Action Items 2016.06.01 EURALO Bylaws Taskforce Call
- 1. All of section 12 of the current by laws shall be removed. Olivier Crépin-Leblond to send this change to the mailing list and if no objections this proposal shall be adopted (only internally for purposes of this WG)
- 2. General Assembly discussion: The AGM is equivalent to Ordinary GA.
- 3. Review and edits of document " Statutory Governing bodies:
A. 2) The General Assembly is composed of the representatives of the Members IN ACCORDANCE to the Rules of Procedure of Association
A 3) Approved as is
4. iv) Election of members representing European Region at the ALAC and at the other ICANN’s structures and groups. TO THE EXTENT POSSIBLE, the selected representatives SHOULD represent different ALSes, SHOULD have their principal residence in different countries of the region and their nationalities SHOULD be different. To the extent of possible, DIVERSITY AMONG/OF THE MEMBERS, gender balance and regional balance within Europe shall be fostered.
5. An ordinary General Assembly of the Association shall be organized at least once per year. approved as it is
6. Wherever possible, an ANNUAL General Assembly shall be held in connection with AN ICANN International Meeting which is held in Europe. Where the General Assembly so provides, it shall be left to the Chair of Association to convene the General Assembly by invitation to all members due to the Rules of Procedure.
Said invitation shall include at least the following:
i. The draft agenda;
ii. The draft ANNUAL report of the Chair of Association
7. The General Assembly may take place via a physical meeting at a specific place, or via electronic means, or via a combination of both due to the procedure described in the Rules of Procedure. The details of the same have to be made clear in the invitation. The means of holding the General Assembly shall ensure that all ALSes are able to participate and on the same footing. approved as is
8. Any Member may submit an item for the agenda via e-mail by sending it to the EURALO MAILING LIST at least two weeks prior to the date upon which the General Assembly shall commence
9. APPROVED as is.
10. The General Assembly shall determine whether or not items on the draft agenda shall be modified, deleted, or further items added to the Agenda as part of its work, including whether or not to consider any items submitted to it. (this article will be discussed further in the next call)
- Terri Agnew to send a doodle for a call the week of June 13th