APRALO General Assembly 2023
APRALO General Assembly 2023
*** Recordings are available ***
APRALO will hold their hybrid General Assembly (GA) on 12 and 13 September 2023 in Istanbul, Türkiye.
The APRALO GA will bring together representatives of the Asia, Australasia and Pacific Islands At-Large Structures (ALSes) and of the APRALO individual members, to develop strategic plans related to the three main At-Large tracks:
- Policy advice development
- Outreach and engagement
- Operational issues.
The APRALO GA meetings will be over 2 days.
APRALO General Assembly 2023 Outcome
This report covers the APRALO General Assembly Session wise proceedings
Location: Istanbul, Türkiye
Date: Tuesday 12 and Wednesday 13 September 2023 (arrival on Monday, 11 September and departure on Thursday, 14 September 2023)
Venue: Grand Hyatt, Harbiye, Taşkışla Cd. No:1, 34367 Şişli/İstanbul, Türkiye
Funded Travellers: useful information
Registration for the Hybrid APRALO General Assembly
Registration (for in person AND remote participants) for the Hybrid APRALO General Assembly (this will also generate F2F participants badges): https://events.icann.org/apralo2023/registration
12 & 13 September Zoom Registration: https://icann.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwqf-ivqz0uHtcDtERujlMl2UJDlQJ_pBLi (please note your unique zoom link!)
Preparation Work for all funded travellers
Pre General Assembly PREP Work for all funded travellers 
Pre APRALO General Assembly Prep webinar on Thursday 24 August 2023 at 06:00 UTC - recording available
Preparatory activities and materials
APRALO General Assembly Draft Agenda - please note this agenda is 'work in progress'.
General Format
- Monday 11 September 2023
18h00 - Welcome Reception at the Grand Hyatt Istanbul
- Tuesday 12 September 2023
09h00-17h30 - APRALO General Assembly
- Wednesday 13 September 2023
09h00-17h30 - APRALO General Assembly