AC Chat 2016-12-12 At-Large Technology Taskforce Call
Terri Agnew:Welcome to the At-Large Technology Taskforce Call held on Monday, 12 December 2016 at 15:00 UTC
Terri Agnew:agenda wiki page:
judith hellerstein:HI Terri
Glenn McKnight:morning
Glenn McKnight:Action item on MOBIle survey
Glenn McKnight:muted
judith hellerstein:muted
Satish Babu:Muted (phone)
Glenn McKnight:Big snow storm, showelling snow for past 1/2 hr
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello all
judith hellerstein:No snow here in dc
Glenn McKnight:@dev are asking from the other RALO's if someone wants to be vice chair
judith hellerstein:Wow Olivier I am impressed you made it on to the call while still travelling
Ariel Liang:No snow *yet* in DC :)
Glenn McKnight:6 inches
Glenn McKnight:of snow
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Winter in Trinidad : :-)
Ariel Liang:Dev - humble brag
Ariel Liang:Action Items:
Glenn McKnight:yes
Terri Agnew:Harold Arcos has joined ES audio
judith hellerstein:We asked about beacons and Josh had said they were too expensive
Satish Babu:Does beacons require hardware support (Bluetooth)?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Alfredo email :
Terri Agnew:Beran Gillen has joined
judith hellerstein:Welcome Beran
Glenn McKnight:Crowdcompass
Terri Agnew:finding the line
Glenn McKnight:no idea who used the app
Glenn McKnight:what they used
Glenn McKnight:This is the survey
judith hellerstein:Yes I have some refrasing of the sentences
judith hellerstein:we need separate questions for did you like it and use it
Glenn McKnight:i did
judith hellerstein:I used it but did not really like it
Glenn McKnight:i gavve you the edit rights
judith hellerstein:not really it says did you like it and use it.
Satish Babu:Tested the new Flashplayer on Ubuntu: AC works fine.
Alfredo Calderon:@Glenn, I would suggest a list of the options it has, so who used them can check them off a list. If not, skip the list.
Alfredo Calderon:With CrowdCompass you can have both features.
Justine Chew:Yes, I found the presence of 2 ICANN57 apps rather confusing
Glenn McKnight:I have an extensive list i can add
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:(Hi joining in through dial out and trying the computer but on the road, so I'm mostly via mobile)
judith hellerstein:I have no problems using safari. I am using it now
judith hellerstein:With the Meet Echo I spoke to Andrew Sullivan on this and he is putting me in contact with the person at the IETF who is in charge of this
judith hellerstein:Hope to do this in january
Glenn McKnight:@all as per Afredo's suggestion i have added the list of MOBI tools
Stuart Clark:Yep will try to get it sorted this week :)
Glenn McKnight:@judith is this a Mobi app?
Glenn McKnight:I added to the list , if not i will remove it
Terri Agnew:At-Large Technology Issues Page:
judith hellerstein:no it is a conferencing tool instead of adobe connect
judith hellerstein:Apparently it is still a problem. Olivier can speak to this
Ariel Liang:And Adobe Connect keeps crashing -- just crashed on me a minute ago
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:Timing out from IP address:
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:(that is the IP address used in the hotel in Guadalajara)
Mark Segall:Thanks Olivier - I've captured the IP for my discussion with the Meetings Technical Services Team
raitme citterio:@DEV: To test exo platform, it is not necessary for anyone to do hosting can be tested individually using this tool No need to pay to try
Terri Agnew:Welcome Ramanou BIAOU
Ramanou BIAOU:Hi, Thanks Agnew
raitme citterio:@DEV: To test exo platform, it is not necessary for anyone to do hosting can be tested individually using this tool No need to pay to try
Satish Babu:A permanent sandbox may be good to test some of these solutions....
Satish Babu:...rather than set up and tear down for each test.
Glenn McKnight:Don't forget we will test Matermost
Satish Babu:Also, not sure if we've discussed it, but another interesting tool is Riot:
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:agree on permanent sandboxes
Glenn McKnight:I updated the survey to add the list of .Mobi apps
Satish Babu:A periodic security advisory...
judith hellerstein:Yes I have had this issue
Glenn McKnight:SKYPE is just annoying, not from a technical point of view but it's a disorganized dump of random stuff
Terri Agnew:Welcome John Laprise
judith hellerstein:@ariel good idea
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:why not use the tool which the GNSO Council uses?
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:why re-invent the wheel?
Glenn McKnight:i just emailed for pre-confernce call to set up a demo
Sarah Kiden:I agree with Glenn about Skype
raitme citterio:@Glenn mattermost It's similar to Slack
Alfredo Calderon:@Glenn, Answered the Google Survey
Glenn McKnight:Raitme yes it is
Mark Segall:noted! ;-)
Glenn McKnight:Please look at the site they do a comparison to Hipchat and Slack under features
Harold Arcos:@raitme indeed is very similar
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Re: ICANN FY18 budget requests - an announcement is expected to be sent by ICANN Finance mid December 2016 re: budget request process for AC/SOs
Harold Arcos:my connection is very slow,,can't see AC screen actualized
Ariel Liang:@Harold: You can see the screenshots in the agenda page as well:
Terri Agnew:finding the line
Renata Aquino Ribeiro:adobe is flashing now on chrome on computer, very odd
Harold Arcos:Thanks @Terri
Test:Back on...
Ariel Liang:back now
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:there is a split between phone & AC
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:phones are not reconnected
Alfredo Calderon:Had to login again
Justine Chew 2:I had the mobile Adobe Connect, same experience as what Dev described
Corinna Ace:I need to drop off. Thanks everyone
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:the phone lines are still not reconnected
Daniel K. Nanghaka:I think we are now back
Alfredo Calderon:Back again
Daniel K. Nanghaka:That was a technology issue
Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:well that was a failed experiment
Alfredo Calderon:Lost audio for a while.
Terri Agnew:sorry all, audio is back up and running, if you have disconnected, please rejoin
judith hellerstein:for me there was no link
Harold Arcos:At last! I was able to return.
Alfredo Calderon:For me it just kicked me out of Adobe Connect and redirected to
Alfredo Calderon:Using a Mac Book Pro with firefox
Satish Babu:On Chrome/Ubuntu, kicked out without any link option...
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:was using chrome on Windows and only got a meeting has closed -
Sebastien (ALAC):Judith you don't get the sound issue because you join back after the glish ;)
Sebastien (ALAC):The didn't open
Justine Chew 2:Yes, agree with Ariel
Sebastien (ALAC):using Firefox
Sebastien (ALAC):I still have the page open
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:can you take a screenshot
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:,sebastien
Justine Chew 2:Worked as intended on mobille Adobe Connect, only issue was got disconnected from call
Alfredo Calderon:Different browsers and po- up blockers
judith hellerstein:i have a question
judith hellerstein:but my micrphone stopped working
Alfredo Calderon:She lost mic
Glenn McKnight:we can hear you
Glenn McKnight:Thanks
Harold Arcos:@Glenn, Survey completed past week. But not new version.
Harold Arcos:Thanks Interpreters Claudia and David.
Satish Babu:Thanks and good day!
Alfredo Calderon:Thank you! Same from here to all!
Harold Arcos:Thanks @Dev
Ariel Liang:thanks all!
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Thanks all