AFRALO Durban Showcase Action Items EN 2013-06-14
1. Contacting people in South Africa
Fatimata: working with Titi to get funding - possibly google?
Tijani: We need End Users. Avoid commercial use.
AI: Pierre to send the contact details of Naela to Fatimata and Tijani
AI: TBJ to contact Naela
AI: FSS to contact Kora today after the call today.
Depending on their response, the support will be allocated.
AI: FSS to contact Titi for updates re
AI: A second call on the AFRALO Showcase is to be held
AI : Heidi will contact communications people so that they are aware.
Fatimata and Tijani: Will think of an overall theme for the event.
2. ICANN has provided funding for catering
3. Fatimata mentioned that 50 people (potentially) would be invited, (if private funding is possible).
4. Heidi mentioned the possibility to bring one person (flight only) from SA. No PD, no hotel.
Tijani to contact Niela
Main activity: mobilize people