Zoom chat: 2023-09-05 At-Large Regional Leadership Call
00:16:40 Seun S. Ojedeji: Hello everyone
00:16:45 Faheem: Hi everyone
00:16:52 silvia.vivanco ICANN.org: Warm welcome all
00:18:10 Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org: We do have Gisella on the phone now
00:19:48 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: Hello all
00:20:07 Natalia Filina: Reacted to "Hello all" with
00:21:14 silvia.vivanco ICANN.org: Will check as completed
00:24:44 silvia.vivanco ICANN.org: AFRALO resolution on AFRINIC is published in ICANN's correspondence page, see: https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/correspondence
00:25:59 Natalia Filina: Reacted to "AFRALO resolution on..." with
00:26:21 silvia.vivanco ICANN.org: AFRALO outreach and Engagement FY24 strategy: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1s80Era1AD56VkbiSFWR6OipKEqwAV_LPInP6tFdRS0w/edit
00:26:27 silvia.vivanco ICANN.org: Recently approved
00:26:42 Bram Fudzulani: Thank you Silvia
00:26:50 Natalia Filina: Reacted to "Recently approved" with
00:27:10 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: Date: 19 - 21 September , 2023
Location: Abuja, Nigeria
Website: www.igf.africa
00:27:53 Natalia Filina: Congrats Bram!
00:28:12 Amrita Choudhury: Great news Bram!
00:28:58 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: Congratulations Bram
00:30:29 Seun S. Ojedeji: Oh nice, happy GA @Amrita
00:32:18 Natalia Filina: Great update Seun, Amrita! Thank you!
00:33:26 Amrita Choudhury: Reacted to "Great update Seun, A..." with
00:33:39 Seun S. Ojedeji: @Amrita is your GA going to be Hybrid as well and is it standalone or you are running it with another event?
00:34:18 Amrita Choudhury: Replying to "@Amrita is your GA g..."
Yes it will be a hybrid event Seun and its a standalone event
00:34:34 Amrita Choudhury: Replying to "@Amrita is your GA g..."
Its on 12& 13th in Istanbul
00:34:59 Seun S. Ojedeji: cool
00:36:11 Amrita Choudhury: Just to add we will present about APRALO in APTLD meeting and AP star this month
00:36:33 Amrita Choudhury: and towards end of September we have inSIG , YIGF and GFCE workshop
00:37:03 Amrita Choudhury: YIGF India
00:39:19 Judith Hellerstein: Claire’s report will be shown on the outreach and crop form
00:39:24 silvia.vivanco ICANN.org: The CROP travel support was used by Claire to attend the St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) ICT Roadshow which was held over three days August 9 - 11, 2023 in Kingstown, St. Vincent.
00:39:54 Judith Hellerstein: I watched it and she was excellent and look forward to reading her report
00:40:33 Amrita Choudhury: Reacted to "Claire’s report will..." with
00:41:17 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: Claire provided an update on the event she traveled to on CROP during the most LACRALO meeting.
00:42:40 silvia.vivanco ICANN.org: Claire has filed the CROP assessment report with Crop staff
00:43:09 Amrita Choudhury: Reacted to "Claire provided an u..." with
00:43:16 Amrita Choudhury: Reacted to "Claire has filed the..." with
00:43:45 Adrian Schmidt: I’m planning to be there as well! See you in Hamburg
00:43:54 Natalia Filina: Reacted to "I’m planning to be t..." with
00:44:34 Judith Hellerstein: I also will be there
00:44:42 Natalia Filina: Reacted to "I also will be there" with
00:45:04 Natalia Filina: GREAT WORK well done, Sebastien, thank you!
00:45:15 Amrita Choudhury: Reacted to "GREAT WORK well done..." with
00:46:23 Amrita Choudhury: Thats a great list you have pulled off Seb
00:47:05 Augusto Ho: Harold Arcos solicita que lo llamen
00:47:22 Amrita Choudhury: We will specially mention about this session at our GA
00:47:31 silvia.vivanco ICANN.org: @Augusto Ho okay anotado se lo lalmara
00:47:58 Augusto Ho: Gracias
00:51:24 Faheem Soomro: Hi, I am here because I want to learn from these valuable discussions of the leadership team. Thank you for interesting insights.
00:53:00 silvia.vivanco ICANN.org: Harold has joined the Spanish channel on audio '
00:57:31 Amrita Choudhury: +1 Judith - using existing material and building on top with new ones will definitely help
01:00:51 silvia.vivanco ICANN.org: IGF Japan wiki page: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99679856/At-Large+Outreach+Activities+at+the+2023+IGF+in+Kyoto+Japan
01:04:32 Amrita Choudhury: There are 200 plus sessions
01:05:09 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: At-Large workspace for the IGF: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99679856/At-Large+Outreach+Activities+at+the+2023+IGF+in+Kyoto+Japan
01:06:27 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: There will be a sign up sheet for the booth. So At-Large will be able to have the booth for scheduled hours.
01:07:06 Natalia Filina: Reacted to "There will be a sign..." with
01:09:25 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: The OFB-WG call this Thursday at 18:00 UTC will include a discussion of the HR TOR public comment.
01:10:15 silvia.vivanco ICANN.org: OFB WG call agenda : https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99680171/2023-09-07+Operations+Finance+and+Budget+Working+Group+OFB-WG+Call
01:10:34 Amrita Choudhury: Have to read up to understand to ask questions :)
01:10:53 silvia.vivanco ICANN.org: Next call?
01:10:53 Natalia Filina: Reacted to "Next call?" with
01:11:29 Natalia Filina: Reacted to "Have to read up to u..." with
01:13:01 Amrita Choudhury: Yes that works for me
01:13:09 silvia.vivanco ICANN.org: We will coordinate with you @Sebastian on the next call
01:13:10 Seun S. Ojedeji: 1st oct is public holiday in nigeria as well
01:13:37 Greg Shatan: Bye all
01:13:41 Amrita Choudhury: Meet on 18th
01:13:44 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: Thanks and bye
01:13:58 Seun S. Ojedeji: Alright bye for now
01:14:17 Faheem Soomro: Thank you everyone
01:14:18 Pari Esfandiari: Thank you all
01:14:20 Bram Fudzulani: Bye
01:14:21 Faheem Soomro: Bye all