FBSC AC Chat 09-01-2012

FBSC AC Chat 09-01-2012

NathalieĀ  Peregrine:Hello everyone, welcome to the FBSC WG Meeting on the FY13 Budget on Monday 9th January 2012
Ā  Heidi Ullrich:The ExCom meeting is just ending now. Olivier will be on this call very shortly.Ā 
Ā  Rudi Vansnick:Best wishes to all of youĀ 
Ā  Heidi Ullrich:Happy 2012!
Ā  Dave Kissoondoyal:Hello everybody
Ā  Rudi Vansnick:hello Dave, best wishesĀ 
Ā  Dave Kissoondoyal:thanks Rudi.. best wishes to you and to everybody
Ā  Gareth Shearman:Greetings everyone
Ā  Charles Mok:Hi I am here.
Ā  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:I'm in
Ā  Dave Kissoondoyal:there is nobody on the phone..is there a different number to dial in
Ā  Jose Arce:Hi all !!!
Ā  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:3535 is the dial number
Ā  Dave Kissoondoyal:thanks Olivier
Ā  Dave Kissoondoyal:i am in now
Ā  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Hi, can Adigo call me on the german number pls?
Ā  Gisella Gruber-White:Yes Rinalia - we will do so now
Ā  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:Thanks, Gisella.Ā  Am in.
Ā  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:it the Adobe Flash ;-)
Ā  Alan Greenberg:Only here till the half hour...
Ā  Heidi Ullrich:FY13 At-Large Budget request workspace:Ā https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/display/atlarge/At-Large+FY13+Budget+Development+Workspace+-+2012
Ā  Dev Anand Teelucksingh:lol
Ā  CLO:can we haveĀ  sxroll control or will someone scroll for us?
Ā  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Can the "discussion notrs" window please be taken down south by a few milimeters bbecause it is impedingon the chat (hence my tyops here)
Ā  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:thanks! I can see what i am typing now
Ā  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:next page please
Ā  CLO:thanks
Ā  Rinalia Abdul Rahim:can't hear
Ā  CLO:is it just my line?
Ā  NathalieĀ  Peregrine:@CLO, I can hear fine, would you like us to dial out to you again?
Ā  CLO:missedĀ  most of what was said
Ā  CLO:I hopeĀ  someone got it for the transcript
Ā  CLO:sound OKĀ  again nowĀ  with Alan
Ā  CLO:letsĀ  see how we go
Ā  Alan Greenberg:I've got to leave now.Ā Ā  Bye all.
Ā  CLO:byeĀ  Alan
Ā  CLO:Then the B&F SCĀ  can meet in theĀ  ICANN AGM F2FĀ  to sift and sortĀ  etc.,
Ā  CLO:PLEASEĀ  NOTEĀ  I h been able to open the template in open source program
Ā  Tijani BEN JEMAA:Are you done
Ā  CLO:NOT been able to open
Ā  Tijani BEN JEMAA:I just arrived
Ā  Heidi Ullrich:Taskforce call starts in a few minutes on 1638
Ā  Tijani BEN JEMAA:yes, but the Finance S/C ?
Ā  Gareth Shearman:I am going to have to leave the call now
Ā  Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, All!
Ā  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Thanks to all. Next step is to receive requests & discuss amongst the F&B Sub-committee.Ā 
Ā  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Thanks to all of you!
Ā  Dave Kissoondoyal:Can I have the adobe link for the task force call
Ā  Dave Kissoondoyal:please
Ā  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I've sent it to you directly
Ā  Dave Kissoondoyal:thanks a lot