AC Chat: 2018-02-27 At-Large Regional Leadership Call
Claudia Ruiz:Welcome to the At-Large Regional Leadership CallTuesday, 27 February 2018 from 19:00 - 20:30 UTC
Claudia Ruiz:
Gisella Gruber:Please note English now on ADIGO 3535 and not 1638 - apologies for the inconvenience
Glenn McKnight:Mued
Glenn McKnight:muted
Mohamed El Bashir:Hello everyone,
Silvia Vivanco:Hello everyone
Sarah Kiden:Hi everyone
Wale Bakare:Hi all. Good evening/afternoon/morning
Silvia Vivanco:I have send a skype chat to LACRALO leaders
Silvia Vivanco:Humberto will join in 5 mins
Heidi Ullrich:@Glenn, are you talking about the AC room title?
Silvia Vivanco:The wiki page has changed its title:
Silvia Vivanco:New title: At-Large Regional Leadership Workspace
Glenn McKnight:Also in the agenda says Secretariat Reports and the Email header is still Secretariat
Glenn McKnight:Adobe Connect:
Silvia Vivanco:Glenn I believe that the "Secretariats" report will remain as is as this is a Secretariat responsibillity
Glenn McKnight:Actually Silvia i think the reporting is a shared responsibility
Glenn McKnight:Need imput from the chairs
Silvia Vivanco:Noted Glenn
Wale Bakare:I guess that's how the pendulum has swung in today's call - more staff than community members
Silvia Vivanco:Maritza is sending apologies
Glenn McKnight:Missing is LACRALO and APRALO.
Silvia Vivanco:Humberto will join shortly
Silvia Vivanco:APRALO leaders are in Katmandu
Glenn McKnight:hand up
Glenn McKnight:ok
Glenn McKnight:APRALO has done their first newsletter with Constant contac
Glenn McKnight:contact
Glenn McKnight:NCUC and ATLARGE meeting has a promotional Mailcard promo piece. Evin has provided feedback already
Heidi Ullrich:+1 Olivier
Silvia Vivanco:@ Olivier, is the Program posted in a wiki/website? would you like a wiki page with this under the EURALO wiki page?
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:the programme is being finalised and we'll share it with you to put in a WIKI page that's connected to the At-Large agendas
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:not under EURALO.
Humberto Carrasco:hello everybody
Silvia Vivanco:Welcome Humberto
Claudia Ruiz:Welcome Humberto
Heidi Ullrich:Should this be an AI?
Silvia Vivanco:noted Olivier, we will post the relevant information in the appropriate space
Glenn McKnight:What staff support is helping ?
Glenn McKnight:perfect we can work with Mario
Glenn McKnight:Hey Mario would can't hide:)
Glenn McKnight:all are welcome
Glenn McKnight:Good idea
Mario Aleman:Looking forward to working with you, Glenn!
Sarah Kiden:+1 to e-sign up sheets
Glenn McKnight:Here is the link
Humberto Carrasco:thanks
Glenn McKnight:Anyone can go to the site on their own device
Glenn McKnight:If you want to make any changes on the form, let me know
Mario Aleman:Glenn, do you have the times when the volunteers are available to join the booth>?
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:short URL for the sign-up sheet?
Glenn McKnight:yes you beat me to i OCL
Sarah Kiden:Was typing the same
Sarah Kiden:But we should still have a laptop or iPad at the desk
Mario Aleman:@Sarah, we can always request an additional laptop computer
Sarah Kiden:@Glenn, I have requested edit access
Mohamed El Bashir:back, got discoonnected
Glenn McKnight:one sec Sara i will add you
Sarah Kiden:Thank you, Glenn
Glenn McKnight:Added you to the link
Silvia Vivanco:RALO hot topics:
Glenn McKnight:As stated everyone who has a device can add their details on the form
Wale Bakare:The "perspective" difference to how individual sees NCUC/At-Large or modus operandi of each within ICANN?
