tikk (dr.iur)
Eneken Tikk (dr.iur) is Executive Producer of the Cyber Policy Institute (CPI) in Jyväskylä, Finland and associate researcher at Helsinki University. She began her career as a lawyer with interest in ICTs and public international law and she has been part of developing Estonian data protection, public e-services and cybersecurity legislation. Dr Tikk was member of the team that started the NATO CCD COE, where she established and led the legal and policy branch. She initiated and coordinated the (first) Tallinn Manual project (2009-2011). During her term as Senior Fellow for Cyber Security at the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS, 2012-2016), Eneken published the Strategic Dossier on the Evolution of the Cyber Domain. She was part of the Estonian delegation in the UN GGE (2012-2013, 2014-2015 and 2016-2017), advising the Estonian experts on international law, international cyber policy and cyber diplomacy. Eneken leads the Cyber Conflict Portal project at CPI and leads the 1nternat10nal Law project focused on critical research on international law and cybersecurity. She is co-editor of the Routledge Handbook on International Cybersecurity (2020). Her current research focuses on cyber conflict, cyber power projection and international law on peaceful settlement of disputes.