Zoom chat: 2020-09-08 ICANN69 Planning Committee Call

Zoom chat: 2020-09-08 ICANN69 Planning Committee Call

14:00:49 From Dave Kissoondoyal : Hello everyone
14:02:11 From Heidi Ullrich : Welcome, All.
14:02:47 From Amrita : Hi all
14:05:30 From Heidi Ullrich : Action Items: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99731175/Action+items+ICANN69+Planning+Committee+Call
14:07:59 From Gisella Gruber : Note TRACKS document is next on the agenda (listed) but NOT the exact same colours :-)
14:08:21 From Jonathan Zuck : Yellow looks administrative
14:08:28 From Heidi Ullrich : Three tracks of sessions corresponding to the three tracks of At-Large: Policy, O/E, and Operations
14:08:30 From Joanna Kulesza : My OCD is loving the color coding - thanks @GG!
14:09:31 From Jonathan Zuck : Would you like me to pre-record your intro for Wednesday?
14:10:03 From Joanna Kulesza : well, I don't have anything specific on that webinar but I know Natalia Glenn and the group have a detailed agenda for it
14:11:02 From Joanna Kulesza : nope
14:11:03 From Jonathan Zuck : I don’t think so
14:12:36 From Heidi Ullrich : Policy - puce; O/E - orange, Ops/Communications - yellow
14:13:56 From Sivasubramanian M : was away for a moment, what is the session immediately following the welcome, please?
14:13:59 From Heidi Ullrich : So under the policy track there are now 7 slots which are now named by their slot and their current topic. This includes the Joint ALAC/NCSG meeting and the EG/IG (OCL)
14:15:30 From Sivasubramanian M : i.e. what would be the topic
14:15:56 From Michel TCHONANG LINZE : Hi everyone
14:19:23 From Heidi Ullrich : Policy Slots: 

Week 1

1) TBD

2) TBD (End User Interests) - SSAC - HE?

Week 2

3) TBC - Joint ALAC/NCSG

4) TBD

5) Beyond Budapest (JK)


