New gTLDs WG Monday 25 February 2013 AC Chat
Gisella Gruber-White 2:Welcome to the New gTLD Working Group call on Monday 25 February 2013 at 1900 UTC
Gisella Gruber-White 2:Agenda:
Alan Greenberg:I'm dialing in now
Evan Leibovitch:hi, just joined
Evan Leibovitch:lots of apologies. is there any chance of a better time for this?
Evan Leibovitch:even the usual chair can' t be here :-)
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Is the page unsynchronized for everyone?
Matt Ashtiani:@ocl - yes
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:ie. can you scroll.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:good - thx
Matt Ashtiani::)
Evan Leibovitch:i can scroll it
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:*7 to unmute
Heidi:Christopher, are you speaking?
Christopher Wilkinson:I am just speaking into the Macbook mike.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I think you need to get your mike connected on AC
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:You need to get Adobe to recognise your mic
Andrew Mack:this is why I was wondering if we could get more precision for argument 1
Heidi:Staff are working with Christopher to enable him to speak.
Matt Ashtiani:can you hear me?
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:no
Alan Greenberg:If BigPulse cannot do it, we have other means!!!!!!!!
Matt Ashtiani:we could run two bigpulses
Julia Charvolen:Christopher, in order to speak trhough your computer, your audio on your computer has to be connected
Julia Charvolen:so as your microphone
Christopher Wilkinson:On skype the mike works perfectly well. Connected to what?
Julia Charvolen:do you want us to dial out to you if you prefer?
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:if you click on the little phone ICON, it sasy "connect my audio"
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:on the top menu bar
Roberto:I'm fine with the option
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:I'm fine with the option
Christopher Wilkinson:You could dial out to: +32 479 396365 Thankyou
Julia Charvolen:sure Christopher
Christopher Wilkinson:In my comments I recognised more than one category of open domains.
Christopher Wilkinson:I have also argued that small community open domains do not need Registrars, at least initially.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:are you talking about domains at the third level, Evan ?
Roberto:You can cive away names for free if you have a business model that makes money in a different way
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:eg. putting ads on their pages
Heidi:Olivier, please state AIs as required
Heidi:Thanks, Olivier
Roberto:I think that our final doc can also include a comment sayiong that there could be other business models that have not been taken into account in this binary mode open/closed
Heidi:Matt is noting it
Evan Leibovitch:a) create two choices
Evan Leibovitch:b) Create a bigpulse poll containing those choices and an obstention
Evan Leibovitch:c) sent it to the ALAC for voting with s long voting period, which givves ALAC members a chance to consult with teir tregions
Evan Leibovitch:Deadline 5 March
Heidi:Thanks for Chairing, Olivier!
Evan Leibovitch:yes, thanks!
Silvia Vivanco:thank you
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:thanks everyone