AC Chat: 2017-08-15 At-Large Regional Leadership Call
Yesim Nazlar:Welcome to the At-Large Regional Leadership Call on Tuesday, 15 August 2017 at 14:30 UTC
Yesim Nazlar:Agenda:
Glenn McKnight:Muted
Glenn McKnight:Hi
Sarah Kiden:Hi everyone
Glenn McKnight:I will be speaking about the RALO Newsletters so here is the link
Ali AlMeshal:Hi Glenn , Sara , Satish
Glenn McKnight:Here is the ebook version
Glenn McKnight:
Satish Babu:Hi Ali
Satish Babu:Thanks Glenn, for the link.
Glenn McKnight:muted again
Silvia Vivanco:
Silvia Vivanco:Google doc above
Silvia Vivanco:Yesim will convert into PDF and will share it
Glenn McKnight:This is the TTF Magazine version of a newsletter focused on ICANN meetings
Glenn McKnight:
judith hellerstein:Yes it is the last one we did and for copenhagen
Silvia Vivanco:
Silvia Vivanco:Draft by NARALO is posted
Silvia Vivanco:on the wiki above and on screen
Glenn McKnight 2:Ed and myself worked on the criteria
Sarah Kiden:We can work with NARALO's and have some input instead of duplicating efforts
Glenn McKnight 2:As stated ISOC PR requested support for the ARIN on the ROAD in August in San Juan
Glenn McKnight 2:The page is shared on the criteria
Glenn McKnight 2:who, what, where, when and how
Sarah Kiden:Quicky scanned through NARALO's criteria. It is well written
Glenn McKnight 2:It will integrated with the NARALO Newsletter and blog posts
Glenn McKnight 2:Note that the NARALO request by Eduardo alligns with the NARALO CROP Strategic plan
Glenn McKnight 2:ARIN is the NA RIR and we have a MOU
Heidi Ullrich:3 weeks in advance with the FY18 year ending 30 June 2018
Maritza Aguero:Okay, many thanks
Sarah Kiden:We can inform our RALOs and ALSes about this
Silvia Vivanco:and we will add one column to document the activities funded
Silvia Vivanco:we can add pictures, social media posts, etc, this will be a good way to document the use of the funds
Sarah Kiden:Good idea about the pictures, social media, etc
Heidi Ullrich:+1 Glenn, document, document, document ;)
Maritza Aguero:Maybe you can add the links where pictures and repports are going to be made ...
Heidi Ullrich:And ask the organizer to note the fund :)
Glenn McKnight 2:Sure can
Glenn McKnight 2:The fare from San Francisco to San Jose is minor less than $100
judith hellerstein:@Sarah had a question
Sarah Kiden:Yes, regarding the deadline (sorry for taking you back). Just clarifying if there is a perioud to submit the reports, i.e, 3 weeks after activity, etc.
judith hellerstein:Why do you not consult the ALSes when completing the plan?
Sarah Kiden:Question for Heidi
judith hellerstein:In Naralo we do that
judith hellerstein:I agree with heidi
Glenn McKnight 2:As stressed the social media efforts are as important as a report. We have a long history of people not reaading reports. ie. Secretariat monthly reports as an example
judith hellerstein:Why can you not ask the ALSes what their suggestions are and then add them in
Glenn McKnight 2:We are confident that NARALO will utalize the funds this year
Heidi Ullrich:@Satish, I would suggest that we do add that the RALO's strategic outreach plan is included. We can add the links to the plans on the request form.
Glenn McKnight 2:Too little interest and too much interest are equal problems
Sarah Kiden:I can hardly hear Ali
Satish Babu:Thanks @Heidi.
Glenn McKnight 2:his volume is fine for me
Yesim Nazlar:@Ali: please speak closer to the mic
Glenn McKnight 2:I stress that we don;t repeat last years lack of participation
Heidi Ullrich:@Glenn, the fact that we are discussing this is more than was done last year ;)
Glenn McKnight 2:noted
Sarah Kiden:Yes
Humberto Carrasco 2:yes
judith hellerstein:yes
Ali AlMeshal:yes but not in specific
Sarah Kiden:+1 to Olivier
Glenn McKnight 2:nope
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, All!
