AC Chat: 2018-10-04 At-Large Regional Leadership Call
Claudia Ruiz: (10/4/2018 09:10) Welcome to the At-Large Regional Leadership Call on Thursday, 04 October 2018 17:00 UTC
Claudia Ruiz: (09:11)
Judith Hellerstein: (10:02) olivier you are funny
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (10:03) Hi All
Silvia Vivanco: (10:04) Hello all
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (10:04) sound check
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (10:04) looks like a NARALO call:)
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (10:04) i was outside changing my car tires to snow tires
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (10:05) got three of them done
Judith Hellerstein: (10:05) @glenn we have 80 degrees here now so no snow in the forecast
Maritza Aguero: (10:05) HI all!!
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (10:05) very nice here too but i will be busy from now to November
Alfredo Calderon: (10:06) Saludos a todos. / Hello to all!
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (10:06) car will be parked in Airport parking till Nov 12
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (10:07) nope
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (10:07) perhaps our outreach in ICANN Barcelona
Silvia Vivanco: (10:07)
Judith Hellerstein: (10:09) Also she got in touch with eduardo as well. Glenn and I are continuing as the coordinators
Silvia Vivanco: (10:11) indeed Evin organized the photographer
Eduardo Diaz - NARALO: (10:12) I can look it later. Do anyone know the link?
Eduardo Diaz - NARALO: (10:13) ok
Silvia Vivanco: (10:13) will search for the link Eduardo
Silvia Vivanco: (10:14)
Claudia Ruiz: (10:15) Welcome Billy Gibendi
Claudia Ruiz: (10:17) Welcome Wale Bakare!
Silvia Vivanco: (10:18) correct within ICANN's remit + RALO relevance as well
Wale Bakare: (10:18) Hi all, apologies for joinning late. Initially thought I would not be able to make this call.
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (10:18) welcome Wale
Judith Hellerstein: (10:19) What RALO is Bill from
Alfredo Calderon: (10:19) +1 On Eduardo's comment.
Wale Bakare: (10:19) Thanks Olivier and Claudia
Judith Hellerstein: (10:20) Yes I also agree with Eduardo's comment. Need to be related to ICANN
Silvia Vivanco: (10:20)
Silvia Vivanco: (10:21)
Ali AlMeshal 2: (10:22) great clear now
Ali AlMeshal 2: (10:24) so shall we update the topics as 2018 or wait and do it 2019 in 2 month ?
Silvia Vivanco: (10:25) Wale are you on the bridge?
Maritza Aguero: (10:27) In LACRALO we are going to held 4 webinars that are related to hot topics. Last Monthly call we held the Webinar GSE - LACRALO: Review of all Rights Protection Mechamism (RPMs) in all gTLDs PDP.
Alfredo Calderon: (10:30) If we can synch all efforts. It could be possible to coordinate wider activities and consume less resources.
Maritza Aguero: (10:30) Here you can find the record of the call:
Maritza Aguero: (10:31) Indeed @Alfredo!
Ali AlMeshal 2: (10:31) agree
Maritza Aguero: (10:33) Yes, we understand! We are working on it!
Silvia Vivanco: (10:33)
Eduardo Diaz - NARALO: (10:33) What does that means?.
Eduardo Diaz - NARALO: (10:33) Workin on it
Eduardo Diaz - NARALO: (10:33) When
Maritza Aguero: (10:33) Yes
Silvia Vivanco: (10:33) Thankyou Maritza the link is on the Agenda with other RALOs plans
Eduardo Diaz - NARALO: (10:33) it will be ready
Maritza Aguero: (10:33) Yes!
Judith Hellerstein: (10:34) I think we have already filled and got approval for the naralo plan
Eduardo Diaz - NARALO: (10:34) @judith: you are correct
Claudia Ruiz: (10:34) Welcome Sarah Kiden
Eduardo Diaz - NARALO: (10:35) Similar to the Consolidaded Policy WG
Sarah Kiden: (10:37) Thank you. Sorry I'm late.
Maritza Aguero: (10:41) Agree with @Daniel!
