At-Large Questions for ICANN69

At-Large Questions for ICANN69

ALAC/Board Meeting

Board Topic to the ALAC:

In preparation for our meetings, the Board has chosen the following topic to have an open discussion with you:

  • Enhancing the effectiveness of the Multistakeholder model: key issues and opportunities for acceleration. In your preparation you may want to consider the results of the most recent public consultation, and work that has progressed with dependencies to enhancing the effectiveness of the MSM (such as the ATRT3 report and work on prioritization and budgeting). 

ALAC Topic/Questions to the Board:

ALAC - Board session @ICANN69

A. Introduction by Maureen - 5 mins

B. At-Large response to the Board MSM Question -  to be addressed on 2 points by the following speakers (25 mins total):

        a. Leadership issues - Marita (7 mins max)

        b.Structural issues - Sebastian (7 mins max)

        c. Board -ALAC discussion (11 mins)

C. At-Large Questions to the Board - to be introduced by the following speakers (25 mins total)

        a. How do we measure effectiveness -- both with respect to MSM and more generally. How do we get to the goals and objectives that make such evaluation possible? - Jonathan (5 mins max)

        bMSM requires large amounts of social capital. How do we avoid social capital leakage as the pandemic drags on. What kinds of experiments is ICANN willing to engage in? - Joanna (5 mins max)

        -- How to make the virtual environment more engaging for people

        -- Better recognition of volunteer commitment

        -- Regional meetings, better tools

        c. Board-ALAC discussion (15mins)

D. Wrapup - Maureen and Maarten (5mins)