Zoom chat: 2021-03-08 NARALO Teleconference

Zoom chat: 2021-03-08 NARALO Teleconference

11:54:06 From Claudia Ruiz to Everyone : Welcome to the NARALO Monthly Call
11:57:49 From Silvia Vivanco to Everyone : Hello everyone
12:00:39 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone : I got nothin!
12:00:46 From Glenn McKnight, Virtual School of Internet Governance to Everyone : We are behind on the COVID rollout due to the limited supply, we ordered 100 Million doses
12:01:03 From Glenn McKnight, Virtual School of Internet Governance to Everyone : Maybe August for me
12:01:58 From Glenn McKnight, Virtual School of Internet Governance to Everyone : I should have been like other Canadian snowbirds and flew to Florida
12:02:11 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone : I want to visit my cousin, who just came out of cancer treatment, for Easter. I might have to rent an Airbnb to quarantine myself for the week, after I fly to Boston.
12:02:43 From Glenn McKnight, Virtual School of Internet Governance to Everyone : @jon I operate a Arbnb and we have closed it till the end of the year
12:03:07 From Glenn McKnight, Virtual School of Internet Governance to Everyone : BTW the IETF started today
12:03:17 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone : Yes. We did a Newcomers session today!
12:03:31 From Claudia Ruiz to Everyone : Welcome Yubelkys Montalvo to the call
12:03:35 From Glenn McKnight, Virtual School of Internet Governance to Everyone : https://www.ietf.org/forms/110-registration-fee-waiver/
12:03:52 From Alfredo Calderon (ICANN70 Mentor) to Everyone : Tree sessions today on ICANN70 pre-week
12:04:31 From Evin Erdogdu to Everyone : See the ALAC / At-Large ICANN70 Promo Video, featuring regional speakers from the LACRALO and NARALO regions speaking in EN, ES, FR & PT: https://bit.ly/3qbSz8S See you all at the Virtual Community Forum!
12:05:19 From Yubelkys's iPhone to Everyone : Greetings to everyone!
12:05:38 From Alfredo Calderon (ICANN70 Mentor) to Everyone : Opppss! Three sessions …
12:05:47 From Claudia Ruiz to Everyone : Welcome Greg Shatan to the call
12:08:07 From Claudia Ruiz to Everyone : Welcome Marita Moll to the call
12:09:08 From Marita Moll to Everyone : So sorry, this somehow did not get on my calendar. Thanks for the reminder notices
12:10:55 From Marita Moll to Everyone : Judith is doing a great job
12:15:19 From Joe Catapano to Everyone : You can send an email to joe.catapano@icann.org if you’re interested in the Advisory Panel that Judith spoke of. - Thx.
12:15:45 From Silvia Vivanco to Everyone : Thank you Joe!
12:15:52 From Silvia Vivanco to Everyone : And GSE North American team!
12:17:05 From Glenn McKnight, Virtual School of Internet Governance to Everyone : Just in case I don't have any time for NOMCOM
12:17:09 From Glenn McKnight, Virtual School of Internet Governance to Everyone : Here is my notes
12:17:11 From Glenn McKnight, Virtual School of Internet Governance to Everyone : NOMCOM Candidates have until March 29th https://www.icann.org/nomcom2021 Nine positions available -Board - 3 -GNSO- 2 -ALAC- NOT NORTH AMERICA- 3 -cCNSO -1 Application link to portal We are in Phase 2 on recruitment Meeting with the HR firm to discuss their outreach strategy Recieved from ICANN Chair on recommendations on what is expected to be a good Board Member March 17th the Unconscious Bias training organized by ICANN Our deep dive will start on April 19th to May 7th No face to face meetings with the candidates is planned for July 18th and 19th
12:22:09 From Judith Hellerstein to Everyone : However, all the YouTube recorded events will be broadcasted to all and will be listed on the at large Cancun listing
12:23:42 From Glenn McKnight, Virtual School of Internet Governance to Everyone : need to put link in chat
12:24:39 From Claudia Ruiz to Everyone : https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/Q3jwBQ
12:24:45 From Glenn McKnight, Virtual School of Internet Governance to Claudia Ruiz(Direct Message) : Thanks
12:25:21 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone : Extremely!
