AC Chat: 2016.08.23 EURALO Teleconference
Terri Agnew:Welcome to the EURALO Monthly call held on Tuesday, 23 August 2016 at 18:00 UTC
Terri Agnew:wiki agenda page:
Oksana Prykhodko:Hello all
Silvia Vivanco:Hello all
Jordi Iparraguirre:hi everyone!
Terri Agnew:Welcome Christoph Bruch
Terri Agnew:Welcome Erich Schweighofer
Julia Velkova:Hello!
Erich Schweighofer:HI everyone
Oksana Prykhodko:@Olivier Pls add question regarding GA 2017
sandra hoferichter:Hi all!
Terri Agnew:Welcome sandra hoferichter
Terri Agnew:Action items 26 July 2016:
Oksana Prykhodko:Thank you!
Terri Agnew:@wolf, please check your mute button
Julia Velkova:yes
Bastiaan Goslings:I'm an observer!
Yrjö Länsipuro:Yes
narine khachatryan:Hi everyone
Terri Agnew:Policy Advice Website:
Terri Agnew:Welcome Lutz Donnerhacke
Terri Agnew:Policy Advice Development Page:
mirjana tasic:hello all
Terri Agnew: ICANN Public Comment Page:
Terri Agnew:Welcome Alan Greenberg
Alan Greenberg:Sorry, was late in getting here.
Oksana Prykhodko:Is it WG formed already?
Sebastien:Verisign and .web
Silvia Vivanco: TLD Market place
Bastiaan Goslings:No permission to see it after login (= EURALO hot topics)
Silvia Vivanco:The document is posted on the chat
Roberto Gaetano:Access denied to the document for me as well
Silvia Vivanco:We will open the document
Wolf Ludwig:Same here!
Silvia Vivanco:Noted we will open it ASAP
Silvia Vivanco:We will make sure members can review documents apologies
Silvia Vivanco:we are working on this
Terri Agnew:Explanation of CROPP:
Terri Agnew:Past CROPP reports FY16:
Jordi Iparraguirre:I'll be reading and commenting the gTLD health index
Terri Agnew: Past CROPP reports FY15
Terri Agnew:Past CROPP reports FY14
Terri Agnew:CROPP Review for August call:
Terri Agnew:Review of EURALO CROPP Program:
Terri Agnew:Welcome Andrea Beccalli
Oksana Prykhodko:We have no ALS in Denmark, am I right?
Wolf Ludwig:No, we have no ALS in Denmark so far.
Oksana Prykhodko:So, it can be considered also as outreach goal
Silvia Vivanco:Noted as AI Olivier
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Thanks Silvia
Silvia Vivanco:as I recall there was a restriction in the past, however it is worthwhile asking the RT
Jordi Iparraguirre:on cropp: having some knowledge of local language may be a plus. we cannot be sure local events are in english, nor the people there will speak it
Terri Agnew:EURALO Board:
Terri Agnew:Last vote results:
Terri Agnew:consensus:
Terri Agnew:EURALO Task Force on At-Large Structure (ALS) engagement:
Silvia Vivanco:yes it is linked to the Task Force wiki page
Oksana Prykhodko:full support to this letter!
Terri Agnew:EURALO By-Laws review:
Terri Agnew:BMSPC
Terri Agnew:BCEC
Terri Agnew:email – Call for Membership of 2017 BCEC and BMSPC:
Wolf Ludwig:Question: Can a NomCom Member be part if it?
Roberto Gaetano:two members plus one reserve
Oksana Prykhodko:It was great experience for me to participate last year in BMSEC, I would be happy to work there again
Silvia Vivanco:2 members + 1 alternate
Jordi Iparraguirre:i'm volunteering to serve in the bcec, i already did it last time.
Terri Agnew:@Oksana and Jordi both will be noted and email will be sent after this call, will need your EOI's today
Silvia Vivanco:Oksana and Jordi, please be so kind to send your names to At-Large staff by email
Alan Greenberg:Today is the deadline for names. The RALO has a week to decide.
