To deepen knowledge communication and promote exchange of expertise, knowledge and skills in the fields of management and knowledge between individuals and organizations in the Arab world through implementing a package of specialized programs and activities that open up international horizons for those individuals and organizations towards knowledge, administrative and technical development and progress. |
The Society aims to: • Provide high-quality training and education which meet the needs of our clients and their employees. • Develop and enhance research which has acknowledged standards of excellence. • Shape policy and practice within our chosen areas of expertise. • Make a significant contribution to the Arab world economies. • Increase the international scope and reputation of the AKMS. • Develop the AKMS through growth and strategic alliances with international reputable institutions. • Concentrate on all managerial concepts, which highlight the role of the manager in the organization especially the Arab world to utilize the resource in optimal ways. • Develop the managerial skills for AKMS members, and state their role in the process of management development. |