7) PICS (HR)
14:19:49 From Holly Raiche : Gisella - you are breaking up
14:19:50 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : poor audio at the start from G
14:20:07 From Gisella Gruber : I have tracking doc if easier to see
14:21:56 From JUDITH' hellerstein : hi do the RALO Secretary need to come to this session
14:22:11 From Heidi Ullrich : 2
14:22:55 From Heidi Ullrich : @Judith - Maureen has suggested that the updates would be from the ALT Plus leadership (including RALO Chairs). Secretaries /VCs are welcome to join.
14:23:53 From JUDITH' hellerstein : ok so we do not have to as it is 3am for me
14:26:57 From Amrita : is there some support we need from board we would want to take up
14:27:11 From Amrita : or some suggestion for improvement which can be achieved?
14:27:22 From Joanna Kulesza : I'd be inclined to pursue either: DNS Abuse or the evolution of the MS model
14:28:22 From Joanna Kulesza : @Amrita - support for getting the end user voice heard in the evolving MS model?
14:28:52 From Joanna Kulesza : good point @OCL! the definition of the end user should definitely be on our agenda
14:29:21 From Jonathan Zuck : Ooof. That would just open up a bunch of platitudes from the board, I think.
14:29:22 From Yrjo Lansipuro : Good idea, OCL
14:31:17 From Joanna Kulesza : you're echoing GG
14:31:34 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : @All: it is timely because two items that affect end users are going to land in front of the Board shortly: EPDP on Registration Data and the Subsequent Procedures. Both have a very high direct impact on end users and not solely on Registrants
14:32:25 From Jonathan Zuck : It’s definitely timely @OCL, I’m just not sure what we’re asking for that doesn’t require a structural change to ICANN. Should we ask for some kind of advice presumption like the GAC has?
14:32:40 From Joanna Kulesza : yes
14:32:59 From Holly Raiche : @ OCL - isn’t the context end user participation in the MSM?
14:33:01 From Joanna Kulesza : Thank you Heidi:)
14:33:29 From Amrita : Suggestion for question for the bOard: While most of the ICANN policies are build around the interest of business community, how can end user interest be built by design for future policies.
14:33:36 From Jonathan Zuck : Yes, Holly. OUR context for this discussion is not the IETF but the MSM discussions in which we are already engaged.
14:33:50 From Holly Raiche : @ JZ - exactly - what is the implication of the RFC for the MSM
14:33:58 From Joanna Kulesza : +1 Holly
14:34:31 From Jonathan Zuck : There are ZERO implications of the RFC to the MSM at ICANN. It’s nothing more than an a bit of an endorsement of our desire to have more influence.
14:34:47 From Holly Raiche : Better timing - but what is the topic?
14:34:58 From Heidi Ullrich : PiCs
14:35:00 From Holly Raiche : @ JZ
14:35:03 From Jonathan Zuck : Congrats Holly!
14:35:10 From Joanna Kulesza : isn't that where we want the MSM model to evolve @JZ? giving us more impact?
14:35:31 From Holly Raiche : Thanks - back to JZ - back to PICs we still need to develop the proposal
14:35:44 From Jonathan Zuck : Yes, Joanna, so the IETF RFC (which doesn’t yet even mean anything to THEM) is just a reminder of the need but there’s no direct impact of that RFC on ICANN, that’s all.
14:36:13 From Holly Raiche : @ JZ - aren’t we saying that there should BE AN IMPACT, WHICH IS….
14:38:41 From Heidi Ullrich : So we have 7 policy slots. If there are not topics for all 7, these sessions can be cancelled.
14:40:03 From Jonathan Zuck : @Amrita, ICANN isn’t necessarily pro-biz but pro contracted party. That’s why we find ourselves often partnering with the biz community on things like DNS Abuse but there’s still something to the question.
14:40:27 From Gisella Gruber : NCSG is NOT yet confirmed during week 1 - working with staff support
14:40:30 From Heidi Ullrich : Slot 1 - TBD;
14:40:37 From Heidi Ullrich : Slot 2- NCSG (pending)
14:40:50 From Heidi Ullrich : Slot 3 - TBD
14:40:55 From Heidi Ullrich : Slot 4 - TBD
14:41:05 From Heidi Ullrich : Slot 5 Beyond Budapest
14:41:12 From Heidi Ullrich : Slot 6 IG/EG
14:41:22 From Heidi Ullrich : Slot 7 PICs
14:41:24 From Amrita : JZ yes agree..the question needs better framing. But my point was to emphasise and get Board to agree that when policies are formulated the end user interest should be embeded by defauly
14:41:28 From Amrita : default
14:42:13 From Joanna Kulesza : Seems we need to fit in Seb's proposal/s and Hadia's one?
14:42:23 From Heidi Ullrich : @JZ, staff tried to accommodate the requests for slots to plug sessions into
14:42:26 From Holly Raiche : I gather the possibility of something on digital platforms has died? (and since I am doing something on PICs - that’s fine)
14:42:53 From Heidi Ullrich : @HR, I believe OCL’s IG session will include platforms
14:42:58 From Joanna Kulesza : @Holly, that's OCL's session, firmly confirmed to my best understanding
14:43:18 From Jonathan Zuck : Joint session with NCSG, tentatively slot 2
14:43:28 From Holly Raiche : so OCL - when is your slot - and am I part of it?
14:43:59 From Joanna Kulesza : Slot 6 @Holly
14:44:37 From Holly Raiche : (actually, something on digital platforms in the context of the European context makes sense in light of their consultation on digital platform directive
14:45:01 From Joanna Kulesza : +1 Holly - I believe this item will be accomodated in OCL's session
14:45:24 From Heidi Ullrich : @HR, that topic may be discussed during the two European sessions.
14:45:34 From Holly Raiche : @ OCL/JK - what do you want from me - what angle and duration????
14:45:41 From Heidi Ullrich : Again - there is no obligation to fill all the slots.
14:46:00 From Amrita : good suggestion JZ
14:46:03 From Joanna Kulesza : +1 Holly - it's slot 6 on platforms and IG that OCL is running
14:46:51 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Keep say9ng it @Heidi the group may yet even take note and not jam all slots full... But I live in hope
14:47:33 From Heidi Ullrich : I’m hearing of Zoom fatigue, yet seeing all possible sessions filled...
14:48:11 From Jonathan Zuck : Oh THAT’S a nice way to present it! Thanks G!
14:48:31 From Gisella Gruber : My pleasure JZ - thought you may prefer this
14:49:04 From Holly Raiche : @ OCL - could I go first in slot 6 session. it is REALLY late in Sydney
14:49:12 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : So we are insisting on packing each slot fine... ^^ SIGH^^
14:49:21 From Heidi Ullrich : Policy Session topics: 1) Media Content Directive - The new GDPR? ; 2) UN Cybercrime Treaty proposed by the Council of Europe; 3)  Vulnerabilities Equities Processes
; 4) Educational Outreach on DNS Abuse (using break out/whiteboards); 5) Consumer Protection post-GDPR; 