Oksana Prykhodko:R%odrigo did great job at BCEC. Can we nominate him?
Oksana Prykhodko:Sorry, Rodrigo
Jordi Iparraguirre:thanks Wolf!
Oksana Prykhodko:Thank you, Silvia!
Wolf Ludwig:Then I would like to suggest Sandra as well!
Roberto Gaetano:@Alan +1
Silvia Vivanco:@ Oksana, kindly specify Rodrigo's full name and kindly send an email to staff
Silvia Vivanco:so we can add his name to the list
Oksana Prykhodko:Roberto, sorry!!!!
Bastiaan Goslings:hahaha
Silvia Vivanco:oh ok Oksana thanks for clarifying
Roberto Gaetano:Thanks, Oksana, but I don't think I would volounteer this time
Terri Agnew:EURALO conf call schedule doodle:
Terri Agnew:doodle email:
Oksana Prykhodko:@Roberto - excuse me pls for my mistake and sorry for your decision(
Silvia Vivanco:Third Tuesday of the Month (current) was selected
Oksana Prykhodko:My operator limits my call, I will be only in Adobe(
Terri Agnew:@Oksana, AC only at this time is noted
Lutz Donnerhacke:The time is the most problematic issue. For people with children, every time is bad (until they sleep). So 8pm is a fair compromise.
Julia Velkova:Lutz: agree
Bastiaan Goslings:Sorry folks, I need to leave - CCWG Human Rights Subteam call
Bastiaan Goslings:ciao
Terri Agnew:Current EURALO ALS applications – Article19:
Terri Agnew:
Oksana Prykhodko:They did great job, I support their application
Roberto Gaetano:@Oksana and @Wolf +1
Jordi Iparraguirre:support article19 application too
Erich Schweighofer:I support the application - subject to a working partipation model
Yrjö Länsipuro:I would like to support Article 19 too.
narine khachatryan:+1 for Article 19
Roberto Gaetano:We need to have a closer look at the application, and see whether there is a real formal obstacle or whether there is a way to trim the details
Silvia Vivanco:According to the ALS application timeline, we will forward the Due Diligence Statement to the ALAC by the 25th of August 2016.
Alan Greenberg:Need to leave now.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Annette over to you next -- sorry Sebastian, I did not get your point. Could you please repeat this?
Oksana Prykhodko:EMP is also international organization - with chapters in Denmark, Armenia, Finland and other European country
Erich Schweighofer:Sorry have to leave now.
Yrjö Länsipuro:Membership of ISOC chapters - many of which are ALS's - are not strictly based in one country one.
Wolf Ludwig:Fully agree, Yrjö!
Wolf Ludwig:Another good reason ...
Silvia Vivanco:ilvia Vivanco: According to the ALS application timeline, we will forward the Due Diligence Statement to the ALAC by the 25th of August 2016.
Terri Agnew:Selection of ALAC (At-Large) Leaders from Europe
Oksana Prykhodko:I am interested to receive DD
Silvia Vivanco:Staff notes your request Oksana
Oksana Prykhodko:Thank you, Silvia!
Oksana Prykhodko:GA!!!!
Heidi Ullrich:EURALO had its F2F in Dublin in 2015
Oksana Prykhodko:Thank you, Wolf!
Heidi Ullrich:that will be the only one in this cycle before the next Summit
Lutz Donnerhacke:Yep, Wolf, you are right.
Wolf Ludwig:Welcome Oksana!
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, All!
sandra hoferichter:bye all!
Wolf Ludwig:Thanks and bye folks
Oksana Prykhodko:Thank you all, bye!
Yrjö Länsipuro:Bye bye!
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you all!
Silvia Vivanco:bye bye
Mirjana Tasic 2:bye all i would also like to see dd. thank you all
Terri Agnew:@Annette will send shorlty via email you! bye, bye