2013 EURALO General Assembly
2013 EURALO General Assembly
EURALO's 6th General Assembly
2013 Lisbon GA planning and preparation:
Meeting venue: Portugal, Lisbon.
Date: Wednesday, 19 June 2012
Time: 17:00 PM local time / 18:00 CEST (16:00 UTC) followed by an Outreach reception (19:30 PM local time). For the time in various timezones click here
REMOTE PARTICIPATION: As it is a face-to-face meeting, no RP will be provided. AC only
How can I participate in this meeting
Adobe Connect room:
ALS Representatives: Members registered for Portugal
Guests: Fadi Chehadé, ICANN President and CEO, Sebastien Bachollet, Board Member, Nigel Hickson, Regional Vice President, Europe, ICANN
Apologies: Annette Muehlberg
Staff: Gisella Gruber (in Lisbon), Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco
Summary Minutes: EN
Action Items: EN
Recording: EN
Transcript: EN
AC Chat transcript : EN
Draft Agenda, Board report 2012-13, list of candidates for next EURALO Officers
Moderator: EURALO Chair, Wolf Ludwig
A. Standing issues (15 minutes)
1. Opening, Welcome to Group and to Special Guest, ICANN CEO and President, Fadi Chehade
2. Confirmation of attending members and apologies
3. Confirmation of the assembly quorum
From EURALO Organizing Instruments:
11.16 The General Assembly shall have a quorum if at least one third of the ALS members are present or participating.
4. Adoption of the proposed Agenda
5. Adoption of the meeting minutes from the last GA 2012, Stockholm
B. Proposed agenda items (45 minutes)
6. Guest and Key Speakers: Sébastien Bachollet (ICANN Board), Nigel Hickson, VP, Stakeholder Engagement, Europe and Olivier Crépin-Leblond, ALAC Chair (15 minutes; 5 minutes each)
7. Discussion and adoption of the EURALO Board Report 2012-2013 (5 minutes)
8. Briefing and approval of the EURALO budget FY 2013-14 suggested to ICANN (5 minutes)
9. 2013 EURALO Selections - Re-selections of a) EURALO Chair, b) Secretariat and c) Board (20 minutes) (Moderator: Olivier Crépin-Leblond)
C. EURALO assessment and functioning (90 minutes)
See: Compilation of inputs on this issue
10. How to improve EURALO’s in-reach and member involvement? (by what means, steps and tools?)
11. Definition of thematic priorities (where EURALO can provide special expertise and may assure follow-up)
12. How to encourage more participation at ALAC – ICANN (including regular Working Groups, etc.)?
13. Briefing on the EuroDIG 2013 and suggested EURALO ALS Activities
14. Miscellaneous
ATLAS II and next GA 2014 - See ATLAS II Organizing Committee Workspace
15. Closing of General Assembly
The 2013 GA will be followed by an Outreach Reception to attract more potential member ALSes
Key speaker: Fadi Chehade, President and CEO ICANN
Time: 19:30-21:00
Location: Outside Terrace, 12th Floor, Altis Hotel
Outreach Reception Postcard