Zoom Chat: At-Large CB Webinar: Internet of Things
10:55:04 From Claudia Ruiz : Welcome to the At-Large Capacity Building Webinar: Internet of Things (IoT)
10:56:36 From Olivier KOUAMI : Thank you Claudia. Greetings from Sénégal, West Africa
10:57:20 From Vanda Scartezini : hi everyone! nice day/night to all
10:58:05 From Vanda Scartezini : great audio
10:59:22 From Dave Kissoondoyal : Hello everyone
10:59:34 From hadia Elminiawi : Hi all
10:59:37 From Layla Mohammad : hello
10:59:44 From Svitlana Tkachenko : Hello!
10:59:53 From Layla Mohammad : we are all muted right?
11:00:48 From Bill Jouris : There is another At Large (UI) meeting the previous hour which is still wrapping up
11:01:32 From Joanna Kulesza : Hi all, thanks for waiting - there will likely indeed be a few more participants joining from the ALS Mobilisation WG where the call just ended.
11:01:40 From Joanna Kulesza : +1 Bill
11:01:45 From Joan Katambi : Good evening, am ready for the presentations
11:01:48 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Hi all thanks for waiting
11:02:03 From Esther Patricia Akello : Hello everyone
11:02:05 From Maureen Hilyard : Hi everyone..
11:02:46 From alberto soto : Hi everyone!
11:03:24 From Herb Waye Ombuds : Greetings from the Office of the Ombuds… always nice to see names and faces and hear familiar voices.
11:03:30 From Heidi Ullrich : Welcome, All.
11:03:52 From Joanna Kulesza : Always good to "see" you Herb, thanks for taking the time to join us.
11:05:01 From Herb Waye Ombuds : Pleasure… At-Large sessions are always a great place to learn
11:06:59 From Filina Natalia (EURALO) : I am going cite you @Herb. May I?-) as main message of CB webinars!
11:07:22 From Michel TCHONANG LINZE CAPDA CAMEROUN : Hi everyone
11:09:08 From Layla Mohammad : security
11:09:12 From Olivier KOUAMI : all
11:09:26 From Layla Mohammad : all yes
11:09:51 From Seun Ojedeji : there are 2 questions
11:09:57 From Bill Jouris : For Submit, need to answer BOTH questions
11:09:58 From Bob Ochieng : You have to answer the second question
11:10:00 From Dave Kissoondoyal : submit is not working
11:10:07 From Fatimata Seye Sylla : yes
11:10:09 From Filina Natalia (EURALO) : 2 Q
11:10:13 From Layla Mohammad : submit not working
11:10:32 From Joan Katambi : it works if u answer both
11:10:43 From Bukola Oronti : worked here. you need to answer the second question though
11:11:32 From Herb Waye Ombuds : @Natalia… certainly
11:11:51 From Bachollet Sebastien - Euralo : you need to leave more time to allow full interpretation of the Q
11:14:26 From Filina Natalia (EURALO) : thanks dear @Herb!
11:14:30 From Layla Mohammad : no voice here
11:15:01 From Jabhera jaberamatogoro@tzcna.or.tz : It is such an eye opener session on DNS and IoT
11:16:55 From Claudia Ruiz : @Layla - do you have audio?
11:17:07 From Frank Anati : hi everyone
11:17:27 From Sivasubramanian Muthusamy : The capacity of the DNS, with or without IoT, has to scale way beyond a few hundred million names.
11:17:45 From Pascal : Hello everyone
11:17:56 From Glenn McKnight : Collection of Ebooks from the GSMA Course on IOT
11:17:58 From Glenn McKnight : https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/hrxog
11:18:13 From Vanda Scartezini : tanks Glenn
11:18:25 From Michel TCHONANG LINZE CAPDA CAMEROUN : Merci Glenn
11:18:37 From Esther Patricia Akello : thanks Glenn
11:19:45 From avri doria : what does smarter mean?
11:19:48 From Layla Mohammad : yes
11:21:45 From avri doria : so it may need additional functionality, it does not mean that it needs AI capabilities.
11:22:35 From Olivier KOUAMI : Thank you Hadia
11:22:39 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Thx @Hadia
11:22:43 From Sarah Kiden : Thank you, Hadia!
11:22:44 From Dave Kissoondoyal : Thanks Hadia
11:22:45 From Michel TCHONANG LINZE CAPDA CAMEROUN : Thank Hadia
11:22:45 From Fatimata Seye Sylla : Thank you Hadia
11:22:46 From Filina Natalia (EURALO) : Thank you Hadia!
