APRALO 03.01.2012 Action Items

APRALO 03.01.2012 Action Items

Action Items

Email to be re-sent to all members of APRALO requesting regions to propose projects to be funded.

Staff to set up a call among APRALO leadership. Doodle to be sent to APRALO leadership and CLO for a call early February on the issue of working smarter not harder.

Reach out to Fouad and ask him to be part of the Sub Committee for the budgetary issues.

Sala encouraged Hong to look for more academics to join the ICANN Academy and they could get together and meet to discuss issues.

Pavan would send the updated link about the workforce project taskforce as soon as possible.

Holly to send to the APRALO list the draft statement about the thick WHOIS.

Update from staff about the Chinese and Arabic translation of the APRALO brochure