Sarah Kiden: (10:42) Please repeat the proposal. Having a bad connection
Sarah Kiden: (10:42) @Staff, I am kindly requesting a dial-out on +256 782 467074
Claudia Ruiz: (10:43) @Sarah- we will dial out to you now, thank you
Sarah Kiden: (10:44) Connected. Thank you @Claudia!
Claudia Ruiz: (10:44) @Sarah- you're welcome
Ali AlMeshal 2: (10:46) I guess then we may have Danial point in O&E
Judith Hellerstein: (10:48) I agree with the challenges that Maritza has
Eduardo Diaz - NARALO: (10:48) welcome to the team
Judith Hellerstein: (10:48) we have had the same problem as her when Glenn and I tried to do this a few years ago
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (10:51) As Ed. mentions we are getting some unaffilated members active involvement
Sarah Kiden: (10:53) In our case, one of our individual members is very active. But we don't have that many so it's hard to judge
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (10:54) In our region, some ALSes have complained that individual members are too active. I told them it is the ALS fault because they are not active enough
Sarah Kiden: (10:56) Very brief comment, please!
Silvia Vivanco: (10:58) @ Daniel this is the mailing list, you can send the link to:
Silvia Vivanco: (10:58) or if not send it to me and I will send it
Eduardo Diaz - NARALO: (10:59) TAje for example Alfredo how is part of our ALS but involved in many WGs
Judith Hellerstein: (11:00) in SF bay, there are several people in that ALS involved
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (11:00) it started with me and Eduardo that gave feedback on the process
Silvia Vivanco: (11:00)
Silvia Vivanco: (11:02) we are sharing now
Silvia Vivanco: (11:02) you will see it now
Eduardo Diaz - NARALO: (11:04) WHo keeps these metrics
Silvia Vivanco: (11:06) a % would be more limited no?
Silvia Vivanco: (11:07) please add your comments directly into the document
Silvia Vivanco: (11:07) Judith I shared it with you
Judith Hellerstein: (11:07) That is what i was doing
Judith Hellerstein: (11:07) I requested access from google
Sarah Kiden: (11:08) :-)
Ali AlMeshal 2: (11:08) wowowo
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (11:08) funny guy.
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (11:08) sorry need to go
Silvia Vivanco: (11:08) Eduardo you have access now
Claudia Ruiz: (11:08) @Eduardo- I just sent you access
Ali AlMeshal 2: (11:08) @Slivia , please grant me the access as well
Eduardo Diaz - NARALO: (11:09) @silvia: thnaks
Claudia Ruiz: (11:09) @Ali AlMeshal- you now have access
Judith Hellerstein: (11:10) I believe it is only for regional events
Silvia Vivanco: (11:10) local and Regional outreach
Eduardo Diaz - NARALO: (11:11) I am in. Thank fr the access
Judith Hellerstein: (11:12) There is only one exception. when a region's RIR is outside your region, like with ARIN in NARALO
Judith Hellerstein: (11:13) In teh google doc, please only use suggestions and not edit
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (11:13) share should be set up to comment only
Claudia Ruiz: (11:14) @olivier- noted
Judith Hellerstein: (11:14) There is Edit and Suggestion model. Please use only suggestion model in the Google doc
Alfredo Calderon: (11:14) I would suggest that the 'Leaders' are the ones that make suggestions. The rest can do them through them. Just to not turn it into a more complicated commenting process.
Judith Hellerstein: (11:15) no everyone can comment. you can use google's suggestion mode
Judith Hellerstein: (11:15) it is real easy to change the flag on the top
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (11:15) Chris gave an exception for aRIN in Barbados
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (11:16) i thought it was me
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (11:16) i have issues with static on the line
Judith Hellerstein: (11:17) Thanks claudia for changing the access
Silvia Vivanco: (11:18) and the pages are all connected so we need to be careful when editing and deleting or archiving
Claudia Ruiz: (11:18) @Judith- you're welcome
Judith Hellerstein: (11:19) I can also confirm this
Eduardo Diaz - NARALO: (11:19) Then do not use web page!