11:22:47 From Vanda Scartezini : thanks hadia
11:22:47 From Esther Patricia Akello : Thanks Hadia
11:22:57 From Olivier KOUAMI : Thank you Glenn for sharing this great resource with us
11:23:01 From Edem Nunekpeku : thanks Hadia
11:23:17 From Bill Jouris : If DNS is going to be used extensively for IpT, we need to figure out how to identify all of the different refrigerators by name. Perhaps far more complex names, incorporating addresses?
11:23:47 From Bill Jouris : IoT, not IpT. Sigh
11:23:59 From Andrey Kolesnikov (real) : mobile connectivity is OK to start with. And LPWAN.
11:24:13 From Jabhera jaberamatogoro@tzcna.or.tz : IoT was not meant for rural dwellers? since connectivity is still a challenge here
11:24:19 From Olivier KOUAMI : Fom the web based Connectivity to Internet to an IoT oriented Connectivity what are the différences ?
11:24:19 From Glenn McKnight : We assumed what you meant Bill:)
11:24:40 From Esther Patricia Akello : costs of deployment in the developing countries may be higher
11:26:24 From Fatimata Seye Sylla : And we also need to start finding means to start deployment and not wait until we have the right connectivity in Africa. So complicated... Sigh
11:26:43 From Maureen Hilyard : have we lost Hadia
11:27:00 From Claudia Ruiz : @Maureen I still hear Hadia
11:27:00 From Fatimata Seye Sylla : No we can hear Hadia
11:27:02 From Jabhera jaberamatogoro@tzcna.or.tz : We only live far away from 2G connectivity in rural Tanzania and few farmers are interested to use IoT to monitor their cultivation. How can they do it?
11:27:03 From Andrey Kolesnikov (real) : its not complicated. easy start and grow...
11:27:10 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : her audio is fine foe me @MAureen
11:27:39 From Maureen Hilyard : Aha..I must have dropped for a second
11:29:05 From hadia Elminiawi : object name sever technique can be used
11:31:55 From hadia Elminiawi : @Jabhera maybe monitoring cultivation does need fast Internet - so I think IoT applications could be used
11:32:50 From hadia Elminiawi : real time IoT applications pose the most challenges
11:33:09 From Andrey Kolesnikov (real) : @jabhera I will add few recommendations on how to start IoT project after my presention
11:33:35 From Fatimata Seye Sylla : @Andrey, thanks, you are certainly right but I would love to see this easy start evolve.
11:33:46 From Jabhera jaberamatogoro@tzcna.or.tz : IoT will widen the digital divide between developed and developing and/or between urban and rural. Just my feeling!
11:34:01 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : What a delightful design example @Sarah!
11:34:07 From hadia Elminiawi : @Andrey looking forward to your industry solutions
11:34:34 From Judith Hellerstein : they have some in nyc
11:34:43 From [AccessPlus] Lillian Achom : This is amazing Sarah!
11:34:52 From hadia Elminiawi : @Sarah brilliant initiatives
11:35:23 From Joanna Kulesza : There she is: https://opendott.org/ ! Great job Sarah!
11:36:30 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Your project sounds very exciting and important as a change agency tool!
11:37:03 From Glenn McKnight : The IEEE SMART Village project involves providing off the Grid solutions. Some of the projects include local agriculture and communication
11:37:05 From Edem Nunekpeku : Great Job Sarah!
11:37:51 From Olivier KOUAMI : Certainly there are many ways for "shortscuts" to the digital divide
11:38:49 From hadia Elminiawi : @Jabhera you might be right about the digital divide, but initiatives like the ones Sarah is presenting and the predictions made by some companies like McKinsey show that more than 40% of IoT deployment will happen in developing economies
11:39:01 From Sivasubramanian Muthusamy : @Glenn What are the features of a smart village? And what types of IoT devices are typically seen in a smart village?
11:39:51 From Glenn McKnight : The IEEE HAC, SIGHT and PES have set guidelines for the projects. I reviewed 55 proposals on IOT projects for IEEE recently
11:40:09 From Olivier KOUAMI : What are Calling Internet Health @Sarah ?
11:40:23 From Olivier KOUAMI : are you
11:40:34 From Olivier KOUAMI : ok
11:41:30 From Olivier KOUAMI : he challenge is not the web literacy only it's the basic literracy which lacks IMHO
11:41:59 From Vanda Scartezini : very interesting Sarah. in our periphery here it could work quite well, will share with some friends here and will keep in touch with you. kisses and Thank you for your presentation
11:42:34 From Glenn McKnight : The IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference had a number of practical papers on low cost IOT community solutions
11:42:45 From Esther Patricia Akello : Great work Sarah
11:42:52 From Fatimata Seye Sylla : Thank you Sarah. This is excellent!
