Zoom chat: 2020-09-22 ICANN69 Planning Committee Call
00:17:10 Judith Hellerstein: it would not be a meeting without Maureen’s rooster
00:17:19 Maureen Hilyard: LOL
00:17:33 Joanna Kulesza: Just for the record: my entire family is sending their best greetings to Fred the Rooster. Thanks for passing these on Maureen.
00:17:43 Filina Natalia: hi all! again
00:18:03 Holly Raiche: We ALL love the rooster
00:18:05 joen douh: I am also here :P
00:18:06 Judith Hellerstein: the rooster is named Fred?
00:18:22 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: All her Roosters are named "Fred"
00:18:32 Filina Natalia: Fred!!!-))) we love him all
00:18:38 Judith Hellerstein: ha ha
00:18:49 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: or perhaps soup if she can catch them ;-)
00:19:11 Filina Natalia: no, Fred is not for soup!!!!
00:19:51 Joanna Kulesza: got the description confirmed as well @Gisella, for the NCSG session that is
00:19:51 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: ok stock then scraggy roosters can be tough ;-)
00:20:04 Filina Natalia: haha-)))
00:20:12 Gisella Gruber: @Joanna - yes saw that thank you
00:20:34 Judith Hellerstein:
00:21:04 hadia Elminiawi: hello all
00:21:45 Heidi Ullrich: Action Items are being taken here: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99731175/Action+items+ICANN69+Planning+Committee+Call
00:23:23 Glenn McKnight: ICANN and Human Rights piece by Article 19
00:23:24 Glenn McKnight: https://internetgovernancehub.blog/2020/09/22/icann-one-year-on-from-its-first-human-rights-impact-assessment/
00:24:14 Joanna Kulesza: interesting coincidence @Glenn;) isn't it?
00:24:20 Judith Hellerstein: are these times UTC or European times
00:24:42 Filina Natalia: UTC and CEST on wiki
00:24:57 Joanna Kulesza: @Gisella, the description is confirmed by the NCSG w few hours ago, so we're good to go
00:24:59 Filina Natalia: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99641086/ICANN69+-+October+2020
00:26:17 Jonathan Zuck: Not really a policy session. Both of the sessions I suggested are not actually policy. One is about recs which is OFBWG and one is O&E. I'll do descriptions but perhaps we need to identify volunteers to moderate and I would assist them as ALAC vChair (as opposed to CPWG hat)
00:29:09 hadia Elminiawi: We heard you
00:29:13 hadia Elminiawi: thanks
00:29:55 Jonathan Zuck: Happy to do the descriptions and to be a backup to moderate. On it.
00:31:47 hadia Elminiawi: Ok sure Gizella
00:32:24 Gisella Gruber: @Hadia - my pleasure!
00:32:29 Gisella Gruber: Let me know a good time for you
00:32:55 hadia Elminiawi: @Gizella would tomorrow 11:00 UTC be a good time for you?
00:33:40 hadia Elminiawi: @Gizella thanks again if not please suggest alternatives
00:35:29 DANIEL K. NANGHAKA: we have a draft session description for O&E
00:36:48 Filina Natalia: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11ULE1cUSrFbRPWlOSoOdb767gV_oj4nfMg_czY83hgk/edit
00:36:54 Filina Natalia: our SoMe plan
00:37:11 hadia Elminiawi: Thanks Natalia for the link
00:42:21 Jonathan Zuck: I think it would be helpful to produce a few social media images that folks can use when they post, if they don't take a photo. Posts with images are seen and shared by more people. That possible?
00:42:42 Filina Natalia: https://twitter.com/EUCyberDirect/status/1306265975000629249?s=20
00:44:31 Filina Natalia: thank you all!
00:45:07 Jonathan Zuck: Спасибо
00:46:34 Filina Natalia: СПАСИБО-)
00:46:47 Jonathan Zuck: Natalia, let me know what you need from me, in terms of video.
00:47:11 hadia Elminiawi: yes we can hear you
00:47:59 hadia Elminiawi: great idea
00:52:08 Heidi Ullrich: @Seb, a poll?
00:52:16 Heidi Ullrich: Or green check marks?
00:52:49 Filina Natalia: It will be great 2 sessions! well represented and interesting
00:54:13 Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: Olivier is here too :-)
00:54:49 Filina Natalia: -)
00:57:22 Sébastien Bachollet: @Heidi yes like a poll
00:57:56 Joanna Kulesza: Caroline Greer will be joining us for your session then @OCL?
00:59:07 Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: I asked her
00:59:34 Joanna Kulesza: She's great, fingers crossed for Caroline saying yes.
00:59:54 Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: I need to convince her. She's been a bit reticent. New job and she's somehow out of the ICANN world
01:00:28 Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: I also know Patrick Ryan who used to be a Google
01:00:51 Sébastien Bachollet: She left ICANN arena and told me no to my session
01:01:43 Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond: she said no to me too - but as I said, I need to convince her ;-)
01:03:56 AK Oloyede: I hope as we think of speakers we think of non European and non American speakers
01:04:41 hadia Elminiawi: I shall need to leave now - bye for now
01:05:48 Joanna Kulesza: thanks all!
01:05:49 Heidi Ullrich: Thanks, All.
01:05:50 Hanan Khatib: thank yo and sorry for being late
01:05:53 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Bye for now!
01:06:10 Sébastien Bachollet: We are in Europe
01:06:13 Heidi Ullrich: Friendly reminder re Board questions due 5 Octrober
01:06:13 Judith Hellerstein: Patrick Ryan is now with tiktock
01:06:16 Filina Natalia: great evening with all of you! thanks bye