AFRALO Durban Showcase - Action Items 2013-06-19

AFRALO Durban Showcase - Action Items 2013-06-19

Action Items: 

aziz.hilali to contact the Chair of the South African ALS  ASAP, Alan Levin.

·         Tijani BEN JEMAA to contact Uniforum, and to draft note for Aziz who will then contact Alan Levin.

·        matt.ashtiani to work with Heidi on the budget to be sent by Fatimata and adjust it to the format used by ICANN.

Heidi Ullrich to research some other Universities which could participate.   

 aziz.hilali  to obtain the budget for the booklets (he mentioned they could be printed in Morocco at a cheaper price).

·         For all: Think of Theme or concept for the Showcase  assuming that we have the local community.  Think about it and come up with ideas for next week.

 Next teleconference Wednesday 26.