11:43:12 From Olivier KOUAMI : Great job ! Well done @Sarah
11:43:14 From Lianna Galstyan : Thanks Sarah, excellent work and presentation
11:43:19 From Ramanou BIAOU : really interesting. Verry excellent work
11:43:41 From hadia Elminiawi : Excellent work Sarah and for sure great impact
11:44:16 From Olivier KOUAMI : I conccur with you @Hadia a great impact
11:44:21 From Glenn McKnight : @siva i am sending a Google doc on the Greehouse controls we setup as a demo
11:44:33 From Jabhera jaberamatogoro@tzcna.or.tz : Question: Community Networks are still facing challenges on policy and regulations to allow it as an alternative solution especially in Africa. Will IoT be another angle to push for connectivity in Africa?
11:45:44 From hadia Elminiawi : @Jabhera people making policies are for sure necessary enablers to the technology
11:46:11 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Thank you SO Much @Sarah Excellent presentation and fascinating project(s)!!!
11:46:12 From Maureen Hilyard : Excellent quote. This is an interesting project and well presented, Sarah..
11:46:16 From Filina Natalia (EURALO) : great presentation Sarah, so humanity project !
11:46:22 From Barrack Otieno : +1, working on a Community Connectivity Project. Observation, many rural folks are purchasing smart Televisions and using the same for information , education and entertainement, Impact of DNS on IOT is definitely notable
11:46:39 From Roberto : Great job @Sarah
11:46:39 From Olivier KOUAMI : But because of Ubuntu … you'll win. Great work with good vibes !!! Nice to see this. Wonderful Sarah !
11:46:40 From Bob Ochieng : Wonderful, thanks Sarah!
11:46:43 From Esther Patricia Akello : Well presented @Sarah
11:46:44 From Olivier KOUAMI : Thank you
11:46:48 From Ramanou BIAOU : Good presentation.
11:46:53 From [AccessPlus] Lillian Achom : That was awesome Sarah. Thank you
11:46:55 From Ramanou BIAOU : thank you Sarah
11:47:01 From Harold Arcos : Thanks @Sarah
11:47:01 From Oreoluwa Lesi : Fantastic presentation and project, Sarah. The issues it explores are central to how users approach technology.
11:47:04 From Edem Nunekpeku : Great Sarah
11:47:05 From Ramanou BIAOU :
11:47:10 From Herb Waye Ombuds : Inspiring Sarah
11:47:14 From Seun Ojedeji : great presentation Sarah. Weldone!
11:47:20 From Glenn McKnight : thanks
11:47:32 From Michel TCHONANG LINZE CAPDA CAMEROUN : Merci et bravo Sarah
11:47:48 From John More : great presentation
11:47:49 From hadia Elminiawi : +1 Herb inspiring indeed
11:48:07 From Barrack Otieno : Very insightful thanks Sarah
11:48:31 From Francis Olivier CUBAHIRO : +1 @sarah : good
11:48:45 From Sivasubramanian Muthusamy : @Sarah Is there a link to more info on the Prayer IoT device?
11:48:52 From Olivier KOUAMI : The Open design is very very important for us who are living underserved countries
11:49:58 From Dr S Katuu : Sarah did you say community fridges or freedges? Are these the same?
11:51:02 From Sarah Kiden : Thank you, everyone!
11:51:08 From Olivier KOUAMI : Voir le Compagnon de prière https://research.gold.ac.uk/id/eprint/4590/
11:51:19 From Jabhera jaberamatogoro@tzcna.or.tz : Thank you Sarah, yes, Uganda is leading in terms of regulation on community network
11:51:24 From Sarah Kiden : @Siva, the links are in the document. Olivier has already shared the link
11:51:48 From Sivasubramanian Muthusamy : Thank you Sarah
11:51:53 From Sarah Kiden : @Dr. Katuu, fridges (as the fridge you have in your house)
11:51:55 From Vanda Scartezini : good to have Andrey presenting tech issues
11:52:28 From Dr S Katuu : @sarah Asante
11:57:06 From hadia Elminiawi : localization is certainly one of IoT aspects
11:57:27 From Sarah Kiden : +1 Hadia
11:57:34 From hadia Elminiawi : IDNs contribute to this localization
11:58:54 From Olivier KOUAMI : From physical to the gold of the new era
11:59:07 From Olivier KOUAMI : physical layer to the Gold
12:01:08 From Sivasubramanian Muthusamy : Who "owns" the devices? Is there any clarity on who owns, and who is accountable for aspects such as the Security of devices (Security in its aspect of the device interaction with the larger Internet) ? For instance, the common man owns a refrigerator, the traffic authority "owns" the traffic lights, a hospital owns the diagnostic devices, and a device manufacturer partially "owns" a phone, the cable company "owns" the set top box etc, the O/S company "owns" the code, from the accountability point of view?