12:26:00 From Judith Hellerstein to Everyone : Can the screen show this info
12:26:06 From Judith Hellerstein to Everyone : As it is not showing this
12:26:33 From Claudia Ruiz to Everyone : https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99645565/At-Large+Meetings+-+Monday+22+March+2021
12:26:48 From Claudia Ruiz to Everyone : https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99645557/At-Large+Meetings+-+Tuesday+23+March+2021
12:27:33 From Claudia Ruiz to Everyone : https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99645651/At-Large+Meetings+-+Wednesday+24+March+2021
12:29:54 From Claudia Ruiz to Everyone : ICANN70 - March 2021: Community Forum: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/Q3jwBQ
12:30:10 From Gisella Gruber to Everyone : Registration is via the main ICANN70 website
12:31:34 From Maureen Hilyard to Everyone : @Jonathan Good suggestion that we can raise with Ashwin,
12:32:00 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone : Thank YOU!
12:32:39 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone : They're safe links to publish.
12:32:50 From EDuardo Díaz - NARALO to Everyone : Agree
12:33:37 From Gisella Gruber to Everyone : NOTED - Judith and Jonathan
12:38:08 From Claudia Ruiz to Everyone : Note to all - Links and presentations are linked to the agenda
12:38:34 From Wes Boudville to Everyone : thanks for the links;
12:39:06 From Claudia Ruiz to Everyone : You’re welcome
12:49:19 From Glenn McKnight, Virtual School of Internet Governance to Everyone : I expect we will run out of time today so I'm posting the info on this year's NOMCOM.
12:49:23 From Glenn McKnight, Virtual School of Internet Governance to Everyone : NOMCOM Candidates have until March 29th https://www.icann.org/nomcom2021 Nine positions available -Board - 3 -GNSO- 2 -ALAC- NOT NORTH AMERICA- 3 -cCNSO -1 Application link to portal https://webportalapp.com/sp/login/icann-nc-submission-portal-2021 We are in Phase 2 on recruitment Meeting with the HR firm to discuss their outreach strategy Recieved from ICANN Chair on recommendations on what is expected to be a good Board Member March 17th the Unconscious Bias training organized by ICANN Our deep dive will start on April 19th to May 7th No face to face meetings with the candidates is planned for July 18th and 19th
12:49:50 From EDuardo Díaz - NARALO to Everyone : Are we going to see an EPDP3A?
12:52:12 From Gregory Shatan to Everyone : Will we have EPDP 2B, or not 2B. That is the question.
12:52:32 From Jeffrey Neuman to Everyone : Greg is always so Punny
12:52:58 From Glenn McKnight, Virtual School of Internet Governance to Everyone : That's funny Greg
12:53:11 From Louis Houle to Everyone : @Greg: very funny
12:53:12 From Judith Hellerstein to Everyone : Yes Greg very funny
12:53:21 From Jeffrey Neuman to Everyone : Ouch - Alan just slammed me :)
12:53:29 From Claudia Ruiz to Everyone : https://pus5-broadcast.officeapps.live.com/m/Broadcast.aspx?Fi=631161426eb5e6dd_e7b7546c-9054-4504-b8dd-a675a113b1a9.pptx
12:54:20 From Alan Greenberg to Everyone : @Jess, just stating facts.
12:54:31 From Jeffrey Neuman to Everyone : I know...truth hurts sometimes
12:54:55 From Alan Greenberg to Everyone : But consider the RDS PDP lasted several years and was cancelled with no results. Compared to that, we are ALL doing great.
12:55:10 From Alan Greenberg to Everyone : Oops - Jeff.
