Educating Nepal

Educating Nepal

Educating Nepal is a youth-led non-governmental organization. It is a tax-exempted entity, registered under Organization Registration Act 2034, section(4) and affiliated to Social Welfare Council under section 14 of Social Welfare Act 2049 working to bridge socio-economic and digital divides by empowering underprivileged communities to fulfill sustainable development goals through grassroot project and policy advocacy since 2012.

Educating Nepal focuses on grassroot projects and research works mostly for digital resilience and disaster preparedness using internet as one of the most powerful tool assuring the internet remains inclusive as for all. Educating Nepal is also a founding member of Digital Freedom Coalition in Nepal.


We envision a prosperous nation with an all-round development in area such as health, wealth and environment made possible by formal, non-formal and informal education, and through mass participation of youths who are impelled in their own right to conceive righteously the significance of philanthropy and social responsibility.

For Further Information Please Contact

Ashirwad Tripathy

President, Educating Nepal