12:01:38 From Judith Hellerstein : in many places in NYC they have community fridges for people who do not have food. Prior to covid, our synagogue had a community freezer in their building where if you knew people who needed food you could bring them food that was stocked in there
12:01:57 From Olivier KOUAMI : Do all these things will use a MAC address ?
12:02:30 From Jabhera jaberamatogoro@tzcna.or.tz : Sorry, colleagues need to checkout. It was such wonderful session. I will follow-up offline
12:02:45 From Sivasubramanian Muthusamy : @Judith These are humanitarian.
12:03:57 From Judith Hellerstein : i am waiting for a low cost one to put in my plants that could tell me what they need in terms of water and nutrients but currently they are too expensive for pots, most are meant for gardens where you plant in the ground
12:04:28 From hadia Elminiawi : @Andrei maybe they both need to be smarter
12:04:30 From Olivier KOUAMI : Big Data, Machine Learning, Deep Learning and all these new tehcnoligies … I need to understand the relations between them and the IoT ?
12:04:48 From Judith Hellerstein : would love a low cost device that was only a few dollars that I could put in the plants that could tell me what they need
12:05:25 From Filina Natalia (EURALO) : @Judith as farms are waiting the same and already receiving, but yes, cost is high
12:05:34 From Seun Ojedeji : Right Andrey, IOT should be smarter in using the DNS as a tool
12:06:54 From Olivier KOUAMI : Please what is this no brand device ?
12:06:57 From Judith Hellerstein : yes. i agree. that is why my printers cannot connect to the outside net but only through WiFi
12:07:07 From Sarah Kiden : Cloud-based kettle :-)
12:07:23 From Judith Hellerstein : @olivier, it is a surge protector that talks to the internet
12:07:49 From Sivasubramanian Muthusamy : @Andrey If direct connection of devices is a problem, could there be a DNS design to make the connection indirect or a sub-connection of a parent network? A design by which the connection "permissions" are set by the parent, mostly humans?
12:08:15 From Olivier KOUAMI : OK. I have recognized a surge protector but … Thank you @Judith
12:08:17 From Sarah Kiden : Thank you Andrei for this interesting tech perspective and the recommendations!
12:08:35 From Esther Patricia Akello : thanks Andrei
12:08:36 From Seun Ojedeji : Right Andrey, in Africa where power generation is a big deal, you probably need IOT to let you know you are about the boil water (at x cost) ;-)
12:08:39 From Vanda Scartezini : thanks Andrey
12:08:51 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Very helpful @Andrey
12:08:53 From Francis Olivier CUBAHIRO : Very good Andrei
12:09:05 From Seun Ojedeji : Sonoff devices are quite useful IOT for that.
12:09:36 From Judith Hellerstein : also make sure your printer is not connecting to the wider internet as it can be easily hacked
12:09:40 From Olivier KOUAMI : Very nice presentation @Andrey. Thank you
12:09:59 From Roberto : @Olivier - I assume that you, like me, wonder why on earth one should have a surge protector that talks to the Internet :-)
12:10:02 From hadia Elminiawi : Thank you Andrei very useful advices
12:10:15 From hadia Elminiawi : great technical presentation
12:10:16 From Vanda Scartezini : agree Judith! good remember
12:10:21 From Fatimata Seye Sylla : Thank you Andrey very helpful presentation with great recommendations
12:10:52 From Olivier KOUAMI : IEEE is doing great things too but not well known in Africa.
12:11:03 From Vanda Scartezini : @roberto... the imagination of people is impossible to understand...