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:both ways, Wale, yes
Wale Bakare:Thanks, Olivier
Glenn McKnight:We did the same survey to the membership and we have a list of 161 entries for the policy topics
Silvia Vivanco:EURALO table of expertise mentioned by Olivier:
Glenn McKnight:Here is the NARALO ALS EXPERTISE Table
Glenn McKnight:I personnally am frustrated with their lack of active communication on policy issues
Glenn McKnight:Eduardo why are you laughing:)
Heidi Ullrich:@Eduardo, NARALO can focus on just a few hot topics. The ones from the GA are not set in stone.
Glenn McKnight:@heidi speak to Siliva on our last NARALO Education committee on determining the topics for the monthly calls
Silvia Vivanco:NARALO is organizing short webinars using the Hot topics as a reference
Heidi Ullrich:Great!
Glenn McKnight:Face to face topics
Glenn McKnight:- Beyond Recruitment, how to get members to be engaged
Heidi Ullrich:If there is time, also, a review of 2018 outreach and engagement events from all RALOs and areas for collaboration
Glenn McKnight:#2 Effective communication styles and tools
Heidi Ullrich:@Eduardo, under the hot topics, Tijani would like a few mins to address the RALO leaders re a new track for webinars.
Glenn McKnight:# 3 Oureach and Engagement without CROP
Glenn McKnight:#4 Metrics and Accountability
Glenn McKnight:#5 Best Practices from each RALO, showcase the best of the best
Glenn McKnight:#6 RALO Anniversary Story. Provide time to tell the story of NARALO
Sarah Kiden:Have we already given up? Re: CROP?
Sarah Kiden::-) :-) signing of MOUs :-)
Heidi Ullrich:+1 Olivier
Humberto Carrasco:ok
Silvia Vivanco:noted as topic Showcases - what is the perspective under current budget restrictions
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:I am sorry if I bring this up. Believe me, I'd still like to have real fun showcases, but I have recently heard increased voices asking how this is become more a social occasion than anything else.
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:the optics are a concern.
Heidi Ullrich:You can cover these in ongoing monthly meetings :)
Silvia Vivanco:Agenda for the F2F meeting : 1. RALO Hot topics will be discussed in the face to face meeting with the goal to determine how to move these issues to the ALAC. Including Tijani to address the RALO leaders re a new track for webinars. 2. Involvement of ALs and individuals in Policies3. Inclusion of individual members in the RALOs4. Showcases - what is the perspective under current budget restrictions
Heidi Ullrich:@Eduardo, Gisella has said a 90 meeting on Sunday is ok
Silvia Vivanco:Those are the ones you just mentioned above
Heidi Ullrich:we will confirm the need for the shift and the timing asap
Glenn McKnight:yep
Silvia Vivanco:Effective communication and tools , Outreach and Engagement without CROP,measures of accountability - Glenn's proposals
Glenn McKnight:we can have leads per section. keep it tight
Mohamed El Bashir:Its good to have a monthly call, calls can be shorter ( 1 hour max ), but its good to get updates and raise issue s
Sarah Kiden:+1 Mohamed
Heidi Ullrich:@Eduardo, that is the tradition re leadership
Sarah Kiden:Dear Staff, please edit agenda (right hand side) from RIP to RIR
Sarah Kiden:Item 8
Heidi Ullrich:So Humberto is the lead following ICANN 61
Heidi Ullrich:@Sarah, completed
Glenn McKnight:now
Sarah Kiden:Thanks
Glenn McKnight:We are done in 10 minutes?
Glenn McKnight:thanks Ed on the election issue
Glenn McKnight:we start Nominations in April
Glenn McKnight:ok
Mohamed El Bashir:Thanks Edwardo
Sarah Kiden:Thanks everyone! See you soon
Wale Bakare:Thanks, bye!
Mohamed El Bashir:Bye All