APRALO 15.03.2011 Action Items

APRALO 15.03.2011 Action Items

Action Items San Francisco

APRALO:  15 March 2011

1.     There will be open positions in ICANN in the coming year and the Non-Com asked APRALO to suggest some candidates for the open positions. http://nomcom.icann.org/invitation-2011.htm

2.     Edmon would draft a response of the IDN Variant for APRALO to comment on.

3.     APRALO was also encouraged to provide comments on the global outreach programme

4.     Working group for the showcase event in Singapore to be established soon. Search for keynote speaks and sponsors also very important.

5.     Comments were encouraged for the budget proposal initially done by Charles. Deadline for this was on the 4th of April 2011. Comments were to be sent to Charles so he could collaborate all the inputs

6.     Outreach was encouraged at an earlier stage for the APRALO meeting in Singapore. Looking to get more at-large structures in there.

7.     Secretariat will keep in contact with Fouad about the application of ALS from ISOC Pakistan.

8.     Staff were going to prepare a timeline for the election for the new APRALO Chair. The process has to start as soon as possible