12:56:02 From Jeffrey Neuman to Everyone : Hey, I look the SubPro PDP as 40+ mini PDPs covering that many disparate topics. So, if you look at it that way, we completed 10 mini-PDPs every year
12:56:16 From David Mackey to Everyone : This is a good chart. It might be nice to record it somewhere in the At-Large wiki if it’s not already there
12:57:05 From Alan Greenberg to Everyone : @Jeff, Yup. Some of us were dubious that your PDP would EVER complete!
12:57:40 From Alan Greenberg to Everyone : So compared to that also is a great achievement.
12:58:00 From Alan Greenberg to Everyone : Of course, some of us might have preferred never completing....
12:58:19 From Jeffrey Neuman to Everyone : I love the low expectations
12:58:42 From Silvia Vivanco to Everyone : @David, the chart is posted on the CPWG main wiki page: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99713472/Consolidated+Policy+Working+Group+CPWG
12:58:55 From David Mackey to Everyone : Thanks Silvia!
12:59:46 From David Mackey to Everyone : Oh, I was referring to Jonathans funnel chart. The process flowchart isn’t as easy to quickly understand
13:00:39 From Alan Greenberg to Everyone : I feel like I am on a seesaw!
13:00:53 From Glenn McKnight, Virtual School of Internet Governance to Everyone : Since we don't have time for my report from NOMCOM here is the posting again and its posted to SKYPE and the NA discussion forum
13:00:56 From Glenn McKnight, Virtual School of Internet Governance to Everyone : NOMCOM Candidates have until March 29th https://www.icann.org/nomcom2021 Nine positions available -Board - 3 -GNSO- 2 -ALAC- NOT NORTH AMERICA- 3 -cCNSO -1 Application link to portal https://webportalapp.com/sp/login/icann-nc-submission-portal-2021 We are in Phase 2 on recruitment Meeting with the HR firm to discuss their outreach strategy Recieved from ICANN Chair on recommendations on what is expected to be a good Board Member March 17th the Unconscious Bias training organized by ICANN Our deep dive will start on April 19th to May 7th No face to face meetings with the candidates is planned for July 18th and 19th
13:01:51 From David Mackey to Everyone : Very interesting Jonanthan. Great charts.
13:02:00 From Jeffrey Neuman to Everyone : .zuck
13:02:20 From Judith Hellerstein to Everyone : @jeffrey very funny
13:02:25 From David Mackey to Everyone : bad spelling - Jonathan
13:02:51 From Peter Knight to Everyone : Very clear presentation @Zuck
13:03:18 From Jeffrey Neuman to Everyone : @Jonathan always has a clear presentation. I would venture to say that he is probably the best presenter in the community
13:03:21 From Judith Hellerstein to Everyone : @peter Glad to see you on the session
13:03:46 From Peter Knight to Everyone : :-)
13:03:56 From Peter Knight to Everyone : Back in the US
13:04:45 From David Mackey to Everyone : Thank you Eduardo and all the presenters!
13:04:52 From Judith Hellerstein to Everyone : Also Jonathan this also might be a more accessible way of doing presentations
13:05:03 From Glenn McKnight, Virtual School of Internet Governance to Everyone : I am the Maytag appliance man...
13:05:07 From Silvia Vivanco to Everyone : Thank you all!
13:05:13 From Claudia Ruiz to Everyone : https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/rduKBg
13:05:19 From Gregory Shatan to Everyone : Bye all!
13:05:20 From Badriyya Yusuf to Everyone : Thank you.
13:05:23 From Silvia Vivanco to Everyone : Please join the meetings
13:05:23 From Claudia Ruiz to Everyone : Link for LACRALO GA
13:05:25 From Claudia Ruiz to Everyone : https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/rduKBg
13:05:27 From Maureen Hilyard to Everyone : Thanks everyone! Bye
13:05:27 From Silvia Vivanco to Everyone : Bye all
13:05:30 From Silvia Vivanco to Everyone : Thank you!