Judith Hellerstein: (11:19) takes a real long time
Eduardo Diaz - NARALO: (11:20) Keep everything in the WIKI
Eduardo Diaz - NARALO: (11:20) messy
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (11:20) we don't want to confuse people
Eduardo Diaz - NARALO: (11:21) That is why it takes s much effort to find things
Sarah Kiden: (11:21) Please share URL of the map
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (11:22) yes it was Darlene and she doesn't live there anymore
Sarah Kiden: (11:22) Thank you
Silvia Vivanco: (11:23) Decertifcation:
Sarah Kiden: (11:25) We are still working on our decertification rules. We are now receiving feedback on the document right now (until 10 Oct)
Judith Hellerstein: (11:25) + Olivier. Exactly Glenn and I did a thorough clean up when I was secretariat
Eduardo Diaz - NARALO: (11:25) But decertification rules are alrady there
Judith Hellerstein: (11:26) In Naralo we work closely with ISOC
Eduardo Diaz - NARALO: (11:27) Thta is why it is messy.We should use onle one thing - Web site or WIKI no both.
Sarah Kiden: (11:27) @Eduardo, is that at ALAC level or RALO level?
Eduardo Diaz - NARALO: (11:28) Specially if we are low in staff resource. We can not have RALOS work on this when there is tons or Policy wi=ork to do.
Eduardo Diaz - NARALO: (11:28) This is all amdin stuff
Wale Bakare: (11:29) That highlights the challenges commented on by Maritza
Eduardo Diaz - NARALO: (11:30) This is one of the deterrents to engage. People get lost very easily.
Heidi Ullrich: (11:30) You might wish to consider the resources involved
Heidi Ullrich: (11:30) This work seems related to the At-Large Review improvements
Silvia Vivanco: (11:31) you are correct Olivier, the idea was to provide a wiki for the ALS for them to update
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (11:31) I think it was a request for basic ALS involvement to have some type of acknowledgement of ICANN involvement?
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (11:32) This was the ALS Criteria involvement
Eduardo Diaz - NARALO: (11:32) Keeping in sunc (manually) a wiki and a web page takes lots of resorces and processes which can be used on policy work , engagement, etc....
Heidi Ullrich: (11:32) Saturday:
Alfredo Calderon: (11:32) What is the purpose of the WiKi page versus the Website of the ALs? Could the ALs set aside a space within their website to share or do RALO's business?
Judith Hellerstein: (11:32) @staff I am sending my apologies for all meetings on Saturday as I will not be in Barcelona
Alfredo Calderon: (11:33) I suggest because of the lack of ALAC human resources to do the work mentioned on Wiki.
Sarah Kiden: (11:34) @Heidi, would be a good idea
Eduardo Diaz - NARALO: (11:34) GSE in the meeting - Great idea.
Heidi Ullrich: (11:34) Thanks!
Eduardo Diaz - NARALO: (11:38) I doubt it
Sarah Kiden: (11:38) Good question, @Olivier :-)
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (11:38) I need to submit a proposal for the 2nd School of North American school of IG , it will be two days before the ICANN Montreal in Late October 2019
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (11:38) Looking to the ALS's who are participating with ATLAS 3 to be aware of it for the sake of their trip planning
Sarah Kiden: (11:39) Our regional VPs have started to attend our monthly calls. This is very encouraging
Silvia Vivanco: (11:40) :) That's right Sarah!
Sarah Kiden: (11:40) GSE staff*
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (11:40) i see
Sarah Kiden: (11:40) @Glenn, great idea! All the best
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (11:40) thanks
Silvia Vivanco: (11:41)
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (11:41) I will keep people informed. We secured funding support already from PIR and seeking support from ICANN, CIRA, Afilas, ISOC and others
Silvia Vivanco: (11:41) above is the wiki page
Wale Bakare: (11:42) @Silvia, thanks
Claudia Ruiz: (11:43) @Olivier- interpreters confirmed they are ok to keep going
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (11:44) got to go
Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (11:44) bye
Eduardo Diaz - NARALO: (11:44) Need to go. Thnak you for the meeting.
Sarah Kiden: (11:45) Thank you everyone! Great meeting! See you in Barcelona
Ali AlMeshal 2: (11:45) thanks all
Alfredo Calderon: (11:45) Good meeting! See you all in Barcelona.