Internet Society Bahrain Chapter

Internet Society Bahrain Chapter

About BIS

Since its inception in 2002 Bahrain Internet Society (BIS) strived to serve the community of Bahrain by spreading awareness on the benefits of Internet and ICT and working towards an efficient e-Bahrain:

To achieve these objectives, BIS is

1- Conducting hands-on training for citizens on computers and Internet fundamentals.

2- Conducting generic and specialized seminars, workshops and forums.

3- Organizing Web awards to encourage the innovative and effective use of technology.

4- Providing advise and consultancy to entities on technology related matters.

BIS also participates in organizing various conferences and forums such as MENA ICT Conference 2010, in addition to representing the Kingdom of Bahrain in international events such as the World Summit Award in eContent (WSA).

For more information about our activities visit the Engagement and the projects pages.

BIS membership has been opened up again for those who are interested to participate in the projects, activities and the events of the society, and this is by sending an e-mail to: membership@bis.org.bh

Follow BIS on social media:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BahrainInternetSociety and Twitter @InternetBH

Bahrain Internet Society... working towards eBahrain.

- See more at: http://www.bis.org.bh/page.php?m=about-bis&page=about-us#sthash.fOwa8n4w.dpuf