2013 EURALO General Assembly - Summary Minutes EN
6th EURALO General Assembly
Hotel Altis Castilho, Lisbon, 19th June 2013, 17h
List of attendees see:
Invitees: Mr. Fadi Chehade & Mr. Nigel Hickson
The meeting starts with Mr. Chehade talking about the challenges ICANN is facing and the steps to take next.
A brief debate starts about EURALO role in this new scenario and the importance of multi-stakeholderism, which may be slower in producing results, but much more effective in terms of outcome and agreement quality and sustainability.
Having finished this debate, the GA starts.
Part A
1. Opening. Welcome to EURALO attendees and to special guest, Mr. Fadi Chehade, ICANN CEO and President
2. Confirmation of attending members and apologies (Annette Mühlberg and Christoph Bruch)
3. Confirmation of General Assembly quorum:
25 voting members present, Manuel Schneider with a proxy for Wikimedia Austria, Wolfgang Kleinwächter with a proxy for Netzwerk Neue Medien, Germany and Wolf Ludwig for Humanistische Union, Germany, what is 28 votes total or approximately 90% of the membership.
4. Adoption of the agenda: Adopted and approved, no one argues against.
5. Adoption of previous GA 2012 Stockholm: as no questions were raised and no one argues against previous minutes are adopted.
Part B
6. Guest speakers
- Mr. Sébastien Bacholet explains what he has done in the ICANN board
- Mr. Nigel Hickson explains his role as Vice-President of stakeholder engagement in Europe
- Mr. Olivier Crepin-Leblond explains what has happened since last F2F meeting in Mexico (2009) and that nowadays we (ALAC/EURALO) are being taken more seriously than ever before at ICANN.
7. EURALO Board report 2012-13: Mr. Wolf Ludwig, Chair of EURALO, presents and refers to the Report of activities sent in time prior to the meeting. As no comments are made or questions raised on the content, the report is unanimously adopted and approved by the assembly.
8. Briefing and approval of EURALO budget for FY 2013-14: The Chair explained that only one budget request was submitted this year (travel support for ICANN-Studienkreis 2013 in Pisa/Italy) which was refused again. As no comments are made, nor questions raised, it is unanimously adopted.
9. EURALO elections and selections
a) Chair: only one nomination for EURALO Chair, Mr. Wolf Ludwig. As no secret ballot is requested for this voting round, Wolf Ludwig is re-elected unanimously with one abstention (his own). Mr Ludwig thanks the attendees for the confidence and announces that this will be his last term.
b) Secretariat: Two candidatures were presented during the nomination period for the EURALO Secretariat, alphabetically, Ms. Yuliya Morenets and Ms. Oksana Prykhodko.
There are no questions from attendees to the candidates.
According to the voting members present and three proxy votes, the voting ballots are handed out and casted.
Ms. Gisela Gruber assisted by Sandra Hoferichter and Sébastien Bachollet (all non-voters) count ballots and check quorum.
Secret votes: 27 votes in total, proxies included, one missing due to delayed arrival at the meeting.
Ms. Yuliya Morenets: 8 votes
Ms. Oksana Prykhodko: 11 votes
None of the above: 8 votes
There is no majority required as stated by EURALO’s bylaws (11.18 and 11.20), a second round (run-off vote) will be held online in a few days after the meeting.
c) Board:
Mr. Olivier Crepin-Leblond reads the composition of the new proposed Board for EURALO (12 members) which is approved by acclamation. Members:
Mr. Frans Gerbosch* - ISOC Belgium
Mr. Yrjö Länsipuro* - ISOC Finland
Mr. Jordi Iparraguirre* - ISOC Catalonia
Mr. William Drake* - Ind. member
Ms. Annette Mühlberg* - NNM Germany
Ms. Desiree Miloshevic* - Ind. member
Mr. Manuel Schneider* - Wikimedia CH + Wikimedia Österreich
Mr. Lutz Donnerhacke* - FITUG
Ms. Oksana Prykhodko - Europ. Media Platform
Ms. Yuliya Morenets - TaC France
Mr. Wolf Ludwig - Comunica-ch and Chair
Mr. Sébastien Bachollet - ISOC France
Only members marked with* are regular members incl. voting rights, the others incl. current ALAC members are Ex-Officio part of the Board.
Part C
10. How to improve EURALO's in-reach and members involvement.
An interesting debate arises. EURALO has a great potential, but needs to use it; we are not yet there. EuroDIG is so far our best outcome.
11. Definition of thematic priorities
Europe has a different perception of privacy than the U.S. and sometimes even ICANN. Data protection and privacy are among EURALO's key interests. Different ALSes can push their own agenda too. The thematic priorities defined and listed during the meeting are attached to the minutes from the Lisbon GA.
12. How to encourage more participation.
This has been always a difficult topic. Various members who do not participate much at the EURALO and ALAC level are active on the local or regional ground. Many ALSes face capacity problems to do and engage more. It seems that encouraging ALSes to lead their own topics and mixing experienced members with less experienced may be a way to go. Bridging various levels of focus and specialization remains a continuing challenge for EURALO the next years.
13. Briefing on EuroDIG 2013 and suggested EURALO ALS activities
Attendees talk about the different topics that will be covered during the upcoming EuroDIG 2013 and which may be more interesting and related to their daily work from an ALS perspective.
14. Miscellaneous: ATLAS II
Mr. Olivier Crepin-Leblond shortly summarizes planning for ATLAS II approximately in summer 2014 in London. More EURALO members are invited to join the different WGs for the Summit planning and org.
15. Closing
And with no other business to deal with, the assembly closes at 19:45 followed by an ICANN – EURALO Outreach reception for EuroDIG participants and the local community.