12:11:08 From Seun Ojedeji : of course chinese based with cloud support, but hey they work and but one has option to keep things local (tasmota in this case)
12:11:08 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : thanks Andrey
12:11:19 From Seun Ojedeji : Lots of great stuff @Andrey
12:11:34 From Michel TCHONANG LINZE CAPDA CAMEROUN : Merci Andrey
12:11:57 From Vanda Scartezini : worth to read the SAC 105 Seun if you haven't
12:12:39 From Michel TCHONANG LINZE CAPDA CAMEROUN : Great presentation you all
12:12:55 From Sarah Kiden : +1 Vanda and Andrei, SSAC 105 is a good document
12:13:28 From Sivasubramanian Muthusamy : @andrei If it is 100 bits, why provide the device with a Gigabit wire with unlimited data?
12:13:37 From Andrey Kolesnikov (real) : andrei@iotas.ru my iot address )))
12:14:47 From Olivier KOUAMI : So ? Mobile phone is not an IoT ?
12:14:53 From Vanda Scartezini : thanks Andrey , Sarah and Hadia..interesting webinar
12:14:56 From Sivasubramanian Muthusamy : It can be
12:15:11 From Sivasubramanian Muthusamy : depends on how the manufacturer, telecom firm controls the phone
12:15:24 From Esther Patricia Akello : thanks to all the presenters
12:15:26 From hadia Elminiawi : @Sivas agree
12:15:40 From hadia Elminiawi : agree
12:16:22 From Layla Mohammad : thank you all
12:16:44 From Judith Hellerstein to Claudia Ruiz(Direct Message) : can you add me to the top choices for the first poll as it was closed too soon
12:17:30 From Damas Makweba : Interesting quiz :) but joined recently and looks everything is tough on my side hahahaha
12:17:31 From Olivier KOUAMI : 2
12:17:38 From Sivasubramanian Muthusamy : @andrei the problem is that there is a possibility of a non-so-smart smart bulb manufacturer making a smart bulb that connects to the DNS
12:18:17 From Olivier KOUAMI : ok
12:18:32 From Dave Kissoondoyal : Thanks Andre, Sarah and hadia for the presentations and Interesting webinar
12:18:54 From Olivier KOUAMI : Thank you all
12:18:57 From Fatimata Seye Sylla : Thank you all
12:19:03 From umar Miqdad : very interesting webinar
12:19:20 From Olivier KOUAMI : Very
12:19:33 From Lianna Galstyan : Thanks Andrey
12:20:24 From Roberto : Easier?
12:20:34 From hadia Elminiawi : @Andrey agree systems will be talking to each other and this is the real strength of IoT
12:21:27 From Roberto : The real challenge will be how to override the choices that connected operating systems are doing for us
12:21:29 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Sorry I need to leave early (now) as the demands of my other call are exceeding my ability to chat and manage ques on my tablet as it uses mobile Zoom... Thanks t all the presenters for an excellent session though....
12:21:58 From Sivasubramanian Muthusamy : @haldia when devices talk to each other, and to the bank, the bank takes money from your account without talking to you, with fewer and fewer ways of reaching a human anywhere in the bank
12:22:56 From hadia Elminiawi : @sivas +1
12:25:29 From Vanda Scartezini : i have another call in 5 minutes, will need to leave. thank to all quite interesting approach from all .
12:26:02 From Vanda Scartezini : consider my feedback as a great one from final survey. thanks
12:26:08 From Seun Ojedeji : Thanks a lot for this session.
12:26:13 From Seun Ojedeji : cheers!
12:26:29 From Michel TCHONANG LINZE CAPDA CAMEROUN : Hi Seun
12:27:01 From Filina Natalia (EURALO) : THANK YOU so much!
12:27:14 From Filina Natalia (EURALO) : incredible webinar
12:27:15 From Dave Kissoondoyal : Thanks all
12:27:23 From Francis Olivier CUBAHIRO : thank you all stay safe
12:27:24 From Silvia Vivanco : Excellent presentations! Thank you very much!
12:27:34 From Lianna Galstyan : Thanks for organizing this webinar
12:27:35 From Michel TCHONANG LINZE CAPDA CAMEROUN : Thank for this good session, bye bye
12:27:35 From Herb Waye Ombuds : Thank you all for your work and commitment
12:27:37 From Roberto : Excellent presentation @Andrey
12:27:43 From Damas Makweba : Everyone nice meeting you all, be blessed….
12:27:45 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : Thanks to all Speakers
12:28:00 From Roberto : Great webinar!! Thanks all
12:28:06 From Sarah Kiden : Thank you everyone!
12:28:06 From Olivier KOUAMI : Bye
12:28:06 From hadia Elminiawi : bye all
12:28:11 From Judith Hellerstein : great webinar
12:28:13 From Barrack Otieno : Bye thanks Andrei
12:28:18 From Otunte Otueneh : Bye all