Internet New Zealand (InternetNZ)

Internet New Zealand (InternetNZ)

Internet New Zealand (InternetNZ)

Ellen Strickland


Level 9
Grand Arcade Tower
16 Willis Street
Wellington 6011, New Zealand



InternetNZ is a non-partisan, not-for-profit open membership organisation dedicated to protecting and promoting the Internet for New Zealand. We speak on the Internet’s behalf; we provide platforms and events like NetHui for people to shape the Internet’s ongoing development; and we have a community funding programme. We are the custodian of the .nz domain name space, which we operate through two subsidiaries (DNCL and NZRS).

Some of our Current Work

NetHui: www.nethui.org.nz

Community funding: https://internetnz.net.nz/our-work/funding

Projects: https://internetnz.net.nz/our-work