PICISOC - Pacific Islands Chapter of the Internet Society

PICISOC - Pacific Islands Chapter of the Internet Society

Pacific Islands Chapter of the Internet Society (PICISOC)

Primary Contact: Letitia Masaea

Letitia Masaea

P.O Box 438


Solomon Islands

Tel: 677 7413775 | WhatsApp

skype: l.masaea

The Pacific Islands Chapter of the Internet Society serves the Society’s purposes by serving the interests of the global Internet community through its presence in the Pacific Islands. It focuses on local issues and developments, and as an impartial advisor to governments and the public on matters of significant interest to Pacific Island people.

The Internet is for all, so is the Internet Society and its Pacific Islands Chapter. Not only do the members of PICISOC come from all over the Pacific, they also include global members who are simply interested in developing Internet in all its aspect in the Pacific Islands (societal, telehealth, regulation, policies, security, digital divide,..).


PICISOC first came into being in 1994 as IT-PacNET when a group of technical guys working for SOPAC decided to set up a support organisation. Through their association with regional organisations they were able to expand the organisation, and finally join the group up with the Internet Society in 2002.  The 600+ regional members of PICISOC come from 22 countries which constitute the Pacific region (they are all members of the Pacific Islands Forum). These are: American Samoa, Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, French Polynesia, Guam, Kiribati, Marshall islands, Nauru, New Caledonia, Niue, Northern Marianas, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Pitcairn, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu and Wallis and Futuna. 

2022 Board Leadership Team:

Chair Elect: Letitia Masaea (Solomon Islands)

Vice Chair (Technical): Kenneth Katafono (Fiji)

Vice Chair (Policy): Andrew Molivurae (Vanuatu)


PICISOC organises an annual INET which is held in a different country every year to offer its Pacific members an opportunity to be updated on recent internet-related issues that reflect the goals and objectives of the Internet Society and to showcase Pacific-based projects and enterprises to each other. Members of the individual countries seek the support of their national governments to provide a venue and broadband for the INET conference, and in return PICISOC offers a conference to cater for a wide range of IT and internet-related information and technical needs for that particular country.

PICISOC has an MOU with APNIC (the Asia Pacific Network and Information Centre, based in Brisbane, Australia) to provide technical training and support during PacINET, based on local needs.

PICISOC’s annual conference called PacINET has brought together many Internet practitioners working in diverse areas. As a consequence, PICISOC has been at the forefront of a number of important initiatives in the Pacific region. These include raising awareness in the following areas:

  • geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing (RS);
  • the move to IPv6;
  • cybersecurity leading to the establishment of PacCERT;
  • routing leading to the establishment of PacNOG (Pacific Network Operators group;
  • people with disabilities supporting Access for All in annual PacINET conferences;
  • Internet governance foreshadowing the formation of the Pacific IGF (Internet Governance Forum);
  • FOSS (Free and Open Software); 
  • gender and technology, as well as
  • the role of ISOC and ICANN in the development of the internet in the Pacific

The PacINET programme is coordinated by a Board committee in collaboration with a local national committee who also organise the logistical requirements of catering for members and regional or international experts who may be travelling from other Pacific countries to present, or simply to attend our annual conference.  

PICISOC has access to three main forms of funding and in-kind support for PacINET.

  • The Internet Society Event funding - an annual allocation of USD2000 to support the local organisers
  • The national government and the private sector - who provide financial or in kind support to enable the host country committee to organise PacINET on behalf of the Board of PICISOC..
  • Pacific Internet Partners (PIP) - which is a fund coordinated by InternetNZ to enable PICISOC members to attend PacINET as presenters or technical trainers. PIP also offers fellowships to attend other regional events when funds are available

Pacific Islands Chapter of the Internet Society (PICISOC)