ISOC Nepal
ISOC Nepal
Internet Society [ISOC] Nepal is a non-profit, non-partisan organization registered under Organisation Registration Act , 1976 on 11th November, 2009 at District Administration Office, Kathmandu, Nepal. Previously, ISOC Nepal was loose network and received status of National Chapter by the Internet Society [ISOC] in April 2007.
Professing technology as an integral part of social development and empowerment, Internet Society Nepal (ISOC Nepal) is an association of different ICT professionals from verse areas of life. Adapting the concept of “Safe Internet for all,” this association was established when the need of standardization and safe browsing was thought to be of utmost importance and a group of professionals coupled in order to start a new association adapting the international standards and themes of the Internet society (ISOC).
From its establishment, ISOC Nepal has been voicing the rights of users and raising awareness of ICT development in and around its periphery. Moving on with the dynamics and adapting the global revolution of internet, ISOC Nepal has been assisting the government with development efforts and further giving vision and bridging in the gaps between the Public Private Partnership (PPP). ISOC Nepal has further played a key role at policy and awareness level forwarding suggestions and policies recommendations at both associational and professional level. Facilitating the human resource need, it has also been organizing different level of Seminars, Conference, Workshops, Training programs etc. according to the need, providing an effective eye to quality and standards of international scenario.
Mission: "To promote the use of Internet in every aspects of life"
• Standardization of internet from every prospect of use, infrastructure, awareness and its operation
• Facilitating the governing body with policy recommendations and amendments at national level according to the global needs
• Providing a better platform of coordination between the public and private sector
• To organize effective trainings and seminars in the field of internet development and new innovations
• Effective policy recommendation and voicing the need of better internet governance
Internet Society Nepal
Bikram Shrestha,
Anamnagar, Kathmandu
Phone no. +977-14245841
Email: info@isoc.org.np