IG Session (hosted by OCL) - Add Australian Report on Digital Platforms -what is in the final report and what has happened since then
14:49:53 From Jonathan Zuck : I’m not sure I even know what “all slots is.” it’s not all available times during the meeting, just the slots we identified for policy, that’s all, right?
14:50:08 From Heidi Ullrich : @JK - the European sessions are not a replacement fo for the GA - the GA is moving to November.
14:50:31 From Heidi Ullrich : @JZ - the 7 Policy slots as slot 4 is still open
14:51:19 From Joanna Kulesza : Thank you @Maureen! I'm perfectly satisfied with the sessions that are on the slide already.
14:51:38 From Gisella Gruber : SORRY! Was happy I could raise my hand - forgot to lower
14:51:39 From Joanna Kulesza : Thank you for the clarification @Heidi.
14:52:07 From Holly Raiche : Do we ned the PICs session - JZ and I haven’t finalized its content???
14:52:36 From Joanna Kulesza : You got fans @Holly - we shouldn't disappoint them ;)
14:54:00 From Holly Raiche : Thanks JK - I will already be part of the European session - and happy with what JZ is suggesting
14:54:25 From Holly Raiche : A JX -YES - great proposal
14:54:51 From Holly Raiche : Maybe - talking about PICS
14:55:26 From Joanna Kulesza : a firesite chat?
14:55:44 From Holly Raiche : @ JK - perfect
14:55:57 From Heidi Ullrich : Is this for Slot 4 or Slot 7?
14:55:57 From Jonathan Zuck : PICS & RVC: Understanding the Challenges
14:56:09 From Heidi Ullrich : That is Slot 7, correct?
14:56:15 From Jonathan Zuck : right
14:56:18 From Jonathan Zuck : 60min
14:56:19 From Amrita : yes we will have to change that part
14:56:22 From Heidi Ullrich : What about Slot 4?
14:57:06 From Heidi Ullrich : @JZ, what is the title for Slot 1?
14:57:18 From Holly Raiche : Slot 4 - is empty - which is okay
14:57:25 From Jonathan Zuck : Recommendations for ICANN Reform: Developing an At-Large Perspective
14:58:09 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : can you use Recommendation Prioritisation rather than just "Recommendations'
14:58:10 From Jonathan Zuck : Sure, let it go
14:58:35 From Heidi Ullrich : Thanks, JZ for the title and confirming re slot 4
14:58:49 From Jonathan Zuck : Sure, Cheryl. It’s not even just prioritization but duplication, contradiction, retirement, etc. etc.,, right?
14:59:10 From Jonathan Zuck : I might even ask you to lead the session, Cheryl!
14:59:22 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : hmph
14:59:39 From Amrita : Thanks a lot everyone.bye
14:59:56 From Joanna Kulesza : don't think so
15:00:03 From Holly Raiche : Maybe that could be slot 4???
15:00:07 From Amrita : I did not see it
15:00:33 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong : ALAC and RALO WG stratégy session
15:00:53 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Week 1 makes sense for breakouts etc.,
15:01:40 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : workshop
15:01:52 From Holly Raiche : If the PICs session is now 90 minutes, we can swap with Slot 4 - so Slot 4 could be PICs and Slot 7 could be the DNS abuse internal discussion???
15:02:55 From Gisella Gruber : NOTE - all our sessions are in Zoom MEETING rooms
15:03:39 From Gisella Gruber : Please note we have interpretation - please don’t speak at the same time - very challenging
15:04:03 From Gisella Gruber : NOTE - this will NOT be supported by Meetings Team and we will not have recordings either
15:04:38 From JUDITH' hellerstein : yes Jonathan knows this
15:06:49 From Holly Raiche : I like the suggestion
15:06:57 From Amrita : agree JZ
15:07:01 From Heidi Ullrich : So, having a break out with no recordings or staff support will require full planning on the part of the community
15:07:05 From JUDITH' hellerstein : I support Jonathan
15:07:33 From Jonathan Zuck : And we’ll do the full planning. It has already begun. Again, we may fail but we’ll experiment.
15:08:13 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : Exactly SeB
15:08:31 From Jonathan Zuck : Thanks Seb. As the primary voice for more interactive meetings, after EVERY SINGLE SESSION that we had during the past meetings, I’m happy to have your support on this.
15:08:52 From Amrita : Your perspective is valid Sebastian
15:09:26 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : What is wrong with week 1 anyway...
15:09:47 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr : but whatever...
15:09:51 From Amrita : but we should raise our voice on why ICANN meeting should be more open and interactive..using logic
15:10:08 From Heidi Ullrich : Bye, all
15:10:11 From Daniel Nanghaka - English : Bye all
15:10:13 From Dave Kissoondoyal : Thanks and bye to all
15:10:15 From Michel TCHONANG LINZE : Great meeting, thank staff and all; bye bye
15:10:15 From Hanan Khatib : thank you all