At-Large Metrics WG Action Items EN 2014.03.04

At-Large Metrics WG Action Items EN 2014.03.04

  • 1.   Silvia Vivanco o create a New wiki page to consolidate comments and ideas. WG to review the page before Singapore. [Note to Cheryl, kindly let me know the title of the WIKI page.] a child page of the following wiki  https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/display/atlarge/At-Large+Metrics+Sub+Committee  but NOT AT YET directly linked from that page.  The URL for the new page will be distributed to the WG Members by staff when prepared.


  • 2. Heidi Ullrich to check how the unknown speaker is recorded in the transcript.

Staff has confirmed: The unknown speaker is recorded as : Unidentified Participant



  • 3.  Gisella Gruber to schedule Next meeting:  Tuesday, 11 March 2014 at 17:00 UTC (90 minutes)