Maritza Aguero:Dear all, just to let you know that on Monday 21st, august LACRALO call will be held and in this call we will explian to our community members about this At-Large Review in detail.
Humberto Carrasco 2:maritza is right
Glenn McKnight 2:Empowered Community
Glenn McKnight 2:yes
Glenn McKnight 2:ok
Glenn McKnight 2:will do
Heidi Ullrich:Time check - 40 mins
Sarah Kiden:Thank you Olivier
Ali AlMeshal:thanks Olivier
Glenn McKnight 2:yes thanks to all who contributed especially Cheryl, Holly and Maureen
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:They spent a considerable amount of time on the document.
Maritza Aguero:Thanks Olivier!
Silvia Vivanco:
judith hellerstein:Yes lots of work was done and Kudos to all
Glenn McKnight 2:I think the monthly calls are important but some of the RALO leaders don't show up
Silvia Vivanco:AFRALO has a page as well
Silvia Vivanco:
Silvia Vivanco:The AFRALO hot topics will be further developed
judith hellerstein:naralo has a hot topic as well
Silvia Vivanco:in the near future
Silvia Vivanco:and yes Judith NARALO also identified topics
Silvia Vivanco:in New Orleans
Glenn McKnight 2:We did a survey to find out their interests and helped shape the GA topics
Humberto Carrasco 2:Heidi, we wiull review this documents
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Humberto.
Humberto Carrasco 2:Can we have the links by email?
Heidi Ullrich:@Humerto, sure. We wil lsend it
Humberto Carrasco 2:Thanks a lot
Heidi Ullrich:It also is useful to show the Hot Policy Topics while you are doing outreach.
Silvia Vivanco:NARALO newsletters archives:
Yesim Nazlar:NARALO Newsletter:
Humberto Carrasco 2:Good idea Heidi
judith hellerstein:Good idea heidi
Glenn McKnight 2:
Heidi Ullrich:We can have LS translate the newletter
Glenn McKnight 2:another version is a magazine
Glenn McKnight 2:This we did for the TTF
Silvia Vivanco:Perhaps a quarterly newsletter would be doable
Heidi Ullrich:It could be done quarterly
Glenn McKnight 2:yes four times a year is more manable
Sarah Kiden:Covering my face because of the RALO montly reports :-)
Glenn McKnight 2:blushing
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:regional reports?
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:how are these shared?
Satish Babu::-)
judith hellerstein:Yes glenn does a great job!! I have edited and worked with him on the TTF magazine
Glenn McKnight 2:Post policy report
Heidi Ullrich:@Olivier - email
Glenn McKnight 2:Naralo plan is approved and we selected our first CROP traveller
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Olivier!
judith hellerstein:Yes NARALO one is approved by all
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:with apologies for not having had the EURALO outreach plan drafted earlier
judith hellerstein:first traveller was just approved by CROP staff
Glenn McKnight 2:I have an update on the IGF Geneva Booth
Glenn McKnight 2:We are approved for the booth
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:should CROP reps be aware of the correct locations?
Glenn McKnight 2:my comment is AOB
Heidi Ullrich:Congratulations, Glenn/All!!!
Heidi Ullrich:That is great news!
Sarah Kiden:Kudos! This is very good news!
Heidi Ullrich:If ICANN doesn't get their booth, hopefully you can share :)
Ali AlMeshal:@Heidi, what is next for those who have approved workshop in IGF (logistivs and others)
Silvia Vivanco:Congratulations!
Glenn McKnight 2:thanks
Glenn McKnight 2:sounds good
Humberto Carrasco:Congrats!!!
Glenn McKnight 2:correct
Ali AlMeshal:thanks
Heidi Ullrich:That meeting will be confirmed soon
Heidi Ullrich:Should travel be discussed in the SC on O/E?
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Maritza.
Sarah Kiden:Thank you. It was a great meeting.
Ali AlMeshal:thanks all
Satish Babu:Bye
judith hellerstein:bye all
Humberto Carrasco:bye all
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:Thanks everybody! Excellent call.
Heidi Ullrich:Bye. all!
Aida Noblia:Thanks . Bye all