2010 Election Calls - NARALO
NARALO Elections 2010 at a Glance
As an integral part of ICANN's At-Large infrasructure, the membership of NARALO must hold a number of elections in 2010:
Position |
Current status |
ALAC Representative selected by NARALO |
Finished |
NARALO Chair selected by NARALO |
Finished |
NARALO Secretariat selected by NARALO |
Finished |
NARALO Delegate to the ICANN Nominating Committee - NARALO may give a recommendation to the ALAC |
Finished |
Representative of Unaffiliated NARALO Members |
Finished |
Each of these positions is for a one-year term except for the NARALO representative to ALAC which is a two-year term.
NARALO-selected representative on the ALAC
The RALOs elect two out of three of their regional representatives on the ALAC. The third representative is appointed by the Nominating Committee.
NomCom-selected NARALO representative to the ALAC (AGM 2010 - AGM 2012)
Suggested Election Timeline
According to the NARALO instruments, NARALO shall issue a call for Statements of Interest from NARALO members on of before July 1st 2010. It is suggested that the following election process shall be adopted:
1. Call for election: The regional Secretariat will make a call for election (no later than 23 July 2010)
2. Nomination period: Nominations shall be accepted for four weeks after the Secretariat calls for nominations (up to 20 August 2010)
3. Acceptance deadline: The nominees need to accept their nomination no later than seven days after the nomination period ends (27 August 2010)
4. Election deadline: The election shall begin no later than one week after the end of the acceptance deadline (3 September 2010) and end no later than two weeks later (17 September 2010)
Therefore, the votes would actually be cast between 3 September and 17 September 2010.
NARALO is free to adopt a different process.
Obligations and Responsibilities of ALAC members
The obligation and requirement of ALAC members and liaisons are outlined in the ICANN Bylaws, ALAC Rules of Procedure and the ALAC Internal Rules of Procedure. You will find relevant extracts from these sources under ALAC Members - Obligations and Responsibilities.
Who can run for the ALAC Representative position?
According to rules 9 and 10 of the NARALO Operating Principles:
- The selected representative must be an unaffiliated individual or a member of an ALS; and
- Can not be from the same ALS as any sitting ALAC members (this excludes candidates from Telecommunities Canada); and
- Must live in the region; and
- Must commit to upholding the Obligations and Responsibilities of ALAC members; and
- May not serve for more than two consecutive terms.
The incumbent is Beau Brendler. He is not eligible for re-election, as he was first elected for a one-year term at the NARALO GA in San Juan in 2007 and re-elected for a two-year term in 2008.
Nominations for ALAC Representative |
Nominated By |
Seconded By |
Date Nominee Accepted |
Evan Leibovitch |
Evan Leibovitch |
Darlene Thompson |
26 July 2010 |
NARALO Officers
NARALO elects a Chair and a Secretary on an annual basis. The incumbents are Evan Leibovitch (Chair) and Darlene Thompson (Secretary). Evan and Darlene are eligible for re-election.
Suggested Election timetable:
1. Nominations Open : 23 July 2010
2. Nominations Close : 16 August 2010
3. Nomination Acceptance Deadline: 23 August 2010
4. Voting Period: 30 August 2010 to 13 September 2010
Officer Positon |
Name of Nominee |
Nominated By |
Seconded By |
Date Nominee Accepted |
Chair |
Evan Leibovitch |
Gareth Shearman |
Declined 26 July 2010 |
Secretariat |
Darlene Thompson |
Darlene Thompson |
Eduardo Diaz, Gareth Shearman |
23 July 2010 |
Chair |
Beau Brendler |
Evan Leibovitch |
Darlene Thompson |
26 July 2010 |
Obligations and Responsibilities of NARALO Officers
The obligation and requirement of NARALO Officers are outlined in the NARALO Operating Principles. You will find relevant extracts from these sources under NARALO Officers obligations and requirements.
Nomination Committee Delegate from NARALO
The ALAC appoints, in consultation with the RALOs, one representative from each of ICANN's five geographic regions to the Nominating Committee. NARALO has the possibility to recommend a preferred candidate for this position to the ALAC. Voting members of the NomCom are appointed for a year term, and may be re-appointed for a further term of one year subject to the requirement under the ICANN Bylaws.
The incumbent for North-America is Eduardo Diaz. He is eligible for re-election.
Suggested Election timetable:
The ALAC ExCom suggested the following timetable for nominations and recommendations for the NARALO NomCom Delegate position:
1. Nominations Open: No later than 23 July 2010
2. Nominations Close: on or before 6 August 2010
3. Nomination Acceptance Deadline: on or before 10 August 2010
4. Voting Period to select preferred NARALO candidate (if required): 11 August 2010 to 15 August 2010
5. ALAC Notification: RALOs to transmit all accepted nominations, with a recommendation for a preferred candidate if the RALO wishes to provide one: 16 August 2010
6. ALAC Voting Begins: 18 August 2010
7. ALAC Voting Ends: 24 August 2010
8. Notification to NomCom of Appointees: No Later than 31 August 2010
Obligations and Responsibilities of NomCom Members
The obligation and requirement of NomCom members are outlined in the NomCom members - Obligations and Requirements
NomCom Delegate from North America |
Nominated By |
Supported By* |
Date Nominee Accepted |
Eduardo Diaz |
Eduardo Diaz |
Gareth Shearman, Darlene Thompson |
24 July 2010 |
In accordance with the selection process outline, it is not necessary to second a nomination in order for it to be valid
Representative of Unaffiliated NARALO Members
Position Description
The representative of the unaffiliated NARALO members will participate in the NARALO General Assemblies and other circumstances as required on behalf of the unaffiliated members. The term will run for a period from the close of the 2010 AGM until the close of the AGM 2011.
The incumbent Beau Brendler. He is eligible for re-election.
Candidate Requirements
In accordance with Operating Principle 17, the Unaffiliated Member Representative must be registered as an Unaffiliated Member. To register as an unaffiliated member, please send a short Statement of Interest (SOI) to staff at atlarge.icann.org indicating that you meet the requirements for Unaffiliated Members:
* be subscribed to the NA-Discuss list,
* be a permanent resident of one of the countries/territories in the NorthAmerican region as defined by ICANN,
* not be a member of a certified ALS.
In addition to that, the Unaffiliated Member Representative "must not be employed or contracted by, or have substantive financial interest in, an ICANN contracted registry or accredited registrar."
Suggested Election timetable:
The ALAC ExCom suggested the following timetable for nominations and recommendations for the NARALO NomCom Delegate position:
1. Nominations Open: No later than 22 October 2010
2. Nominations Close: on 4 November 2010
3. Nomination Acceptance Deadline: on or before 11November 2010
4. Voting Period: 12 November 2010 to 18 November 2010
5. Notification: No Later than 19 November 2010
Unaffiliated Member Representative |
Nominated By |
Supported By |
Date Nominee Accepted |
Beau Brendler |
Darlene Thompson (22 October 2010) |
Garth Bruen |
Declined 8 November 2010 |
Eric Brunner-Williams |
Wendy Seltzer (22 October 2010) |
5 November 2010 |