Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN)

Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN)

The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) is Australia's peak communications consumer organisation representing residential consumers, small business and not-for-profit organisations.  ACCAN focuses on goods and services encompassed by the converging areas of telecommunications, broadcasting, the internet and on-line services including both current and emerging technologies.
ACCAN aims to empower consumers to make good choices about products and services; to work with industry to improve its service offerings and with government to improve applicable regulation and policy settings. As a peak body, ACCAN has a broad and diverse membership base that it uses to determine its own policy positions and disseminate information on getting a better deal for all communications consumers. Members include community legal centres, disability advocates, Indigenous organisations, financial counsellors, rural organisations, parents groups, seniors organisations as well as individual members.
The contact person is Narelle Clark
Suite 4.02, 55 Mountain Street
Ultimo NSW 2007
website: accan.org.au